Topic: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Well here it is 2 days before the Halloween race and yet again I have no car ready..........Why do I do this every year?

No ideas this year.... Too much going on..... New kitchen counter tops going in and the contractor is less than ideal!.... I have work to do there before Friday.

Booked up until late afternoon today.........Guess I'll try to resurrect a previous entry sometime tomorrow........

Like I said last year............."Next year I'm going to get an early start on my Halloween car!" I said....................

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Hey, I started early and I'm STILL not ready.  I feel your pain.

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

I finished my kitchen work (that the contractor should be doing) tonight.

Tomorrow I will try to find time for Halloween car work................still got a day and a half!

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Thrash Day!

So far I have one resurrected, and working on something new...........

Maybe the pressure makes it more fun???

5 (edited by Dorothy the Hammer October 27, 2013 11:06 am)

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Thanks to Howie and his gracious offer to use his track, our Halloween race was a success again this year. Thanks Bryan for supplying the hot dogs with fixings, Victoria and Monte for their chicken (bat wings) and donuts, June (Jane) and her beans and pop, Bill for potato salad, Rico for chicken, anyone I missed and fixings AND everyone who brought chips! I got my fix and then some. YUM!
Thanks to Terry and his infinite patience in making so many cars work for those who didn't have one. You did a great job.
Congrats to Howie for his win on his home track. I sure hope you enjoy Zoe now! smile
You guys were awesome with your imagination on building cars! So many terrific designs! Bill, even though you waited until the last minute, your cars turned out great. Maybe you work best under pressure.
Great to see so many of you there. Thanks too for making my little sister feel so welcome. She had a great time!
Looks like you might have to eat some leftovers at the next race as all of the eyeballs, fingers and bones didn't get eaten.
Pictures are uploading now, but it's going to take me a few days to get a video spliced together. Missed the best crashes (June and Rico), but did manage to film a couple of them. Thanks for the slo mo on your car Bill. I did get your dragon in motion Victoria, but you really couldn't see the wings moving.
Well, thought I had typed enough that the pictures would be done, but they are slow going. I'll post a link to them here as soon as they are finished.
Thanks again everyone for a great night of fun racing.

Here ya go. … een%202013

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Very well put Dorothy, and right on the mark!

Howie, thanks again for hosting! This may very well have been our best NASTE Halloween Race to date!!!

Terry, thank you for all the work you put in getting all the loaner cars into competition!

Dorothy thanks for the pictures & video, and treats, and food!

Bryan, thanks for the dogs and not winning!!!!

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

What they said and I had a very enjoyable evening even though the Possum Lodge van was a handful.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

A handful indeed.  I think I hand my hands full of it a few times too.  A fun event.  I'm also glad to see both of my cars survive despite the Dragula taking a header into the top bank rail.  It also survived unscathed!  A few minor adjustments and both should be fine for next year.

Thanks to all involved, we had a great time.

It was nice to see some of the kids come in costume.  And the Bill-mobile with all those lights, fantastic!

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

You all are welcome on the hosting thing, I really enjoyed it also.  Good time and the food! WOW!

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Photos from the 2013 NASTE Halloween Race have been added to the Gallery - check it out when you have time!

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Thanks for all the pics Bill, any way to talk you into sending me copies of the pics of the Possum van?

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Will do Rico.

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Hi Bill. Just finished looking at the Halloween pictures again! Great job on them and all of the captions too! Those cars were terrific. You all have such great imaginations! Can't wait to see what you come up with for next year! smile

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Okay! Better late than never!!! Here are the two videos from NASTE Halloween 2013! tongue Night Racing!

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Those are excellent videos Dorothy!  The night segment is hilarious! Of course if you weren't there you'd have no idea what you were watching!!!!

Thank you so much Dorothy for all the photos and videos you take!!!!   -----------------Bill

Re: NASTE Halloween Race October 2013

Thank you Bill. Yes, it's kind of hard to see anything in the night racing video.