Here's a copy of the current BASCC Rules regarding wheels and tires:
Wheels and Tires
8. Only manufacturer wheel parts are allowed. You cannot alter the wheels by turning them down in size.
9. Any type of tire can be used but it has to fit properly on a wheel. You cannot cut the tires in any way.
10. You cannot add anything to the tires. These include but are not limited to gluing compounds, nail polish, super glue, etc.
11. All wheels need to fit inside the body.
12. All four wheels will need to be riding/touching on the track and rotate as the car moves on the track.
13. You can fix the front wheels, that come from the manufacturer tight, by removing the post caps or sanding the post caps or post to allow the wheels to rotate freely.
14. You can add front independent wheel rotation but have to use manufacturer parts for the axle and wheels.
I feel these rules are overly restrictive when it comes to wheel and tire choices. The rules clearly state you can use ANY type of tire, but it has to fit properly on a Slot.It wheel, without any modification to the wheel. There are some choices for rear tires with this rule, but depending on the body style (especially in the case of building an HRS chassis) you are handicapped by the available Slot.It wheels. Even the wheels Slot.It calls "hubless" have a slight hub on the inside which limits how narrow you can set your rear track. So in some cases you cannot get the rear track narrow enough, granted this is mostly a problem when building a narrow car based on an HRS chassis. As far as the front you are even more limited. The "ANY tire" rule does not even apply here. In reality there are NO other tires you can adapt to use on the front Slot.It wheels. In the case of the Ferrari 312s you are stuck with the wheels and tires specifically made for that car, although you can buy Slot.It replacement aluminum wheels for the front. Making fronts fit the HRS cars can be a real pain! I used a Fly Porsche 917 body on an HRS chassis. The narrowest Slot.It front wheel/tire combination would not fit under the body in the front. As narrow as I could get it, it was still a little too wide. So here's my point; what's wrong with allowing the use of other manufacturer's wheels and or tires? I found true hubless 17 X 10 rear wheels for the same price as the Slot.It wheels, $8.99 a pair. BWA has wheels available that are narrower and hubless which can eliminate the problems for front wheels and tires. And speaking of front wheels and tires. Here we are with a class that's supposed to be this super fast class and you can't even use "O" ring fronts. Why not? You could actually use "O" rings on the stock wheels, and with the "O" rings that are available at your local hardware store, you would have some ride height adustability on the front. There are different sizes of "O" rings available at any local hardware store, and "O" rings can be sanded down easily to adjust the ride height. 1/24 scale front wheels WITH "O" ring tires can be purchased for $3.98 a pair ($4.98 for the trick drilled ones). It seems to me the rules for this class need to be opened up a little bit, or everybody is going to be running RED Ferrari 312s! Of course that would make the rules simpler; Rule #1 You must use a Slot.It Ferrari 312 equipped with only Slot.It parts. Rule #2 Exception to rule #1. You can change the rear tires to any available silicon rear tire. -------------Bill