Topic: The New Jacquelin Park
After the big Rib's Enduro we took the track apart the next day in order to come up with a better layout. As much as I did enjoy the old layout there were some serious issues that I wanted to address, all of my own causing. To wit:
1. Move all driver stations to the front side
2. Adjust the pit lane for better entry/exit
3. Fix the support system for the elevated sections - make things SOLID
4. Eliminate the crossovers
5. Move the chrono and lap counter to the back side of the track so they can be more easily viewed by all drivers
6. Improve the track borders
So for starters, Victoria and I played with a few different versions of this layout and finally came to a conclusion. At this point most of the wood structure is in place and it's about time to think about borders and fencing.
On another note, we were able to do this all using the wood that was the original border pieces just turned over and cut to size.
The revised pit lane, more on this to come...
From the other end of the main straight and heading into the uphill curves
Through the twisties and up the back side
The back straight and headed straight for trouble
This will be one of the interesting sections of the track prior to heading downhill
More as we get there.