Gobs of fun ... especially with the side by side battles and close car performances and lap totals and not knowing the results till the last heat.
2 February 27, 2022 3:49 pm
Re: How Fast is Fast? And How Does "Our" Fast Compare With "Their" Fast? (14 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
I watched him take laps on Howie's track, it was quick and tight. When I tried mine a few months ago with mine it would go airborne at full throttle but I have no idea what motor it has other than it is compact in size and totally unfamiliar with Wing cars in general.
I can help you ID your wing car. It's been many years since I raced those but raced them for several decades. Lot of adrenaline fun going real fast.
3 February 24, 2022 11:39 pm
Re: How Fast is Fast? And How Does "Our" Fast Compare With "Their" Fast? (14 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
Bill, don't know if you noticed but I pulled out a 30 year old wing car last Saturday at Howie's. I turned several low 3.6 lap times .... nearly a full second faster that the scale cars. The car was well planted in the corners and under powered for it's handling. I had a 25 year old PS mini motor with an X12 arm. It could have used a cobalt g27 power. I doubt it could use my Benny Justice G7 motor.
The traction on your track is slightly less .... so easy to over-power the grip
4 December 13, 2021 3:57 pm
Re: How Fast is Fast? And How Does "Our" Fast Compare With "Their" Fast? (14 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
You're right Monte, that would be the best way to compare. I just don't know that I am THAT curious or interested.........
The other thing is I have not seen where 1/24 scratchbuilt hardbody cars built like those around here are raced anywhere but here. What I've seen of other group's cars are totally different. Apples to oranges. I'd be satisfied with just some FPS numbers.
I once communicated with a guy in Florida I think ... who said they ran a custom built Nascar class. I asked him to send a pic of his custom chassis .... and I would do the same for him. His car looked like some glorified Wonp slab car with bubble gum solder joints. Yikes!
Running INline custom built Revell/AMT type bodies is probably ONLY ran there in Oregon. Pacific in Edgewood ran semi-scale lexan Nascar bodies on Flexi chassis'. Way faster. I am definitely NOT a fan of inline, but have to follow the 50 year tradition of OSCAR.
5 December 13, 2021 3:30 pm
Re: How Fast is Fast? And How Does "Our" Fast Compare With "Their" Fast? (14 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
I am perfectly satisfied with the speeds of the cars we are currently racing! Our Can Am cars are about as fast as I am interested in racing. What I was really looking for was some method of comparing similar types of cars raced in different areas or on different tracks. When I see posts that talk about how fast a particular car is based on lap times at a certain track it doesn't mean anything to me. Variables such as track lap length, how technical a track is, and driver skill will all affect that lap time. And although the cars speed in feet per second does not eliminate those variables, I feel it does give me a more concrete figure to base a comparison on.
Dennis, the next time you come down please bring one of those cars with you. Let's set an absolute track record on Inslot's Checkered Flag!
Gary T. mentioned he went 2.97 seconds on the old shorter track. My G7 motors would be too fast and no way to put that kind of power down to the track. Open G12 would be the next choice with Perimeter style chassis with open sports body might go in the high 2 second bracket ... like what set the record at Mile High track with Paul P.s more capable finger. Even faster if I went with a wing body! Anything goes, if you are going for an ultimate absolute track record, right?
6 December 12, 2021 1:56 pm
Re: How Fast is Fast? And How Does "Our" Fast Compare With "Their" Fast? (14 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
Hawk7 powered Can-Ams can smoke the heavy S16D Nascars. Lightweight bodies 10 grams vs 34 grams .... allow lightweight chassis. 115 grams vs 240 and more total car weight. Nascar bodies do not help the handling but are what slows the car down. Take that Nascar body off and the car gets faster. Can-Am bodies help the handling aerodynamically and make the car faster. Low tech cars can go about as fast depending on body and motor rules.
Let's get out the open 12 super lexan cars and REALLY go fast!
7 November 21, 2021 12:20 pm
Re: Northwest True Scale Classic NASCAR Race held on November 20, 2021 (7 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
The Oregon true scale racing program is progressing nicely. Lots of racers have fast cars and managing them for great lap totals. Out of towner type racers really have to have their "A" game to win. A fun challenge for sure. I really like the Inslot track mods ... but still tying to master the new layout.
8 October 22, 2020 9:45 pm
Re: Newly found 64P spur gears (3 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
Got my gears from Amain hobbies in Cal. If you want to use 3/32 axle .... you have to make your own reducer out of K&S brass 3/32 ID tubing and carefully grind out a hole for the setscrew to pass through .... then cut to length to match the gear width. When done right, the fit is perfect.
9 October 6, 2020 9:37 pm
Topic: Newly found 64P spur gears (3 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
They are perfect! I am trying to submit a picture of the Arrowmax SL gears ... but the pic is not appearing.
10 October 4, 2020 9:22 am
Re: RAPID 500 Seasoner Opener (33 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
My assumption was Ted would win the event .... when I left before the race was over. Congrats Marty! On the same lap after 16 heats.
11 September 28, 2020 9:06 am
Re: RESCHEDULED! - Springwater 500 / Classic NASCAR Race - September 26th (36 replies, posted in Springwater Raceway)
Forgot to check the Sportsman rules .... maybe we are allowed to have independent rotating front wheels?
