"It's too bad some people....", our motto right???!!!! LOL.....
So, the race format in Salem. Traditionally NASTE has always let the track owner set the race format however they choose. NASTE has never had a set, specific race format we have used at each and every track. Sometimes format can depend on the type of lap counting system they use, or it can depend on how their track is laid out. If you recall my TooBad track was not marked off for tenths for quite sometime. We don't use tenths at Rapid Raceway track either. Keeping lap totals to the tenths is more accurate than some other methods. But then again keeping track of 100ths of a lap would be even better (in the early 80s a local HO club had a track marked in 100ths). On my old 3 lane 1/24 track, which we originally started NASTE with, we did not count tenths. We only counted full laps. We held time trials at the beginning of the race, and a racer's fast time was used to break any ties. There are many different race formats and ways to score races. One aspect of Northwest Association of Slot Track Enthusiasts is to bring track owners and racers together by facilitating more racing for a larger more diverse group of people. Part of this diversity includes racing styles, types of cars, types of tracks, and the systems and formats used to conduct the races. By having this wide diverse racing program, NASTE racers have a chance to experience different types of racing as well as getting to know new people in other clubs and groups. I think this has helped keep NASTE around for so many years. I see NASTE as a guest at a host track. We race how they race, under their rules and format, with the exception of IROC style cars and controllers. We are not there to take over their racing, we are there to experience their style of racing. My philosophy has always been, a win is a win whatever the particular format or scoring system a club or group uses, as long as all the drivers are racing under the same rules and system.
I'm glad you asked the question Dorothy! We have many newer racers in our group, and I think everyone needs to understand where NASTE came from. Of course all of this rambling is MY vision. With that said, NASTE is not EXACTLY what it was when it started out, and it may not be next year what it is this year.....................