Topic: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Over ten years experience building NASTE Halloween cars and here I am again in the last week thrash! Maybe that's just part of the excitement? Same old scenario, had the concept for months. Been collecting bits and pieces all year. Now entering the last week, nothing seems to fit together. New 3 1/2 inch height restriction this year, CRAP! Mad search at Dollar Store, Fred Meyers, Party Store, and finally Kohls to find similar pieces with better potential to enable the concept to come to life. Cutting, grinding, soldering, and cussing. Finally it's coming together............oh wait, forgot the lights!!!! CRAP............gotta make it to Radioshack before Friday..........  And so it goes............NASTE Halloween Race 2012!...I LOVE IT!!!


Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Man, do I hear ya!!

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Join the club.  Oh wait, we did.

"Big Smooth"

4 (edited by Dorothy the Hammer October 23, 2012 10:35 am)

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

LMAO!!! Sounds just like the rest of us! Terry finally got our cars whittled down to fit the height restriction and that took him quite a while, but not sure if he remembered lights. I think he still has glow sticks. I'm hoping he does anyways. smile Just finished making the Halloween candies and got cookie dough setting up in the fridge. Howie isn't going to supply dinner that night right? Do we need to bring some solid kind of food? Just checking! ;~}

Forgot to say, I need an address!!!! I'm trying to get some more newbies to join us, they can race Terry's old cars, but I don't have an address for Howie!! Please? If you don't want to post it here, send me an email. You should have included the address in the Weekly NASTE email for me. smile

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Hi Hammer,
I'm up with doing a pot-luck type food thing for those interested in bringing something. I will bring some kind of finger type food.

As far as the address I don't like posting track owner's  addresses here unless they ask me to or say it's ok. I'll send the address to Terry's email for you.


6 (edited by reek455 October 25, 2012 7:11 am)

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Pot luck is good, what do y'all want me to bring?

I went shopping yesterday and found the body for my Halloween car for the low, low price of $2.00 plus an existing chassis equals a win.  Some cutting, painting, soldering plus a little time last night and I just have final assembly to go. Now, if I could just get my proxy car to go that smoothly....

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Good luck with the car rico!   i started ours over two months ago...just a few final touches to go.....   I am bringing hot dogs and the hot dog machine and stuff for the dogs...and i think i can bring some drinks also...

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

8 (edited by Dorothy the Hammer October 25, 2012 10:40 am)

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Thanks Bill. Now if I can get Terry to give me the address. lol Finger food sounds good.

I'll bring those plates leftover from Larry's race. I think there might be some forks leftover too and will bring any extras I might have. I think I still have some left from the Van meet. Know I'm bringing cookies and candy, but haven't figured out what all else I'll bring. I'll come up with something though.

Great you're bringing hot dogs Bryan and stuff for them. Thanks!

Good luck with the car Rico! You sure scored, but waiting until the last minute aren't you? smile

Okay. Just looked. The van meet stuff is buried until next summer and there are only about a dozen plastic forks I can bring. If anyone has extras, great. If not let me know and I'll see if I can stop by the dollar store before Saturday.

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Okay. Guess no one saw my edited post. lol Will bring plenty of plates, but only about a dozen forks. If it's all finger food, that won't matter.

Perry, June and Tyler are planning to come to the race too. Does anyone have leftover cars they might be able to race? Terry is bringing one of his old ones, but I think he might have taken apart the rest of them. Just a thought since those three haven't built cars. See you tomorrow!

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Hi Dorothy. I did see your post. I can bring forks. I should have 2 Halloween vehicles up and running. I can share the one Cailin doesn't race.    -----------Bill

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

I am trying to get one of my old cars together tonight for someone to use also....they will just need to get find a controller to use...I think i might have a few forks also..

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Thanks!!! Terry says he has controllers to bring for extras. Thanks for the forks Bill and Bryan. Don't know if we'll need them, but always good to have them just in case. Thanks too for the extra cars. If they all don't get put in the same heat, we should have enough for them to run. See you in a few hours!

