(9 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

That's hard, Rico. We all hope that you and racing will be back soonest!!

Had my first vaccine shot on Wednesday. Made me tired and my arm is sore at the injection site, but otherwise, it was the least painful shot I've ever had. Hardly noticed it.

Hopefully these vaccines will get us all back to normal quickly.


(5 replies, posted in Events)

Work is progressing on our remodel; our contractor thinks we'll be done by the end of March. If that's the case, I can start racing here at Autodromo Rossa Colline probably by mid-April. Can't wait!

Looks very professional. Bet, as the Brits say, "It works a treat!"

Chris, yes, some truck doors frozen shut, and a 1-inch layer of ice on the front windscreen. The bed cover was a joy to get open as well.

Lots of small branches down; a couple of inches of snow that turned to crusty ice and then everything gone today. So not many problems in Newberg, except it prevented construction on the remodel for YET MORE DAYS.



(2 replies, posted in Autodromo Rossa Colline)

I'd be overjoyed to have the remodel completed! Our contractor had his heart procedure done a week ago Friday; he has to "rest" for two weeks and then he can get back to work. The framing is 99% done. Once he's finished with that and does a little more work on the roof, he can get the building inspector out to approve the work. When that's finished, then it's time for insulation, drywall, painting, finish plumbing and electrical. Those folks have crews, so the work should go much faster. I would hope to be finished by the end of March, but it looks more like mid-April now. We have Airbnb bookings for the end of May, and then June, July and August bookings, so we'd better be done soon!

And I'm not going to require masks, but folks can wear them if they want. Airbnb requires super cleaning, so the place will be sanitized within an inch of its life. Should be very disease-free!

Doc, try this link:

https://www.constellationhobbies.co.nz/ … p-products

They're in New Zealand...


(11 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Cool! Where is it?


(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

We started the whole thing in 2019. Because of zoning requirements and engineering code, basically the whole building is being rebuilt. The structural engineering itself took a month and $4K.

But...the contractor was back with his buddy yesterday, and things are progressing nicely. Framing is almost complete, electrical and plumbing are in (except for finish stuff, of course). What's left is insulation, putting plywood under the sheet metal roof, sheetrock, paint and flooring. There are crews for that stuff, so it should go pretty quickly. We hope to be done by March.

We've got bookings for May and June, so we'd BETTER be done!


(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

Yes, not mine, fortunately. The contractor will have a minor surgery on 1/29 to cauterize something on each side of his heart, which is supposed to fix the situation. In the meantime, he has secured help from a friend of his, and has been working in a "supervisory" position, which for him, means doing slightly less of the work himself. He's a great guy and a great contractor, does wonderful work, so we're hoping that the operation is fully successful.


(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

I've been here all along, Doc. Just have no space to build anything or a track to race on.

The renovation of our shop into a 2-unit Airbnb space, due to begin in OCTOBER 2019, has suffered a number of setbacks, including 1st contractor bailing out of the project on the day we were supposed to sign the contract; and the second contractor (neighbor from across the street) suffering several setbacks.

Those included concrete dust in the eyes, construction stoppage due to air quality issues from the wildfires, and two heart attacks. So...no track, no workshop, and a house, garage, and 26-foot shipping container all full of furniture and lighting equipment that is intended for the renovated space.

Believe me, I'd be racing like crazy if I had the time, space and track to test. I got a brand new resin printer for Christmas, but there's no flat space in the house to set it up. I'm eating meals on TV trays.

But we're alive and healthy, so there's that....


(12 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Nice ending to a difficult story. Hope everything continues to go well for your folks. I will love to see the "camper" when it's done; looks like a pretty interesting project.


(12 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Wow. Just wow.


(6 replies, posted in NASTE)

Thanks for the good wishes, Chris. Was too busy cooking stuff and then eating it all to respond on the day....but Happy Thanksgiving denouement to you and yours. Yes, we all have a lot to be thankful for, even in the &*E^T@@# that's been 2020.
Here's hoping the next few days, weeks, and months are good to all of you!


(23 replies, posted in NASTE)

It's the same as every other virus. You can get it no matter what you do. The point is, take the precautions that make sense to you. It's clear that government and "medical experts" really have no clue what to do:

"Western nations face a big challenge in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic: Ten months into the health crisis, they still know little about where people are catching the virus.

The problem is becoming more acute as new cases are breaking records in the U.S. and Europe and pressure grows on authorities to impose targeted restrictions on places that are spreading the virus, rather than broad confinement measures that are wreaking havoc on the economy.

In Germany, authorities say they don’t know where 75% of people who currently test positive for the coronavirus got it. In Austria, the figure stands at 77%. In Spain, the health ministry said that it was able to identify the origin of only 7% of infections registered in the last week of October. In France and Italy, only some 20% of new cases have been linked to people who previously tested positive."


(23 replies, posted in NASTE)

With regard to shutdowns, this is an interesting article:

https://behindtheblack.com/behind-the-b … 19-spread/


(23 replies, posted in NASTE)

The year best forgotten, right?


(84 replies, posted in NASTE)



(23 replies, posted in NASTE)

Well, I would be holding races if my Airbnb renovation was progressing or finished. It seems as if the project is cursed...first contractor pulled out the day before he was supposed to start construction. Neighbor contractor lost a gig, so was overjoyed that he could work on our project. Yay!! But...his helper had back issues and had to have surgery, so it was "go it alone". Then he got concrete dust in his eyes, and was sidelined for a week. Then the wildfires made the air quality in our area unbreatheable....lost another week. Got his son to help out, son slipped in the bathtub and threw out HIS back....back to "go it alone." Plumber ordered the wrong shower, took six weeks to get the new one. Roll-up doors factory is behind because of...wildfires...doors are 3 weeks late. Contractor got his son back and....suffered a bout of congestive heart failure. We have had no work done now for the last 2 weeks, and the project that was supposed to be STARTED last December and finished by the summer looks like it will take until the end of the year or possibly February. Who cursed me?


(136 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Presidential Inauguration? I always thought that was the 20th...

Or maybe the date for the dissemination of the Pfizer COVID vaccine?

Mitch, quite right. It’s often a case of “if you give a mouse a cookie...”

(“He’ll want a glass of milk...”) and on and on...

I'm here on a daily basis just lurking, since I don't have any space to work on cars, my track is covered by a tarp while the shop renovation is ongoing (albeit VERY slowly), and I don't have any room in the house. So, I just look at all the slot boards and see other people racing and building and it drives me CRAZY. We might have everything done by the end of November, but realistically, it probably won't be until next year sometime. X@#%$@!!


(84 replies, posted in NASTE)

It's less than that, Doc. More like 0.13%. And even less if you're young and relatively healthy.

If a race happens in the forest, and the Koub isn't there to see it, did it happen?

Thanks to Bob for the wonderful car and Rico for the loan of his controller...both of which were much better than the driver they were loaned to! Thanks to all who showed up for a great day of racing. It's been a long time coming for me—haven't touched a controller since last November, so this was a really fun day.