Re: Odd Thursday Night Racing (old thread)
Thanks for another fun filled race from the Saager's. I had a great time, despite my car troubles. I cannot promise Police & Fire Department visits next Tuesday but the racing should be good.
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The NASTE Forum → NASTE → Odd Thursday Night Racing (old thread)
Thanks for another fun filled race from the Saager's. I had a great time, despite my car troubles. I cannot promise Police & Fire Department visits next Tuesday but the racing should be good.
Tuesday August 14th, Thanks Rico for an excellent race at Autumn Hills!
And congrats on your wins!
Classic Sports Car Class: 1st Rico 46.3 laps
2nd Bill 45.0
3rd Mike 43.0
4th Greg 41.8
5th Bryan 40.2
6th Monte 36.8
7th Tracy 31.4
GT Class: 1st Rico 48.1 laps
2nd Greg 47.1
3rd Monte 47.1
4th Bill 46.2
5th Mike 45.8
6th Bryan 43.2
7th Tracy 40.1
Thanks to everyone that came to race last night, the racing was close, especially the GT class. The long distance award goes to Mike who was in town on business from the SeaTac area. CU next week at Bill's I believe.
A fun night, thanks.
Yes, next Tuesday evening at my place in Fairview......
Thanks to Bill for having us all over last night. We had a fun time.
You're very welcome Monte!
I had a great time too! Thanks to all the racers that were able to make it over! Congrats to Rico & Terry on their wins!
Tuesday August 21st results-
Classic Sports Car Class: 1st place Rico Locati 48 laps
2nd Terry Abbott 48 laps
3rd Drew Kinney 47 laps
4th Bill Bostic 45 laps
5th Gary "Howie" Howard 45 laps
6th Bryan Trachsel 44 laps
7th Beau Frazier 44 laps
8th Greg Petrolati 44 laps
9th Victoria Saager 43 laps
10th Bryan Dickerson 43 laps
11th Monte Saager 41 laps
12th Dorothy Abbott 40 laps
GT Class: 1st place Terry Abbott 56 laps
2nd Rico Locati 53 laps
3rd Bryan Dickerson 52 laps
4th Beau Frazier 52 laps
5th Greg Petrolati 50 laps
6th Bryan Trachsel 50 laps
7th Drew Kinney 50 laps
8th Gary "Howie" Howard 49 laps
9th Monte Saager 49 laps
10th Dorothy Abbott 45 laps
11th Bill Bostic 42 laps
12th Victoria Saager 41 laps
Thanks for hosting such a nice race Bill! It's always great to see so many racers show up! I sure hope you thanked Diane for taking time to bake us those great cookies!
Didn't get too many pictures, but tried to get one of everybody and some of the track too.
August 21, 2012 … ?start=all
The one video I took August 21, 2012.
I'm not sure if I gave you the link for that proxy race at your house in May, so here that is too. … ?start=all
Thanks again for hosting!
You're welcome Bill. ;~}
Kathy thanks you for your invite too and she's looking forward to coming to a race one of these nights!
Oh! And any time you are in the neighborhood and want a few more tomatoes or cucumbers, please feel free to stop by. I will probably have some in the garden for the next month or two. lol
Very good, you guys can come over anytime! There's a lot of satisfaction in finally seeing cars go around my track after over a year of building!
I planned on having those left over tomatoes during lunch, but they didn't even last until 8:00am! I couldn't help myself and ate them on the drive to work!
Thanks again Dorothy!!!! --------------------Bill
It was a small but well-behaved crowd that came out for Tuesday Night. Here now the results:
Classic Sports Car Class:
1. Monte Saager - 54 laps
2. Greg Petrolati - 52 laps
3. Victoria Saager - 48 laps
GT Class:
1. Monte Saager - 58 laps
2. Greg Petrolati - 55 laps
3. Victoria Saager - 50 laps
A most pleasant evening was had by all. We'll look forward to seeing you next time at Rico's. I think.
Sorry I missed the racing last night! Lost $60 at the Spirit Mountain Casino instead.............BUMMER!!!!
