(36 replies, posted in NASTE)

I've noticed that changing voltage can be inconsistent . Two similar cars that run about the same at one voltage will run quite differently at a lower voltage.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

Oh No Doc, not the stock corvette motor !!!!

Hey Doc, I got twenty bucks for that thing. Thought I made a killing !!!! I should be around, Bills got my phone number if you don't. Somebody left a controller too.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

I repeat , if race #6 is being scratched due to the running of Thunderslots race #3 must also go.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

We would also have to throw out race #3 GT which also ran Thunderslots. I would be for it then.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'm all for having a meeting on the next Odd Thursday. I'd like to point out that Thunderslots are legal under the current Can Am rules as they are in GT. At the last point series race for GT the 1st, 2nd, and Third  places were all Thunderslots two of which were the same car ( Monte's). It seems to be a bit unfair to change the rules mid season after races have been run with certain cars.

Rules meeting or meetings works for me .

Gee Mitch, you won two out of four races ! You can't sweep every race night, well, maybe you can !

I think it's the bourbon !!

My two cents worth. Seems we need more classes. how many classes are too many?

GT and Can Am

My first thoughts about Thunderslots and NSRs were these cars leave the cars we have been running not able to compete.That's not good I like the cars we've been running but then I drove Chris' Thunderslot and have bought one. These cars are not too expensive and are too fast  and too much fun to drive not to race them.

Tran Am

While Scalextrics are not the best, I've found mine to be durable and run fairly consistent. I like this class, as long as everyone is running the same cars they are fun to race while being inexpensive. I'm reluctant to put $100.00 plus into a $30.00 car. The podded Trans Am cars I've seen so far are not much better than the tuned up Scaleys in fact slower than some.

Classic Sports Cars Divisions 1 & 2

I like these classes the way they are

Thanks to everyone who showed up last night. It was great to have a good turnout . I had a great time even if I can't win on my own track !!!!


(21 replies, posted in Events)

Thanks to all that showed . I really enjoyed the evening. That BRM race was great Stan !!!

Your welcome Doc.Thanks to all that made it?I think we'll all have to get Thunderslots to compete!!!

Feel free to park in the driveway this evening

Hey Guys, my neighbor on the west side of 52nd has asked that we don't block his gate. It's not real obvious , it's in his brown fence with a black latch in the middle . Your welcome to park in my driveway if you like. Thanks

We can have all the odd Thursday races at RRR !!


(9 replies, posted in NASTE)

Hey Doc This is the pod I ordered for mhttps://www.professormotor.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=SIKK12By Corvette it's a kit that comes with gears


(45 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'm good for more classes !


(45 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'm in.


(15 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Very Interesting !!!

Thanks Bill  !!!

I just read the winners list for last night. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield.

Whoops the first two or three here can park in the driveway

The two or three here can park in the driveway

The track will be open.