(3 replies, posted in PASER)

I will try to make it, schedule allowing.

I know I’m a little late to the party but I too am curious about no independent front wheels. My better cars all have them. It costs almost nothing to convert cars with alloy wheels, so it can’t be cost.


(6 replies, posted in Track)

Can’t wait to try it out

Why only 20k motors?

Congrats on winning Howie. I had a good time racing at Rapid Raceway this season and seem to be getting better at it...  maybe tongue

Black CanAm cars all the time for me please


(7 replies, posted in PASER)

Amen brother except maybe once….


(7 replies, posted in PASER)

wb0s wrote:

Rubbing hell.......bump 'em till ya punt 'em!

Worked well until you broke your car. I maintain it was collision damage :-)


(7 replies, posted in PASER)

Thanks for hosting Bob. I went home and removed all weight from my car and began installing new. Thanks John for the pic. Hopefully I won’t be such a menace next race, but it was fun tangling with Bill while it lasted



(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

I am honored to have run the Flyer for one run down the hill at the Derby. R.I.P. Dennis you will be missed


(64 replies, posted in Events)

That may not have copied correctly. It’s in one of Stan’s posts on page 1 of this thread


(64 replies, posted in Events)

Here ya go:
https://www.hrwforum.com/forum/proxy-ra … proxy-2023 … ild-thread

So, is this postponed for now?

I'm going to need help with address and directions. You can PM or email me if you don't want to put it on here publicly.

Are we going straight to racing or are you going to qualify them prior to Saturday?

I can make that work

I should be able to make it. What time are you thinking?

stumbley wrote:

You're absolutely right. I'm thinking about 3/30. Anybody available then?

I will have to let you know after I check with the Mrs.

Aaww, shucks.

Thank you for the fine reporting guys.  It was a long but fun day of racing. I escaped with only minor body damage and no mechanical issues, a rarity for me at times.

docdoom wrote:

No up grades needed with the sideways  cars. That BMW and  Ford gt  are bone stock. Just glue and trued tires and little weight.

Stock rubber??

I’m good with either, I know that’s pretty noncommittal. I have Scaly cars but would need to purchase the other brands and they are rather pricey to buy and upgrade


(3 replies, posted in Gorge Raceway)

Thanks Bob, I had fun despite loosing my wheel multiple times. I must learn to be better prepared.

Weekends are better for me


(21 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

kidvolt wrote:

You only need TWO cars.  I'm sure we can find something beyond the Fickle Fiats of Fate.

Of course we could, but why would we? Fiats are loved and loathed across the globe.