See you at Rico's next week! --------------Bill
Tonight's turn out at Autumn Hills was 6 racers who enjoyed ice cream snacks provided by Kelly. Thanks dear. Now on to the ever important results:
Classic Sports Car Class:
1. Greg Petrolati/Scratchbuilt Cheetah - 45.2 laps
2. Rico Locati/Hybrid Ferrari - 44.7 laps
3. Tracy Flood/Ninco Jaguar - 42.8 laps
4. Eric the Cheesehead/Hybrid Jaguar - 40.6 laps
5. Drew Kinney/Scratchbuilt Ferrari 166 - 39.0 laps
6. Monte Saager/Ninco Cobra - 38.0 laps
GT Claass:
1. Rico Locati/Fly Daytona Prototype - 45.3 laps
2. Drew Kinney/Avant Alpine - 43.3 laps
3. Monte Saager/Ninco Lamborghini - 40.2 laps
4. Tracy Flood/Ninco Megane - 39.9 laps
5. Greg Petrolati/Pioneer? Mustang - 38.0 laps
6. Eric the Cheesehead/Ninco Porsche 911- 37.4 laps
Thank you everyone that braved the traffic, it was another enjoyable night of Naste racing.
Thanks for having us over, I had a good time though I may need to work on bringing faster cars. And how can a scratch-built car be made from a manufactured chassis? LOL
We may need one more category of construct-ability.
Modified the post, happy now?
I was happy to begin with. But I may now be happier. I'll give it some thought.
Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012 - Here's the way it stacked up tonight at TooBad Motorplex:
GT Class - 1st Monte Saager 53 laps
2nd Bryan Trachsel 53 laps
3rd Dorothy Abbott 50 laps
4th Greg Petrolati 49 laps
5th Rico Locati 49 laps
6th Terry Abbott 46 laps
7th Tracy Flood 46 laps
8th Bill Bostic 37 laps
Classic Sports Car Class - 1st Rico Locati 50 laps
2nd Greg Petrolati 49 laps
3rd Terry Abbott 46 laps
4th Dorothy Abbott 46 laps
5th Bill Bostic 45 laps
6th Monte Saager 45 laps
7th Tracy Flood 42 laps
Thanks for coming out to race y'all !!!!! ------------------Bill
Thanks for having us. I think we're starting to get used to the track!
If that's true, I'll switch direction next race!!!
Ok, who said that!
Thanks for hosting such a nice race Bill. Please make sure to thank Diane for the cookies too!
WhooHoo!!!! Lookie there! I made it to the podium last night!!! I raced like I was driving a magnet car! Oh wait, I was. ;~} Get used to it. I'll be driving that magnet car for the rest of my life!!!
Sure was fun though. I didn't get many pictures, but here's the link for them. I did get the new ones labeled 9-11-12 so you can tell them apart. I'm just putting all of Bill's races in the same album at Photobucket. … 21%202012/
Looking forward to trying out the track in reverse. I'm pretty adaptable, so maybe I have a chance of moving up a space too! ;~}
Thanks again Bill!
Congratulations to the Hammer! Not just a podium but first place. Let's hear it for Dorothy.
Thanks Monte, but where are the totals??? I was hoping to see my name at the TOP of one of the lists for last night!!!! ;~}
First Place! Thanks so much for allowing me to win at Too Bad Motors last night! Yes, I was driving a magnet car, but a win is a win!!! HeeHee!
Didn't take too many pictures, but still managed to get one of everyone there. Thanks for hosting Bill. Thanks Diane for the cookies and coffee. Thanks for the mixed nuts Victoria. Thanks Tracy for the cookies!
Great to see you all!
As always, pictures were just added to the Bill folder, but these are labeled 10-16-12 Cailin to Bill 10-16-12.
Pictures: … 21%202012/
Please let me know if I spelled Kaylin right Bill. If not, I'll change it next time I'm in that folder. Thanks for the correct spelling!
Tuesday October 16th, 2012 - Our beloved Hammer creams the field in the GT Class! & Congrats to Victoria for her podium finish in the GT Class!
GT Class - 1st Dorothy "The Hammer" Abbott - Fly Corvette w/magnet - 50 laps
2nd Bryan Trachsel - 48 laps
3rd Larry Cockerham - 47 laps
4th Bill Bostic - 46 laps
5th Terry Abbott - 45 laps
6th Greg Petrolati - 45 laps
7th Tracy Flood - 45 laps
8th Victoria Saager - 43 laps
9th Monte Saager - 43 laps
10th Bryan Dickerson - 39 laps
Classic Sports Car Class - 1st Bill Bostic Ninco Corvette - 47 laps
2nd Terry Abbott - 46 laps
3rd Victoria Saager - 45 laps
4th Bryan Trachsel - 45 laps
5th Dorothy Abbott - 44 laps
6th Greg Petrolati - 43 laps
7th Tracy Flood - 42 laps
8th Larry Cockerham - 42 laps
9th Monte Saager - 41 laps
10th Bryan Dickerson - 40 laps
11th Cailin Dunbar - 34 laps
The NASTE Forum → NASTE → Odd Thursday Night Racing (old thread)
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