12 September 28, 2020 9:05 am
Re: RESCHEDULED! - Springwater 500 / Classic NASCAR Race - September 26th (36 replies, posted in Springwater Raceway)
I REdiscovered how weak front brass axle tubes are in racing. I had to straighten mine about 3 times to get the axle to roll again. Thought my motor was slowing down. No, just the rolling resistance going UP. Will be looking for a good solution to that problem.
13 July 12, 2020 11:03 am
Re: Columbia Gorge Championship race. (17 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
Gobs of fun racing down there as usual .... and loved the track layout and facility. Broke my long cycle of not being inside a church building ..... Much thanks, RacerBob!
14 June 28, 2020 8:31 pm
Re: PASER Co-founder Bob McFarland (27 replies, posted in PASER)
Today is the first time I have perused this gallery of Bob's old fleet of cars. You can see his progression of design over the years. A very creative guy and always had a fast car even if he decided to use his "B" or "C" car at a race. Beating Bob at his track was near impossible especially if he pulled out his "A" car. He once loaned me out one of his top cars .... after my car expired in the race and I could tell the difference in handling after 1 lap. Top builder and top notch guy.
15 May 18, 2020 5:43 am
Re: This is the Indy car page. (60 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
TMI. Evidently Dennis, you are bored as Hell.
Nope, got plenty to do. Just sharing some math analysis.
16 May 17, 2020 8:43 pm
Re: This is the Indy car page. (60 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
Crunching some numbers on yesterdays race. Zack the winner cut a best lap of 4.595 .... so a perfect race "potential" would be 835.6 laps in a 64 minute race. Since no one ever has a perfect race .... rather has to contend with passing slower traffic and wrecks to avoid and occasional fall outs ... plus running on the slower lanes .... reaching a potential of 92% of perfect puts him right around 768 laps, which is very good. Some race computers will calculate the race and analyze it from every stat.
17 May 11, 2020 12:55 pm
Re: Bill's Junk (220 replies, posted in Slot Talk)
I'm impressed with your collection of boxes and memorabilia cars there Bill. A few years ago, I bought a Cox La Cucaracha 1/24 scale car in mint condition from Ebay. Thought i would keep it forever but after 6 months or so I lost the urge to own it ... so it's gone now. I guess I have adopted the attitude ... if it doesn't help my race program, I don't need it.
18 May 11, 2020 12:20 pm
Re: OSCAR Three Race Tournament In Planning Stage (16 replies, posted in OSCAR)
I'm not sure of the exact total, Bob Nakamura would know. When it was my turn to look there were probably still 20 or so available.
20? Wow, what a prolific builder he was! All top notch cars for the last decade ... and maybe his latest cars were even improvements.
19 May 8, 2020 3:00 pm
Re: WTB. LATE MODEL NASCAR (6 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
Dennis; there is a for sale page on the Rapid site, why don't you post those Fusions there. I am sure you would get some interest.
Sounds like Zack wants the 2 Fusions and 1 Nastruck. But I also have a stack of perfect JK flexi chassis' to sell ... since he is showing a flexi can be competitive.
20 May 8, 2020 8:13 am
Re: WTB. LATE MODEL NASCAR (6 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
I have 2 brand new Ford Fusion bodies and set of decals ...... probably won't use. $15 each if interested.
Zack, I got your email request about a Fusion Nascar body and replied back to you on that ... just checking to make sure you got the reply email?
21 May 8, 2020 8:05 am
Re: OSCAR Three Race Tournament In Planning Stage (16 replies, posted in OSCAR)
How many cars did Bob's estate have to sell? Just curious ... I don't need any.
22 May 6, 2020 2:30 pm
Re: OSCAR Three Race Tournament In Planning Stage (16 replies, posted in OSCAR)
Howie's Ferrari is a very good handling car!
I also have a McFarland built Ferrari that can be run!
Have all of Bad Bob's cars been picked off now? Ted was interested in a few of those.
23 May 6, 2020 2:12 pm
Re: This is the Can Am page. (113 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
It was a great race. Thanks for making the drive Dennis I enjoyed the battle!
I also like a good friendly hard fought battle ... win, lose or draw. Lot more fun that way .... when it comes down to one extra driver error. Still surprised you got the old Champion flexi to go fast. Maybe, just maybe Bill will have a CanAm race too in the near future?? If so, more fun awaits.
24 May 6, 2020 12:11 pm
Re: Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway - Renovation (199 replies, posted in InSlot's Checkered Flag Raceway)
Typically the very inside and outside lanes are considered the gutter lanes ... with lap penalties, but not on your track. McFarland could win on Yellow and was his favorite lane. I love RED lane!
25 May 6, 2020 11:35 am
Re: This is the Can Am page. (113 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)
Dennis, here is the way the vote rules are: We always vote on what two classes are to be run next. The two classes that have just run like the Can-Am and the Early Modified are ineligible for the next vote which would be the start of the 2021 season. However they will be eligible for the second half of the coming season. So they have a chance to be voted in before years go by.
You got a good system there Howie. I'm removing all race tires off all cars right now .. and noticed the tire diameter on my CanAm is now .920" AFTER the race. Too big! With 4 cars, it's harder to manage all details. Still happy though and had fun.