(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Not an issue at all Bill, may it serve you well.

Doc, let's not go there.  Don't swallow the bait.


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Are you adding master wood craftsman to your credentials?

That looks great!  Even has the sticker.

Summer racing, some are not.

Have fun ya'll!

I have a comment/question.

1.  All these rules to make the car faster yet no independent front wheels?

What is the reasoning here?

2.  Which of the ScaleAuto cars have metal chassis if any?

Also, I added some bolding and white space to make the post a bit easier to digest.


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Well heck, I was ready to pack the car!


(15 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

So that's what happened to all the slot boxes!


Was Pinocchio a real boy?

Ouch, and double ouch!  Stay safe out there Stan!


(5 replies, posted in NASTE)

So, one day when we were hosting the NASTE series races on Saturday's, Dennis showed up for the race on Sunday!

We chuckled a bit, invited him in and turned on the track for some laps and conversation.

When he was ready to leave, we awarded him a trophy and thanked him for coming.

I always enjoyed my time with Dennis, he will be missed.


(64 replies, posted in Events)

Well, let me fix that for you.


(64 replies, posted in Events)

Thanks Stan and Mitch for the organizing.  It was nice to spend an evening among the natives.

And it's always good to brush up on the putting cars back in the slot skills.  Fortunately, I was not tasked to display my controller connection abilities.

Is there an external link to this proxy?

I could make it over to Mitch's.

We wait to hear more.

Let us know what you decide.

However, I'm sure Mitch or Al would be amenable to hosting.

Your math is skewed...

9 cars and 4 lanes makes 9 heats with rotation.

Three minute heats with a minute or two in between makes about an hour.

The Alfa is up and running, we can make it.

Four hours...  how many proxy cars?

Doc, the engine has about 200 miles on a rebuild.  We should be good.

Lately?  No.

Ever?  Absolutely.

I bought it in Burbank and drove it home. And it's been driven to rallies, ran the event, and then drove home.  More than once.

I'm gonna bring it to your driveway so you can enjoy the sounds of the fabulous Busso six-cylinder engine.

Then we'll go for a little ride and you can enjoy the amazing handling due to the 50/50 front/rear weight distribution. The edge of death is never far away!  Why you can even monitor the light that is labeled CLIFF ALARM.  But don't be alarmed - there's a rally man at the wheel.

Beware.  Be very ware...

I wouldn't make you do that.  The most likely action would be to get the Alfa moving.

I'll have an update on that by tomorrow.

Vic is out of town that day, so no car for Monte.

By my calendar, 4/1 is a Monday.

Do the tires sides on the back match those on the front?  Jeff was a tire changer.

Yes, I'll commmmmmmmmment.

I adjusted Docs' text to be a little more presentable.

So, is the issue being addressed that the cars are not fast enough to make a satisfactory driving experience?  And what classes are you running that don't take a lot of car prep?  Because it sounds like the simple class is heading for the upper reaches of performance tuning.

That is to say, few will confuse a Scaley car with any of those other boutique brands.  Nor should they.


(21 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Ah, what we all know...

Bless the eye of the beholder. 

The customer is always right.  wink 

Later we'll get straight to what's left.