Topic: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

I really had a good time tonight!

Thank you all for coming out to race!


Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

What a crowd!  That was a fun time, enjoyed myself greatly.  Food was great!  Congrats to Flyin' Bryan on the win.  And it was good to see Dorothy and Tyler get a little extra time.

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

Thanks for a fun night Bill and thanks for the pizza! smile Nice to see so many people there. Looks like most of them had a good time too.

Yes, Dorothy and Tyler both need lots of extra time practicing. tongue

I'll have a video up some time. I could just throw pictures and video up like normal, but I have been enjoying myself trying to get a good finished product now. And one of the videos captured a good crash which I'm going to happily use a couple of times maybe. lol

Thanks again for a fun night and congrats to Bryan for winning both races. Just for fun indeed. tongue

Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

After last night's point series race I pulled out the old Fly Lolas. I had planned a second round of racing with the Lolas, but due to the number of entries we ran a little late. For the racers that wanted to stick around we ran a non-points race with the Lolas. I had done some work on the cars earlier in the day and they seemed to perform much better than the last time we raced them. For those of you that remember, I had set the cars up for magnet-free racing with a little weight added, Slot.It running gear, and Slot.It tires. The big issue had been a total lack of rear grip. Well, by the time we raced them last night either the cool track surface, or the tires being in a cooler temperature put us back to the same level of performance. In other words they handled like crap!.........AGAIN! The good news is we managed to break the guide flag mount on two of the three cars, so I probably won't bother with these cars again! After all, you can't make chicken salad out of chicken crap!

BUT, we did manage to complete the race and here are the results:

1st Bryan Trachsel  31.7 laps
2nd Bill Bostic         31.1
3rd Terry Abbott     30.9
4th Dave Smith       30.3
5th Randy Word      29.9
6th Dorothy Abbott  28.9
7th Jeff Wilson        28.3
8th-T Sherry Wilson 26.5
8th-T Scott Fleener  26.5
10th Cody Underhill 26.3
11th Jimmy Jones    25.8
12th Chelsea Wilson 25.0
13th Elliot Word       24.8

Even the crappy cars resulted in some pretty close racing!!!!

Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

Hi! I'm back. Got my video done, but now have to wait for it to upload. It's late in the day, but I'm trying to get it up now. This will be it's link if it does upload. Should be a little while still though. If the link doesn't work, it's because it failed and I'll try again tomorrow. Off to watch a movie now. smile

Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

Dorothy, I think that is your best video yet!!!

Thank you very much!!!!


Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

Thanks Bill. I'm so glad it uploaded okay. I kind of like the slo-mo crash. smile Thanks again for a great night of racing.

On a side note, I do have plates for the Halloween race, plus forks, knives and spoons. I'll bring them along with dessert.

Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

Cool, thanks Dorothy!

I really like the slo-mo crash too!!!

Re: NASTE 2014 Season - Race No. 3

You're welcome Bill. Thanks for watching it. Here are the photos. I forgot to upload them since I had used them in the video. smile … 012%202013