(0 replies, posted in Cars)

It appears that Policar has redesigned their F-1 car.
The new ones have an FK180 22.5K long can motor in a pod.
It is basically like a Slot It or NSR generic F-1 but only $58. That's $40 cheaper than the other two.
The question is shall we allow these to run in the class?

They are 40% off every other week at all Hobby Lobby stores.

reek455 wrote:

I was at Hobby Lobby last weekend and all model kits were 40% off.  I'm not sure how long the sale will last, but might be worth checking out.

Jeff had some Carrera that he was running analog that he got from Monte. I believe that Monte still has some extra track.


(2 replies, posted in Cars)

A few seasons ago we split our Sports Car class into two as it had become a Slot It GT40 fest. Since then we went back to a single group to simplify things, we did however keep the 14K H&R motor as the spec. Lately our field is again narrowing down to just a couple of cars.

I'm proposing we reconsider the motor restriction by going back to an 18K limit with no spec. Looking at the cars available to run we are cheating ourselves out of some great cars.  Revell/Monogram and Ninco made some great cars from the pre '65 era. 

Predator and Minnow make some great Slimline 18K motors to fit the Sebring style chassis and they can be tuned very well, anyone who raced alongside Goose Gosset knows that.

Many of the early Ninco cars came with a long can motor with no option to change them without modifying the chassis. Since the Ninco Classics went out of production these cars have skyrocketed in value and I'm loathed to modify them.

The year limit is fine, though the GT40 did compete in '64 as a GT40 by an English team with little success hence Ford shipping them to Shelby. (The movie left some things out)

As far as motors we might consider allowing motors that are rated as 18K @ 12 volts. This would also allow us more gearing options with more torque to play with.

We've also found that many of the cars we enjoyed at 18 volts are just kind of duds at 14V.

Well something to talk about.  I have a drawer full of Sebring chassis screaming to be let out.

I think most of those rules were copied from another clubs site. Who knows how old they were or who made them.
Myself I hate the sound of hard coated tires going around the track. It reminds me of that old Matchbox set from '66 that allowed you to race your Matchbox cars and the new Hotwheels that were just coming out.

yeah, but we're not making a Sideways Class are we? We are including NSR, Scaleauto, 3D chassis for Scalextric, ect.  Otherwise we may as well leave the GT3 class just the way it is and start racing Sideways cars against themselves..

I object to the no independent front wheels. That is a basic tuning practice going back to the 60s.
Painting the front tires with glue or nail polish makes it sound like we're racing matchbox cars.
OEM anglewinder is odd as many of the listed cars come with inline & siderwinder pods.
As for motors most of the 23K seem to be low on torque allowing the Black Stripe and 21.5K motors to compete.
Monte our aim in discussion wasn't really about speed but rather better handleing,  increasing the "fun" factor. A Scalextric with a pod can run well with an NSR we've found.

wb0s wrote:

Do these rules need to be posted under the "NASTE Rules" to replace the current GT3 rules?

This is just an open discussion at this point


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Good looking stuff Bill.


(64 replies, posted in Events)

docdoom wrote:

Im a go just to see if smooth   can remember  How  to hook up a controller..

We may have to watch him.


(64 replies, posted in Events)

Okay we'll be running proxy cars tomorrow here in Tigard.
I'll have the track open by 4pm. So bring some cars (there are also plenty of cars here) and we can run laps until the "working guys" can make it.
I'm told there are 11 proxy cars so that part won't take too long.

I just saw this this morning. I left a message for Stan but haven't heard back.
I can have the track up and ready wednesday evening.
Presumably he'll hop on and let us know.


I'll be out on family business on Saturday.

I'm already on the west side so anytime works for me.

Get a date and I'll be there.

I'll be there whether I have a car or not.

What motor RPM?


(0 replies, posted in Cars)

I know that Slot It is working on a proper 510,  but I couldn't wait.


(0 replies, posted in Events)

NASTE's next odd Thursday race; Trans Am & Slot It/Policar Classic.
Along with Open,  BRM and anything else you might want to mess with.


(8 replies, posted in Events)

There were three of us, but we raced anyways.

docdoom wrote:

Did you all get a good turn out? I was busy drowning  in a monsoon  in Florida.


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Brought mine last night and ran a few laps but when it came to racing our third racer needed to head for home.

docdoom wrote:

We used to race those 962 every odd Thursday.covid kind of kill the turn out and 962 class just went  away


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Most of us have some 962s sitting around and a few of us have the smaller 1/24s,  Minis,  Alfas,  Escorts ect.


(8 replies, posted in Events)

For those interested in racing 1/32 I've attatched the schedule below.
Also of note we've combined the right cables,  software,  and hardware to provide glitch free racing. At least last night ran seamlessly.
  If something appears on the schedule that you don't have don't worry about it,  we always have a few spares sitting around.



(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

What cars are included,  and where are we racing these?

Well if that's the case Bob I'm glad I made it out one last time and was able to stay to help put it to bed.
I always liked the track, and the venue. Thanks for hosting.