Topic: WTB. Carrera track pieces/ scenery

Hey guys, we have a little carrera digital track in our meeting room down here at the new shop. I am trying to revamp the layout and add some details to make it a little more fun.

Thought I would see if any of you guys have some random sets/track sections or scenery laying around I could buy up before just ordering new stuff online.


You can text me for a quick reply at.

Re: WTB. Carrera track pieces/ scenery

Carrera Digital, I'm your man.

"Big Smooth"

Re: WTB. Carrera track pieces/ scenery

Thanks Monte, looking forward to grabbing some stuff to get our shop track spruced up!


Re: WTB. Carrera track pieces/ scenery

I have all my stuff from my track your can come over and see what you want I don't have any plans on putting it back up anytime soon

The secondnidator

Re: WTB. Carrera track pieces/ scenery

Doc, how big was your layout again? How far did you break it down?


Re: WTB. Carrera track pieces/ scenery

It is all the way down and packed away
had to make room in the garage for storage when I did the downstairs remodel.
I never put the table back up or the track
I had planned on building a table that I could fold up and make room in the garage, but Wife turned garage into her personal junk collection, And I been too lazy to clean it up.

The secondnidator

Re: WTB. Carrera track pieces/ scenery

Jeff had some Carrera that he was running analog that he got from Monte. I believe that Monte still has some extra track.