(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I found a 25 ohm pot at Radio Shack and installed it but it still didn't work, it might have been the wrong type. I talked to Alan

yesterday and he said to send it back to him and he will see what he can do. So, I've done that. He should probably have it by


If I've screwed it up to bad I'll just chalk it up to an expensive lesson.

BTW I read in an instruction page on Professor Motor that if you get in the habit of turning your brakes on full after each heat it

can't burn up in that position if you hook it up wrong. My first thought was "Great another thing to try to remember".


(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

BTW, Al's track came out very nice, very smooth with a great flow thru the whole track. We didn't attempt to hook the up computer or timing system, we just wired up the lanes to make sure it all worked well. With no jumpers the cars ran fine all the way around. Al's KTM was the only car that seemed to lose power at the far end of the track.


(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Thanks Bill. I took the old one out this morning. Reinstallation doesn't look too bad if I can find a suitable pot. I know Radio Shack has them, I just don't know if they're the right ones.


(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

It is/was a nice controller. Unfortunately today just after we got Al's new track all fired up I hooked it up wrong and fried the brake pot. I am unable to locate one for it online so I'll try Radio Shack first for a 30/35 ohm pot and if they don't have one Professor Motor makes one that will fit it and they have online instructions for installing it. I just wish my soldering skills were better.


(14 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Yes, very nice. I like the Flux idea. Soldering has always been a challenge. Monte, why are we up this early?


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

Dom did pretty good. I had one heat where I wasn't last.


(7 replies, posted in NASTE)

Yes, thank you very much. I got home and had to dig mine out of the box.


(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Well on my Slot it Porsche I had a little chatter in the high speed corners with the anglewinder, today I changed it to a sidewinder. It"s very smooth on my track. 13.5 volts is a little much for the cars we have set up, but if you don't squeeze the controller too hard you can get in some nice laps. It was fun to see the over fifty cars get out and run the way they were intended. Their club runs a lot of Flexy cars with Lexan bodies. The braids are recessed a little so unless we were to shim down our guides we can't run as hard as they would anyway. This track was purchased from a Springfield shop and before that it was in Eugene. The guys who raced on it in Eugene many years ago only remember it as being yellow. The guy who maintains it now said he found that it was purple under the yellow, so it has a history that is unknown before that. They had been wondering what happened to the Depoe Bay tracks. They were glad to hear that Bob bought them and that they didn't end up in a burn pile somewhere.


(3 replies, posted in Events)

Me too Dennis, I have tools and I'm not afraid to use them.


(91 replies, posted in Race Rules)

I have a couple of questions regarding the new rules in classic sports car. I'm really liking my Ninco XK120s right now, but Ninco doesn't make any 18K long can motors so it appears on the chart that the only legal long can Ninco motor is the NC5 and the NC2. The next one NC12 comes in at 19K. I know that a lot of our Vettes came from the factory with motors faster than that, at least the newer ones seem to. Even my 356 came new with a 25K motor making it almost undrivable without a magnet. I've already turned my GT40 back into a GT car as a back up for my Porsche. It seems that without a back up car I can become a spectator in a hurry. Any way Slot it Kits cars were not mentioned, I was wondering about those. The same question also applies to Racer  RTR and kit cars. They are built with Slot it parts, but with the heavier bodies are not as fast. We have at least 4 members that have been running some of these so I know these questions will come up eventually. I'm thinking if we discuss it here we can figure it out before we spend too much time and $$ on the wrong car. BTW by 1:00am Friday morning my GT40 was a very fast Sports Car. By dinner time it was a GT car and my XK120 was scattered across the work bench. See Ya Thursday.

Got it back together, it has parts from three different cars, but it sure runs nice.

I installed H&R 18K Hawk motors in both Scalextric Trans Am cars and in my Slot It GT40 for classic sports car. It will be interesting to see how much variation there is amongst the three. Bill, are you testing at 12 volt per some factory specs or at 10 volts that we run on? I also noticed that the Ninco motors are rated at 14.4 volts, it will be interesting to see what they turn at 10 or 12 volts.


(32 replies, posted in NASTE)

Cool stuff.


(32 replies, posted in NASTE)

I won't be rolling back into town until the afternoon.


(6 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Yes, thanks for opening up your home. It was a great turnout and a great time.


(0 replies, posted in NASTE)

I noticed this morning there is a new Trans Am Proxy getting underway in January. The cars specs are just as we have been running with the addition of Scratch built cars and U2 cars. They are running the U2 cars together with the O2 cars and scoring them separately the same way we are doing vintage F1. The only other difference is an 18K motor limit to even the field. I might have to install an H&R hawk motor in my Pioneer and send it on a road trip. They are also looking for a few more host tracks if Naste is interested. Dave Reinecke appears to be the main contact. At least that is where the cars go first.


(19 replies, posted in Track)

Here's another



(19 replies, posted in Track)

All the routing is done and the pieces are cut out, now it's assembly time. Trying to mount a guide into a 1/24 scale RC car for testing, but the garage feels like an oven this evening.



(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

I think tomorrow we might start routing and cutting out pieces.


(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

It's coming together, with I think  the correct wheels, or at least as close as I'm going to get.



(19 replies, posted in Track)

Work is progressing on Al Christiansen's new track in NE Portland. Were not sure yet if the easy part is over and the hard part is starting, or the hard part is over and the fun part is getting underway.


I don't know much about can am, but I do have a Monogram T70 that handles poorly and an MRRC Chaparral that I intend to run the crap out of. I can probably change the motor in either  direction as needed. Lord knows I have enough practice doing that... Slot it McLaren? Hmmmmm.


(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Goose, I'll get some more tomorrow, do you want it next Thursday? Or would you like it sooner? I'm done working for a bit so the Harley and I are free to roam. Well at least until Chris gets off work.


(53 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

After the sub par performance of my oft changed '70 Camaro my '69 arrived. After moving the magnet to the rear position I can run wide open most of the way around my track at 10 volts. Strombecker track does have the heavier steel rails though. I tried to add a photo but I guess I can't on my phone.


(14 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

No, I've already got a couple of tubs full of unused track and misc parts.


(14 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Cool Rico. I had planned on going then at the last minute Chris asked if I would take her to the Antique Show, she hardly ever asks so I took her.