Thats  just plum crazy. Great job bringing home 5th and 10th wasn't it

What color are they calling that on the cars?

That still a good showing. I take it the teams took the cars home. Camaro or Mustange ?

So were did you all finish? Those t/a cars sure looked sharp..

well it put up or shut up time.good luck and bring home the gold guys.


(6 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

1st time at track and 1st car has seen a track. needed to tune out the wheel hop on group c car.


(6 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Thanks for hoisting the race Monte and Victoria. had a blast. Hope I can make it out there more often.

What I still have all my parts still on my car.


(6 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

amazing indeed.

Some one needs to film one of our BRM  races to show how clean and accident free they really are.

One bad race night and it could fall apart for championship. do I dare say it??? could there be foul play a foot in the pits. could there be a green t/a mustang that will be seeing ebay in the next few weeks... can goose break into winners circle. can any body knock of Rico of the top?  This any many other question will play out in the following race nights.


(13 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Thanks that was I was looking for


(13 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Trying to find the rules on C Class cars. can somebody point me to the correct page please.


(26 replies, posted in NASTE)

Still need to remove the race on the 12th at Als on the home page


(2 replies, posted in Cars)

These look like they be fun. … try1595665


(9 replies, posted in NASTE)

just paint any old car yellow and call it good. we all now how you love the color yellow on a car.
I had for got all about that race.I dont have anything built either.

I dont eat McDonald's after finding a used band aid  in the half consumed cheeseburger i got from the one up the road from your place a few summers ago. thus the joke her saying enjoy Mcdonald's.


(6 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade) … SwYIxX~X4U … Sw-4BXYBX2


(2 replies, posted in Events)

Man just went through the rule book. and it is a rule book for that proxy.

Ok death by yellow paint ball firing squad it is then

Count me out. doctor making go back to work.So the weekends are out for me

What is the other???????

I was looking at that too that is why I asked 1st. But was thinking a little nascar in my head at the same time. "If dos not say no in the rule book then it is ok"

Well I also had a little lead tape on the bottom of my t/a car. It has been removed and placed on the inside of the car. 50 lashes will be dealt out on next rule in fraction.

Man o man was that some close racing tonight. Great job all