(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

wb0s wrote:

Ohhhhh.....that is so NOT what I have pictured in my mind!!!!!

Dirty boy, dirty boy!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

I think you should re-spray them brown and add eyes, ears and a mouth as they kind of remind me of an anteater.

It was a enjoyable night of racing despite the damage to my once pristine 962.  Doc and I had several intense battles, some won and some lost by each, but what great fun. Thanks to Bill as always for the hospitality and especially for the extra coffee.

Here's a pic of the dive plane/canard.



(69 replies, posted in Events)

I have Porsche's for the first set. I do have a Ferrari but not sure I'm willing to risk damaging it by racing, especially with the higher speeds at Howie's.  No car for 3rd set.


(42 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)

They fit the Slot.it Prototypes (Audi, Lola) and the McLaren Gt-1's plus other European (Avant, Spirit, Black Arrow) brands that use the larger tires. Question, do you need original tires only or will Indy Grips work as well?


(42 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)

You sure can, remind me next week and I'll bring them to Odd Thursday. Do you have tires to fit the SCX GT cars? You also should make some 17x10 Slot.it tires as well.


(42 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)

I've got an older Carrera Ferrari F1 but not sure if the same tires fit the newer ones.


(69 replies, posted in Events)

kidvolt wrote:

I think we should stick with a single brand to allow those from out of town to more easily match up.

I would have to say that I agree.  KISS method is usually a good way to go.


(69 replies, posted in Events)

When I had the body from Brutus on it's original Champion chassis it would wheelie down the whole straight at Howie's with out the Cockerham modification.  Modification added, it only wheelied slightly sometimes.


(69 replies, posted in Events)

kidvolt wrote:

The was a chain...  Taco Man.  We always referred to is as the Tacoman.  (That's Ta-Ko-mun for my phonetically challenged friends)

Oh, I am fully aware what you were implying I was merely poking fun at your improper use of the apostrophe :-)


(7 replies, posted in Track)

I've seen or heard about that club on one of the forums. I'm sure they would welcome you as the post I saw was about someone visiting/racing with them.


(69 replies, posted in Events)

Tacos for every man? Was that Tacomans or Taco man's and who is taco man?

I too had fun last night and I only broke one car, plus I managed to hook up my controller correct every time.  I do owe certain people a little help off the track next time out and they know who they are. ;-)


(220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Just feel the love....


(258 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Great stuff Beau, thanks for sharing.


(220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

wb0s wrote:

I just can't do the "Salvation Army" thing or use the term "garbage"!!!

Most, if not all of these items were not slot related, so you can breathe easier. My shop had become the catch all for unwanted items.


(220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

howie wrote:

Ok, I have waited long enough to add my two cents. I have been up to Bill's man cave, shortly after that I informed him that he has earned the top spot and I crowned him the new "Slot Car Slut". Nobody that I know of is into this hobby like he is. Of course that is what I said about the last guy that wore the crown, but it is going to be hard as hell to dethrone Bill!!

Long live the king!!

I could take it no more last night.  The brake rheostat for my controller was waiting for me when I got home and I brought it down to the shop and tripped on something (air mattress). At that point I decided that something had to be done.  I finally stopped at 10 pm and I'm still not completely done cleaning, chucking and rearranging.  I have filled a 55 gallon garbage sack and have a 12" high stack of flattened cardboard boxes along with a large pile for Salvation Army.  On the plus side, I found the missing wheel/tire for Ninco Megane and the exhaust pipes for the Lotus 49 that have been missing since the last time I decided to burn up my controller by hooking it up backwards.

If he was French, he could be Doc Deux M.

docdoom wrote:

Rico had the fast lap of 6.5 with no brakes.

Maybe I should run without them more often?  Truthfully, I did have some brakes thanks to what I call the magic little switch. Thank you Jim DiFalco.  For most cars it is simply too much brake and I seldom use it. 

BTW, I wish I had a 6.5 lap but in reality it was an 8.5 something.

I've done some playing around on the Lotus and I don't see any way to make use of a solid axle as the axle would be on the same plane as the chassis/guide holder.  It would just take too much modification and the car would end up either nose up or nose down.  However, all is not lost using the existing components and a judicious use of glue in the right spots.  We'll see if it works next Thursday at the Koub's.

I think it was a clean sweep for Monte, he even won the proxy race.  Overall a fun night of racing despite all of my failures.  I've already ordered a new brake pot and some 14x6 wheels for the Lotus.  I just have to figure out how mount a solid axle without destroying the suspension detail. I think this car has promise once I sort it out so be alert because everyone knows we need more lerts.


(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

kidvolt wrote:

Slot cars, men, slot cars.

Let's save the restaurant reviews for live time.  hmm

Oh come on: Like it's the first time we have conversed about food instead of slot cars on this forum.  Besides slot cars, it's our 2nd favorite topic. big_smile


(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

kidvolt wrote:

Doc, hold him down, I'll twist his arm.

Okay, okay I give.


(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

I might be persuaded

I was right in not running my Policar Lotus last race. After some careful disassembly I found one of the lead wires had broken off at the guide.  I am going to replace both wires just to be safe.