I'm interested in the IPS series, but have no clue as what cars would be legal. Is there a rtr car you could suggest, that I could get my feet wet with so to speak.
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The NASTE Forum → Posts by CascadeMike
I'm interested in the IPS series, but have no clue as what cars would be legal. Is there a rtr car you could suggest, that I could get my feet wet with so to speak.
That sounds very interesting! Is there a series you would reccommend for someone just starting out? I would probably need a month or two to put one together. I don't care about the style of car, or type of racing. I would just love to build a car and have it raced.
Looks like the next NASTE race is Dec. 4th, where would that be at? And what times are the races? Not sure if I would be able to drive home the same day, or I should stay overnight in town.
If I wanted to come up and race with you guys, what car should I buy to be able to run the most races? I like 1/32 best however.
Oakridge is to small to have any functions closely related to slot cars. Nor hobby stores. Eugene would be the closest, with the hobby store about an hour away from Oakridge.
Interesting, that I hear there is so little to do in our town, yet............ oh well. My only other thought, we do have a bowling alley that struggles, might contact them about holding a slot car race there, maybe let them help get the word out. Otherwise, I think I will try the holiday festival.
Thanks for the support.
Unfortunately, no one showed up for my club meeting last night.
I might get a booth for the December holiday festival here in town. Maybe that would spark some interest.
I've been getting my track ready to go portable, to my local activity center this friday for my first club meeting. I've ran adds in the local paper, with my email address So far, no replies. But, maybe a few will just show up.
I ended up nailing, and glueing my track to the base. So I'm hoping when putting it on edge to go through doorways, it will resemble the track I remember upon being layed flat again!
The plan is to run Artin Stockers. As I have about 7. Should make for a good beginner car, I know mine has a taken a fair amount of abuse.
Oh, lastly, I've named my track, Cascade Raceway.
I tried to add some patches to my crew's uniforms. At first it resembled a cryptic face! A painter I am not! But, I touched up some things, and though not real happy with the results, I think just dabbing some paint on could work.
I painted three more pit crew members for another car. The lighting is bad. I guess I'm not much of a camera man either!
I was wondering, has anyone tried decoupaging a small "decal" on? To mimic those big patches on the back of a uniform.
I'm taking another step in trying to form a slot car club here in Oakridge. I rented a room at my local activity center building, for Oct. 22nd. I'll take my track there, with some cars, and hopefully have some folks show up. I'm advertising in the local paper, plus putting out some flyers.
Thanks Monte and Bill. I've been debating about trying to add some patches to their suits. Maybe like just dabbing a little paint here and there. I guess I should just give it a try and see how it looks.
I bought two sets of Scalextric pit crews, one with suits in all silver, and the other all blue. I hand painted three of the silver ones so far. With a little practice, I think they will look good when I get a pit lane for my track.
[img]paste the direct link from Photobucket[/img]
Wow! 1 inch divided by 84 feet, let's see, multiply 84 by.................. well anyway, that is mighty impressive!
I just received the Pyramid 22 amp power supply I bought online. It's probably overkill for my two lane track, and the three lane track I would like to build, but seems to be a pretty popular power supply. It's heavier than I thought it would be (no, I didn't look at the spec's that close before ordering), which in trying to keep my track portable, well, I guess I need the exercise anyway. I like the idea of adjustable voltage. Can't wait to try it out.
I think that's the one. Though I've only raced 1/24 cars a couple of times.......... I might be a better spectator!
Thanks Rico. Maybe for the best, sorta pushes me into building one!
I think I would like to keep my lane spacing for 1/32 and smaller, since I'm on such a tight space, if I build one.
How can I contact Dave?
That's good to hear. And having a track right now, I could continue using it till I finished building one.
Do you know what the recommended slot depths and widths for routed tracks should be?
What was Dave's track like?
Thanks Monte. Maybe my Carrera 1/43 idea wasn't a good one. And maybe the SCX or Artin 1/43 cars would work, as far as guide width. But I still have the rail issue, and the track not being perfectly flat. Cars with lots of ground clearance are ok. Just seems everything has to be too perfect with my track!
I'm sure I'm going to switch tracks, just not sure if I want to build one, or go with Scaley.
I'm hoping to come up Oct. 16th.
Well, I'm beginning to become very frustrated with the track I bought several years ago. Mostly my fault, for not having researched it more. But I'm thinking about building a track.
Right now I have a 2 lane Ninco track, sorta double U shaped on each end, on 4' x 8' plywood. I'm curious if it's realistic to build a routed 1/32, 3 lane track on 4' x 8' plywood similar to what I have now. I have very limited space, and I would like the track to be portable. I'm not interested in a 1/43 scale track, though I may race that scale on this track.
Seems to me, that since Ninco track is wide, and the turns very broad, maybe I could make a 3 lane track in the same space, with somewhat same design. I'm not concerned about a fast track, in fact, I prefer more of a drivers track so to speak.
Anyway, like to hear your thoughts.
Well, the good news. I like the cars.
Bad news. Though minor, both cars look identical, different paint and decal schemes, but the bodies are the same, even though one is marked as a Dodge, and the other a Chevrolet.
The major dissappointment however, was that they would not run on my Ninco track. Which, I have pretty much decided to replace with something else, maybe Scalextric. One problem is the slot width. Even after dremeling out the width of my track slots some time ago, I still had to file down the guides on the Carrera Go cars. And then, because Ninco rails are just above the track surface, and Ninco is so soft of a plastic, it rarely lays completely flat, the cars high centered on the rails in the turns! After over an hour of trying to fuss with the cars to get them to run, I gave up. Gave up on Ninco track anyway.
Hopefully in a short while, with a new track, I can report again what I think of the cars.
According to those on Slot Car Illustrated, nails are used to attach Ninco track to the base. Which, doesn't seem like the world's best design, but even the Ninco rep stated that is the best method. Pre drill the track very close to the edge, then carefully nail it down. I will find out soon enough.
Thanks for adding more photos Bill. Fun to see the progress.
Wish I had the room to do something like that........... I know I could fit a routed track in our living room........ specially after me and all my stuff got moved out!!
I just bought 2 Carrera Nascar Go cars, to try on my Ninco track. I still have visions of trying to form a slot car club here in Oakridge, and thought the 1/43 cars might be an option considering their a little more budget friendly.
Anyway, I will try them out on my track, and report my thoughts.
I will take a look at those mirror hanging brackets. Thanks for the SCI suggestion, I'm going to give that a try too.
Thanks Bill.
Thanks! I should have mentioned that this track is 4' x 8', and that I will be keeping it portable. So it needs to be able to be turned somewhat on it's side to go through door ways. Think enough glue spots would work, or should I fasten it by mechanical means?
The NASTE Forum → Posts by CascadeMike
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