Bob Nakamura has started a new Facebook page highlighting the 2NASTE chassis.

He is dedicating the page to information and tuning tips for the 2NASTE chassis as used in all the various classes we race.

Check it out here:

I made a visit to Tim's this morning and we finished up the wiring on his track. Tim already had it glued up so I got an opportunity to run a few laps. I must say Tim did a great job building this track! It runs out great and is a fast circuit! I'm looking forward to racing here!

As you face the track at the driver's stations, this is the left side of the layout. This is the trickier and slower portion of the course.

Here's a closer look at the more technical end of the track. That's a tight right hand hairpin at the bottom of the hill.

The right side of the track is the faster end of the course. A nice long straight leading into a left hander, then up the hill to a 180 degree banked turn. A straight out of the bank that leads into a fast series of turns and onto another straight that takes you back to the technical end.

Now it's time for us all to bug Tim for track time! Let's get this thing rubbered in!

These photos are from Rapid Raceway.

Bart Ochida's Mustang.

Jerry Weddle's Cuda.

The line up for the first heat at Rapid Raceway (left to right: Mike, Douglas, Howie, Bob).

The final race results:

There were some really nice looking cars entered in this race! Here are photos of just a few of the entries.

Mike Guthrie's number 43 Mustang.

Jerry Weddle's Cuda.

Howie's Trans Am Firebird.

This Mustang was built and prepared by Bob Nakamura for Frank Lynn.

All of the cars looked great...from either end!

The PASER Trans Am race originally scheduled for Saturday, November 23rd at the Gorge was interrupted by computer failure!! Howie, who owns Rapid Raceway, graciously offered to move the race to his track. The racers being an exceptional group of enthusiasts, loaded up and convoyed from Bob's in Troutdale to Howie's Rapid Raceway in Northeast Portland. Once everyone was settled at Rapid Raceway, the race format was reset for 1 round with 5 minute heat lengths. We ended up with a fun race and everyone had a great time. Thanks to Bob and Howie.

Here's some photos taken at The Gorge Raceway leading up to the initial start of the race.

The starting grid.

The pits were busy!

NASTE 2025 Point Series Championship Race No.3 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway November 21, 2024

Race Results - Polycar Classics Class:

1. Doc - 7 pts.
2. Al - 6pts.
3. Rico - 5 pts.
4. Doug - 4 pts.
5. Mitch - 3 pts.
6. Stan - 2 pts.
7. Elliot - 1 pt.

Current Standings for the 2025 NASTE Point Series Championship After 3 Races:

1 Al - 18 points.
2 Daniel - 17 pts.
3 Rico - 13 pts.
4 Douglas - 8 pts.
5 Mitch - 6 pts.
6 David - 5 pts.
7 Stan - 2 pts.
8 Elliot - 1 pt.

Race results from November 21st:

Slot It /Polycar Classics race before results, the finish order for points race was:
1. Doc
2. Al
3. Rico
4. Doug
5. Mitch
6. Stan
7. Elliot

Bob (Nak Nak) not only won the race, he also received the Racer's Choice Award!

Another benefit of a light turn out is abundant pit space!

Left to right: Mike, Kirk, Bart, Tom, Susan. This was Mike's first OSCAR race and he performed well! Tommy set the fastest race lap of the day! And without Susan there would not have been a race! Thank you Susan!

It was a nice field of entries!

Tommy Throws a right hook!

On Saturday November 16th, Inslot's Checkered Flag hosted the second OSCAR race of the '24 - '25 season. Although attendance was down compared to most OSCAR events, the racing was extremely close between all of the competitors! After one hour of on track, power on racing, just 27 laps separated the top three, and only 38 laps separated the bottom 4! The top three's fastest laps were within .000653 of a second of each other! And, even though Tommy finished last due to mechanical issues, he posted the fastest lap during the race by .000010 second! Tommy earned the "Too Bad" award!

With only 7 racers entered we were one short of the minumum needed to hold a race. At Inslot's Checkered Flag we need a minimum of 4 Corner Marshala in addition to the 4 drivers. Thanks to Susan Street we were able to hold the race. Thank you Susan so much for being our official Corner Marshal and attendee of the day!

The last thing I would like to note here is that I had a really good time! We had a good lunch from Firehouse Subs, and shared a lot of stories! We completed this race in the standard OSCAR race format of 2 minute qualifying runs, followed by 4 rounds of 4 minute heat races. I believe we set a new record by finishing this entire race in just 3 1/2 hours! The race started on time at 10:00 AM, and the checkered flag dropped at 1:00 PM! This race changed my perspective on what it takes to have a successful and fun race! Thank you to all that made it out to compete!

