Topic: NASTE race #5

what a great time last night!!   thanks to all who made the trip down to salem.   Big thanks to Bill and Dave and well everyone else whos names I cant remember for making everything  come  together for a naste race at a new track.  we had a blast!!    great friends, food with some slot racing mixed in.....perfect

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE race #5

I had a great time too!!!  MAN, what a BIG FAST track!!!!

Everything went very smooth except for the one controller malfunction. I tore the controller down this morning to try to determine the cause. It appears the wiper button was hanging up slightly on the resistor band just before the brake band. I readjusted the resistor position in the frame, and adjusted the wiper to better center the contact button. It is much smoother now and worked fine when bench tested. The next race will tell for sure!

The cars Dave prepared worked flawlessly! Man they were fun, and they made for very close racing! Thanks Dave, you did a great job!!!

The track was absolutely spot on!!! The computer system ran perfectly with NO glitches, and there were NO issues with the track itself!!! Thanks Carl!!!!


Re: NASTE race #5

Here's a photo from last night's race at Edgewater Raceway in Salem - all bunched up in the first turn!

Re: NASTE race #5

A very fun evening indeed! Lots of good close racing, laughs and crashes.  Another Naste grand slam.  Thanks to Dave for the cars, Bill for the controllers and Carl for the track.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE race #5

What a great night of racing! Thanks so much Dave, Carl, Art, Bill and everyone else who made the track, cars and controllers run so well.

Good dinner, great friends and a super track made for a very nice night! Such fun to race those cars.

Nice picture Bill. Yes, we amateurs seemed to stick close together while we were racing. Unlike you professionals who liked to out run each other on the track. tongue

My pictures are uploading now. Video will be a while. lol I'm getting slow with editing. I did catch some nice moves though and thank you for allowing me behind the counter to get the cars racing on the long straight stretch.

Pictures should be here when they are done uploading. … 209%202013

Re: NASTE race #5

Very cool! Thank you Dorothy!!!

Re: NASTE race #5

You're welcome Bill.

Re: NASTE race #5

Hey y'all, I updated the NASTE 2014 Racing Season Gallery with new photos. Check it out when you get a chance.....

Re: NASTE race #5

Great pictures Dorothy!

You truly are the Mistress of All Things Photogenic!