(7 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Randowm photos from the race:

This was the grid for the 11 entries.

In the "Concours" Award judging there was initially a tie between these two cars.

Ken Palfenier (Gearloose's son) took over his Dad's spot in the pits and on the track. He represented his father well!

It's always great to see Mitch at the races!

Frank Lynn (pictured right) was able to make it out during his recovery from heart surgery. He looked well and raced well!

Gerry on his way to reslot his car during practice.

Hersch enjoying just one of the luxury chairs situated around the track.

Jerry is always fun at the races!

And there is sits...the world renowned PASER WEENER CUP! For those not in the know, the plaque was supposed to read "PASER Weekly Winner Cup", but the letters were too large......So we ended up with:

Random photos from Even Thursday at Rob's Redline Raceway.....

Jerry "Weddle It Be" and Bob "Nak Nak" get in some practice laps before the race.

Track owner Rob watching the practice session.

Redline Raceway is a very fast layout with excellent flow. The action happens quickly on this track!

Redline Raceway has the best pit area on our circuit of tracks!

Gerry and Hersch "Squirt" getting in some practice laps.

The second race of the night, also a one round four minute heat race, was for the Flexi class. Racing the Flexi clas on this track is totally insane! The cars are so fast and there is very little room between them to make passes. Clean pases are rare and difficult to execute!

Here are the Flexi race results:

Bob Nakamura scored a clean sweep of the night gaining two more "fence posts" on the PASER WEENER CUP! Congrats Bob!

Thanks to Rob for a fantastic night of racing! Rob always has the best cookies and chairs, not to mention one of the classiest racing facilities in our area!

On June 8th 2024 PASER returned to Redline Raceway in vancouver for another Even Thursday race. For this race the track owner (Rob) chose the Womp and Flexi classes for the feature races for the night. A few of us racers met for a bite to eat at Billygun's before the race.Once we were full we proceeded to the track.

Redline Raceway with its narrow four inch lane spacing provides for some exciting racing! If you can make a lap without "contacting" another car you are either way out front, or way behind! Even in the first race with the narrow Womp chassis cars, we were mixing it up pretty well!

Here are the results from the Womp race:

The results point out two things; 1. the Womps perform very well on this track, and 2. the racing was very close!


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

The other box I finished up today is Box L. This box looks like it is an old original Hoffman box. It had the Hoffman style hardware, but the inside of the box has been painted so I was unable to verify. The original plan for this box was just some repair work. The back piece of the top where the hinges mount was broken out on one side. It looked like the top had been ripped loose on one side damaging both sides. I removed the hinges and repaired the broken out wood with epoxy.

After sanding I replaced the original top hinges with a piano hinge. After reattaching the top I decided the hinges for the front panel didn't look good. The orginal hinges were long gone and the replacements looked cheap, one was mounted really crooked. I replaced those hinges for the front with a piano hinge. There was only one latch in the center for the top. There were top halves of the two original latches still mounted to the top with rivets. They were really rusted, so I ground off the rivets and removed the pieces. This is a pretty big box so I felt adding a couple new brass latches where the originals were located would make the box sturdier and more secure. The original metal corners had a nice restic look to them, so they were left in place. Lastly I replaced the handle with a new one.





(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I finished up a couple boxes today. Box C was in pretty sad shape so I ended up sanding the finish off of all the panels, top, sides, front, and back. The hardware was really rusty and corroded as were all of the screws, so most screws broke off during disassembly. Just one more thing to deal with!

Broken wood in the corners and edges were reinforced/repaired with epoxy. After a final sanding I stained the box using blue food coloring.  I was shooting for a final color of blue, but as you can see it came out mostly green with some blue hues here and there. Which actually was pretty cool because the original handle is green. I am happy with the final result.

Because the hardware was all in pretty bad shape, this box got new everything. The hinges were all replaced with new piano hinges for the top and the front. The latches were replaced with new brass pieces, and new brass corner protectors were installed all around, top and bottom. The only original piece of hardware left, is the handle.





(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I provide a home for the unwanted!........(slot car pit boxes only!).


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Thanks Mitch.


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Another box I have done some work on is the box on the bottom of the stack labelled as I. This is a really old box and looked like it had seen some rough mileage. I removed all the hardware off this box and gave it the tumbler cleaning. After reinstalling the original hardware, and adding a couple new brass corner protectors, I lightly sanded the wood panels and applied one coat of clear. It is now cleaned up and shiney but still retains its original look and personality.