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Oh, this is where you all have been chatting about tonight's race! If they are still needed, I can bring plates, napkins and forks. I'm bringing fork-food - an Italian meatball pasta dish. Is there a beverage plan?

Zen Racer

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Monte discovered my "bright" idea won't work for my Halloween car. ;-(

But it will all be alright - just not as loud or as bright as I'd hoped. It retains its most redeeming feature, though. It's purple!

Zen Racer

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Sounds like everyone is just about ready for tonight. I'm finishing up Cailin's car in a last minute scramble (not Scrabble!).........

See y'all in a bit!!!!  ---------------------------Bill

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

That's too bad Victoria. Still, it's purple so that's a plus!!! Sounds like you're bringing a great dinner!!

No need to bring plates. I saved all those we bought for Larry's race and will bring them. I don't know about drinks. I just planned to bring some water for Terry and I in case there weren't any drinks planned. Oh, also Kaluha since the last time we were there, Howie had coffee brewing. It should go nicely on a day like today. smile

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

I am bringing some pop tonight...i have regular cola   diet and rootbeer....hotdogs ,ketchup, mustard and relish....and chips and i think some forks....and napkins.......putting finishing touches on cars and i have one extra car ready......see you in  a few hours.

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

OK sounds like we'll be pretty well covered. I'll bring plastic forks, spoons, and knives. Plus some finger food, probably chicken strips or what ever Cailin wants to bring. Howie's is pretty close to a Safeway in case we forgot something.

I have two Halloween vehicles up and running, Cailin's and one more. Both just barely make the 3 1/2" limit. Got my fingers crossed I measured correctly!!!!


Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

I'm bringing a fruit plate of some sort.  I think the Batmobile is available and I may have a controller as well.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Thanks Howie for hosting our annual NASTE Halloween Race for 2012!

Cailin & I had a great time! Great food & great company! NASTE people are the BEST people!

Sponge Bob had a great time too (although he complained a lot about the handling of his, boat!)......


Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Thank you, Howie, for hosting last night. Had a great time. Enjoyed the dogs and chocolates (separately), and especially the kahlua and koffee! My purple car was a bit squirrely...hmmm, now there's an idea for next year.

Zen Racer

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

I should have checked this page out sooner. I have plenty of plates and utensils here in the shop stored away for the "big" events.
I had a good time and it looked like everyone else did also.
I don't know what the protocal is for the NASTE group to hold races at different tracks, wether it is by vote or what not, I informed Bill this morning that I would be interested in hosting the Holloween race in 2013. Bill was in favor.
I will do a race report on last nights race on the NWTSR site under "Pit stop" as soon as I can. I have some neat pictures to share.
See ya.

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

I am definitely in favor of having the NASTE 2013 Halloween Race at Rapid Raceway!

What about a new scoring system for the 2013 Halloween race? Say some points awarded for best car theme, execution or construction, in addition to one point for each lap completed? And maybe bonus points for showing up in costume????


Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

Thanks Howie we had a great time!!  Hey  Bill I think thats a great idea   There were some cool cars there last night and Bob kept me laughing all night !!!  I am already thinking for next year....

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE 2012 Halloween Race

What a great night! Thanks so much for hosting Howie!!! It would be great to have the Halloween race there again next year.

New scoring system would be fun too Bill. I still think the slowest person should have won the night! Tell Cailin she has my vote for being #1 last night!!! Costume? Hm... I might be able to come up with something! We have a whole year to talk about it and see if we can come up with a great scoring system for that special race. Bob got my vote for best car there too!

Thanks Bryan for bringing so much good stuff to eat! Also, Victoria for the pasta, Rico for the fruit, Bill the chicken and chips, plus a big thanks to everyone who brought plates, silverware and napkins. I didn't even think of bringing napkins.

Great pictures too Victoria! Thanks for taking some!!!

Know that Perry, June and Tyler all had a great time too. Heard them talking to Victoria about first Sunday racing too so maybe we have some converts. lol

I didn't get too many pictures or video last night. Might have had something to do with too much Kaluha, but who knows? ;~P Here's what I took though.

See you all at the next race!

Halloween Race 2012

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