Topic: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

The races for the point series at Rapid Raceway will be in the Can Am Class this season. Beau Frazier produced some beautiful Can Am chassis which he made available for the first buyers at a super price! These chassis are gorgeous! If you didn't take the opportunity to pick one up on the first go around you should get your name in for the second bunch!

Today I started working in earnest on my entry for Rapid Raceway's Can Am series. Much to my dismay I found the Can Am bodies I had purchased from Truescale did not fit my new chassis. Both bodies were Porsches and they were 3 1/4" wide. The chassis Beau made available are 3" wide. Although the chassis have provisions for changing the side pans to wider pans, I decided to use another option. I had an old chassis that we raced with the PASER guys back in the early 80's. It is an American Line chassis that came with a soldered in 36D motor. The chassis is already set up for tall true scale type wheels and tires, so all I had to do was modify the chassis for a Falcon motor. After I cut out the 36D motor I installed a motor mount for the required Falcon type motor. I am not a great chassis builder, and my soldering skills are limited. I am alsways looking for new techniques to make chassis building easier. One tip I picked up recently was from an article Jarius Watson did in the new Slot Cars Magazine. He suggested using a small plastic bottle for liquid soldering flux. I followed his advise and must say I wish I would have thought of this years ago! It makes applying flux so much easier, easier to control and get it where you actually want it! Thank you Jarius!!! So the next tip I came up with myself, mostly though desperation and frustration! I found today that aluminum tape works excellent for holding parts in position for soldering! The stuff holds great to any surface and the heat does not affect it! Plus, solder does not get on the parts that are taped over!!!

Anyway, here's some photos of today's progress:

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

Excellent job Bill.  Nice looking chassis.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

Yes, very nice. I like the Flux idea. Soldering has always been a challenge. Monte, why are we up this early?

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

Holly COW, you guys are up EARLY!!!!

Wish I could take credit for building the whole chassis, but thanks anyway!

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

It takes a good building in the first place to make a proper modification.

"Big Smooth"

6 (edited by howie October 17, 2015 10:01 am)

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

Bill; that chassis is looking great! Looking forward to seeing it in action later today!
Here is my brand new Can-Am with a Beau chassis and Ferrari 517 body.

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

OK, my Can Am car is done and hopefully ready for the track!........we'll see.......

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

Update: Overall I was pretty pleased with the Porsche. It had good speed, but the handling was pretty loose. Some of the looseness was due to the fact therear tires were old and not as soft and sticky as a new set. It could also use a little chassis tuning, mainly some weight added. I didn't finish well, a DNF is never good, but the reason was minor. A broken lead wire put me out with one heat left to go. I did complete close to seven four minute heats, almost thirty minutes of racing, and suffered no body damage! I thought it was a good first outting for my car!

9 (edited by howie October 18, 2015 4:06 pm)

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

Very impressive looking car! Great job! I am sure it will be a good runner when you tune it up a bit. Last night was a fun race despite our Can-Am cars not getting the job done.

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

In the first race I entered with Hugh Ellsworth's modified American Line car, I completed 256 laps after two rounds of four minute heat races. I DNF'd in the last heat race with a broken lead wire. I was completing around 36 laps per heat, which if I had completed the last heat I would have completed roughly 292 laps for the race. My fastest lap time was a 5.061 second lap in the blue lane. I finished eighth out of eight, or more commonly known as DEAD LAST!

I entered the second race with nothing more than a new set of rear tires and repaired lead wires. I completed 343 laps with a fastest lap time of 4.890 seconds. An improvement for sure, but still only good for seventh place out of ten racers. But I finished and I wasn't dead last!

After the second race Howie invited me over for some testing and tuning. Help I very much appreciated! After three or four hours of adding, subtracting, and moving weight around, changing multiple sets of tires, and a motor swap to a Hawk 7 from the Falcon 7 I had been running, things were looking better! By the end of the test session I had my lap times down to 4.3 second range in the blue lane. Chassis changes included locking the front end down to eliminate any movement of the front axle, and side pan movement had be limited.

In the third race I realized two things right off the bat. My car was now competitive, but it was much faster than anything I was used to and I hard a very hard time keeping up with it. I could run with the quick guys, but only for a couple laps before I started losing control, usually resulting in crashes. But the car performed well! I completed 373 laps with a best lap time of 4.280 seconds. Good enough for sixth out of the eleven racers entered.

I have a couple chassis tuning mods to try for the next race, but mostly I need to improve my driving skills. I have made progress with each race and I hope to improve in the next race. To date Hugh's car has proven to me that even the "old school" cars can still be competitive, even after all these years of slot car development!

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

I have that problem all the time. I think I must have a 2.5 minute attention span. In a 3 minute heat most of my de-slots are usually in the last 30 seconds.
At the speeds they run at Rapid Raceway I'm afraid to blink, and that's when I'm marshalling.

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

I hear ya Mitch! I'm beginning to think I'm too old and slow for these cars, but then I look around and there's guys faster AND older than me!!!

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

You must achieve a Zen state.  Find your inner rhythm.  Then speed it up!

"Big Smooth"

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

I am not only tone deaf as we have discussed in the past, but also lack rhythm.........................

Re: Can Am at Rapid Raceway

You guys are funny.  I agree, it sometimes is difficult to achieve the required attention span needed to win or perform well.  With our zany group, it can be almost impossible to concentrate at all.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.