(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

At the beginning of this year (2024) I had decided to sell some of the pit boxes from my collection. This is a photo of the inventory I was going to sell from:


The previous post of the box I reconditioned was Box K in the photo. Boxes A, G, and E have been sold. Box J is still pending sale.


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I have started working on some of my slot boxes. I took the worst of the boxes (K) and stripped all the hardware off of it. My mission was to keep this box as original as possible. I put the hardware (hinges and latches) in my tumbler for cleaning. The hardware was in pretty sad shape, rustly and corroded. After 24 hours most of the pieces were looking pretty good except for two of the hinges that were destroyed in the cleaning process.

The wood panels were in pretty sad shape as well. The corners and edges were broken and chipped. A trip to Tap Plastics produced an epoxy product that turned out to be exceptional. I used this epoxy to repair all the corners and the edges of the box panels where wood had chipped off. After repairing the panels, re-nailing and regluing loose and broken joints of the box, I sanded the expoxy filler and smoothed the panel surfaces. An original Gulf sticker was still on the front panel of the box. It was in fair condition with the edges just starting to become brittle and pulling loose. I trimmed the edges of the sticker where it had had curled up, and then covered the sticker with Mod Podge to permanently seal it to the panel. Since the original finish on the box was in such bad shape, I used a red mahogany stain to try and match the original dark stain look of the box, or at least get as close as I could to the original finish. After the staining was complete and dry I applied two coats of clear on all the panels.

Once the finish was dry I started reassembling the box. The tumbler had done an excellent job of bringing the latches, hasp, top corner protectors and two of the hinges back. I reinstalled those parts using new brass screws. Two of the hinges were in really bad shape and were destroyed in the cleaning process. I replaced the hinges for the top with a new piano hinge. I also added new brass corner protectors to the bottom corners of the box. The hasp pieces had come apart in the tumbler and I was unable to find the hinge pin for it. I used a new piece of brass rod as a hinge pin and repaired the hasp. I used a wire wheel on a Dremel tool to clean up the handle hardware. I reattached the handle using new brass machine bolts, flat washers, and nuts.

At this point there is no interior in this box. No shelves, no nothing. I will start working on the inside at a later date, but for now here it is:




NASTE 2024 Point Series Championship Race No.15 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway May 23, 2024

Race Results - Revoslot Class:

1 Doc 78.0 laps - 7 points.
2 Al 74.4 - 6 pts.
3 Greg 74.2 - 5 pts.
4 Chris Kouba 73.5 - 4 pts.
5 Rico 72.2 - 3 pts.
6 Doug 71.3 - 2 pts.
7 Mitch 59.6 - 1 pt.

Current Standings for the 2024 NASTE Point Series Championship After 15 Races:

1 Daniel - 84 pts.
2 Al - 66 points.
3 Rico - 51 pts.
4 Greg - 46 pts.
5 Mitch - 30 pts.
6 Zack - 14 pts.
7 -tie- Douglas - 13 pts.
7 -tie- Chris Kouba - 13 pts.
9 David - 4 pts.
10 Frank - 2 pts.
11 - tie- Brian - 1 pt.
11 - tie- Stan - 1 pt.

Race results from May 23rd race:




NASTE 2024 Point Series Championship Race No.14 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway May 9, 2024

Race Results - Slot.it Group C Class:

1 Doc 83.4 laps - 5 points.
2 Rico 80.9 - 4 pts.
3 Greg 79.1 - 3 pts.
4 Al 78.2 - 2 pts.
5 Mitch 77.5 - 1 pt.

Current Standings for the 2024 NASTE Point Series Championship After 14 Races:

1 Daniel - 77 pts.
2 Al - 60 points.
3 Rico - 48 pts.
4 Greg - 41 pts.
5 Mitch - 29 pts.
6 Zack - 14 pts.
7 Douglas - 11 pts.
8 Chris Kouba - 9 pts.
9 David - 4 pts.
10 Frank - 2 pts.
11 - tie- Brian - 1 pt.
11 - tie- Stan - 1 pt.

Race results from May 9th race:




Here are some great videos that were taken at the race by "Nick Nick".

https://www.facebook.com/61551703570382 … 9070556638

https://www.facebook.com/61551703570382 … 4683438719

https://www.facebook.com/61551703570382 … 1948689269

"The Dale Earnhardt Memorial race was held May 18th at Tom's World Raceway in Bend, OR. This is the premier event for the OSCAR Race group each year. A huge turnout of 21 racers came to contest this yearly event to battle for the win. The event was broken up into 2 groups, determined by a 1 minute qualifying session. The faster group is named the Cup series and the slower group is the Xfinity series. The winner of the Xfinity race has the option to move up and race the Cup series race. Stew meat won the Xfinity and moved up to the Cup race. Scary Gary was awarded the win. Action was non-stop as each group raced 4 minute heats, 3 times through for a total of 48 minutes of driving time for each racer. In the end, Tom Street prevailed as the winner by 1 lap. Here are the results of both races. Thank you to Tom and Susan for hosting, and to Mike Leech for providing the food and beverages." - Race report from Bob Nakamura.




