Topic: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 16 POT LUCK
Howie has graciously opened up his track once again to host a NASTE race! May 3, 2014 is the date and doors open at 5:00 pm for practice. We will be having a pot luck dinner. I'll be bringing desserts, but I think we'll need more than just sugar for dinner, so we are hoping to have some of you bring some of your delicious dishes to share. Please reply to the email I sent out, post on the NASTE event page on Facebook OR reply here if you are willing to bring something and what it is so that we will have a variety of food to eat! That way too, I'll know what other items I'll be needing to pick up for the race.
Please feel free to forward this to other racers as I don't have an email address for everyone, nor am I friends with all of the racers on Facebook.
Thank you for your time! Hope to see you at the race!!
As Always,
NASTE Even Page Link! I hope this is the link on Facebook. … r=upcoming