Qualifying results:

Capt. Kirk -          4.6826128
Terrible Tommy -  4.7362510
Bad Billy -            4.8446001
Micky Mike -         4.9531638
Nak Nak -             5.0576509
Bart Man -            5.0969141
Meat -                  5.2052632

Race results:

1st Nak Nak -       750 laps    Best Lap 4.829794 seconds
2nd Capt Kirk -     744                        4.829307
3rd Bad Billy -       723                        4.829960
4th Meat -            681                         5.049367
5th Bart Man -      674                         5.049572
6th Micky Mike -    647                         5.220036
7th Terrible Tommy - 643                       4.829297

NASTE 2025 Point Series Championship Race No.2 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway November 7, 2024

Race Results - Revoslot Class:

1 Al 77.6 Laps - 6 points.
2 Daniel 76.7 - 5 pts.
3 Rico 71.7 - 4 pts.
4 David 70.4 - 3 pts.
5 Mitch 69.2 - 2 pts.
6 Douglas 65.4 - 1 pt.

Current Standings for the 2025 NASTE Point Series Championship After 2 Races:

1 Al - 12 points.
2 Daniel - 10 pts.
3 Rico - 8 pts.
4 David - 5 pts.
5 Douglas - 4 pts.
6 Mitch - 3 pt.

Race results Nov. 7, 2024:


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Oh yeah, ASP!......Thanks Monte!


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

Here's the field awaiting the start.

The first round of racing was won by Douglas.

The second round in darkness went to Monte and his Classic ASP.

As usual I believe everyone had a good time!

Our Halloween races have been going on for a long time! I believe the first one was held around 1995. If that is accurate this would have been the 30th Annual NASTE Halloween race! Here's a photo from the very first one:

A big thanks to all that showed up! It was great to see you all!

A super big thank you to Howie for hosting the event again this year!

And a personal thanks to Dave Smith for providing me with his very cool train engine build!

Until next year.................


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

A new comer to the race with his new build was Douglas. His entry was very fast!

Howie raced an entry built by the late great Beau Frazier. I believe those might be an alien version of "French Ticklers"?

I had a new entry this year, thanks to Dave Smith. Thanks Dave, this one was a lot of fun to run!

Last night NASTE held its Annual Halloween Race at Rapid Raceway. We had nine racers in attendance, which is actually very good for the Halloween race. Attendance has generally been low for the last few years of the event. But the enthusiasm is never low for those that take part!

This year we had a potluck meal to start the night off. Pizza, sandwiches, and lots of homemade candies by Dorothy! After we ate eveybody got their entries ready for the race. We decided on two rounds of four minute heat races. The second round would be raced in the dark! Some sort of vehicle lighting is essential for the NASTE Halloween race!

Here's a look at some of the entries:

This was Al's entry, which proved to be very fast, and one of the top runners until he spit out a gear!

Victoria's entry was also a really good runner! I believe Brian Trachsel gets the credit for this build, built many years ago!

Hersch's build included lots of brass! He suffered a few mechanical issues.


(24 replies, posted in NASTE)

I agree, it is a very cool facility! And to be honest, I think every slot car enthusiast should run the enduro at least once just to experience it! It is very possible many would enjoy it more than I did!


(24 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'm sorry guys, and I really do hate to let you down. But I am out. My previous experiences with the enduro events in Tacoma have not been great. I guess I am spoiled by the excellent racing we have here locally.

The next scheduled PASER Monday race at Rob's is on February 10th.

Rob's Redline Raceway is located in a very nice facility offering racers lots of room and some comfortable seating. It is definitely one of our premium tracks!

With the voltage now set to 12 volts the track is much more raceable but still very fast. Everyone commented as to how the track was vastly improved with the voltage adjustment!

Here are the results from the Womp race:

Results from the Flexi race:

Redline has excellent pit space! There is room for many racers to comfortably work on their cars! Here Kirk is giving Mike some advise on his new builds.

Yesterday was PASER Monday at Rob's Redline Raceway in Vancouver. Doors opened at 1:00 PM, and within an hour or two we had six racers on hand.

The track was first open to practice and testing where Mike Guthrie unveiled some of his most recent builds. Although Mike is a pretty new member he is showing some great skills with his chassis/car building!

After a bunch of practice laps we got down to some serious racing. We started out with the Womp class, racing one round of 4 minute heats. After the Womp race we ran the same program for the Flexi class.

On a side note; before the racing started, Kirk Smith made some adjustments to the power supply to correct the output to 12 volts D.C. The adjustment was made to dial back the previous setting of 13.8 volts which was determined to be much too violent for the track. At the close of the racing all the racers agreed that the power adjustment had made a drastic improvement to the overall racing! We'd like to give Kirk a big thank you! You kicked up the fun factor on Rob's track by 200%!

Rob and Jerry getting in some practice laps.

Mike and Bart joined Rob during practice.


(13 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

That's all it takes Doc!


(13 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Yup, I got one, but YOU will have to make it into a Slammer!

Thank you Shaun. That was the best race I've ever had at Tom's. I really struggle with his track, especially when we are racing the full course. I do better on the short course because I can see it all much better. Thanks for those short battles we had, it was fun while I could keep up with you! You were FAST!