Thanks to Bob Nakamura for the race report and photos!

The starting grid for the first Flexi race in the history of Pelican Park! (Doug would never have approved of this!)

The Pelican Park track is beautifully detailed!

Flexi type cars were lined up through the pit area. A scene never before seen on this track!

The drivers for the Main Event prepare for the start.

Those familiar with Pelican Park Speedway in Eugene are going to have a hard time believing this but, on May 11th 2024, Flexi cars competed for the first time in over 30 years of active racing on this famous road course! Eleven racers form the surrounding area, and as far north as Vancouver Washington, showed up to participate in the traditional Pelican Park style racing format.

The race started with 50 lap qualifying heat races in a round robin style rotation. A point system was used to determine seed positions for the following brackets consisting of Semi's (The Fast Eight they call them), Consi's, The Hooligan, and of course the Main. For all the races after the initial qualifying heats, each racer drew a colored chip from the "rattler" box to determine which lane they would race in.

There was one run off race with the bottom (read last) two racers, to fill the final spot in one of the Semi's. The top two racers in each of the two 50 lap Semi's advanced to the Main. The bottom two in each Semi went to the Consi. After the Semi races were completed the bottom four racers were placed in the Hooligan. From what I can tell, "Hooligan" is Pelican for "Losers"! After the Hooligan, racers lined up for the 50 lap Consi race. Once the Consi race concluded it was on to the Main event to determine the race winner.

Overall it was an exciting day of racing! The pelican Park style racing format is different and a lot of fun! I'd like to send out a big thank you to Pat Hurley for organizing this race, and to all the Pelican Park members that made it happen! Rumours have it there may be a second race for Flexi type cars sometime this summer. Keep your eyes open for a date. It will be a race that shouldn't be missed!



Would've tasted better with some of that Doc Doom salsa!!!!!

This race had lots of action! Door to door racing, spectacular crashes, daring passes, and some exihibitons of outstanding driving by new racers as well as veterans! Gerry stepped up his game racing his new RTR Flexi Class car for the first time (amazing what a difference top notch equipment makes!). Janette (Janz) did a great job in her first races! Kaelah (Bomber) continues to get better, improving her racing skills, and actually beating her dad (Bo) in a few heat races!

The Bomber won the turn marshal pot for the night, and I'd like to congratulate everyone for the geat turn marshalling all through the evening, even when it got late! All in all I felt it was a great night of racing and I had a spectacular time! Thank you to all that made it happen!

The final race of the night was for the NASCAR Class. This is a hardbody (injection molded/model car body) class. We had ten racers for this race as Gerry had to leave early. This time around Bob was unable to remain on top. Kirk showed he was king of the field this time around. Kirk and Bob were the only racers to break 130 lap totals. They were truly the class of the field! The rest of the field had only three laps between finishers. The Carters ran a team effort for this race, sharing the only car they had. In their team effort The Bomber seemed to stand out as the star!



Up next was the race for the Flexi Class cars. Again the format was one round of 3 minute heats. Bob again showed he was the guy to beat, but this time Kirk was right on his tail, just two laps down. Daniel finished third, Rico was fourth, and Kaelah (Bomber) had her best finish to date finishing fifth. Again the racing was very close with these super quick cars!




We had a good turn out of racers for the Even Thursday race at Inslot's Checkered Flag in Vancouver on May 2nd. Eleven racers competed in three separate races for three different classes. The racing started at 6:00 PM, and concluded at 9:40 PM. From what I saw, everyone seemed to have a good time! I know I did!

The first class to line up on the start line was the Womp Class. We raced one round of 3 minute heats for this class. The racing was very close, which is pretty much the norm for this class! Janette Carter raced for the first time this evening, and Kaelah Carter competed in the Womp class for her first time. Both did very well! Bart, Kirk, and Al finished fourth, fifth, and sixth, all with lap totals of 107! Their lap averages were within .050 second of each other! Bob posted the win with an impressive two lap lead, and a fastest lap of 5.547 seconds!


