Ok, here's the deal...

I have added a unit to the Carrera Digital track that will allow it to run true analog as well - but only two lanes, naturally.

I needed that so I can get back to a little racing with ya'll.  Now I can build AND test.

So, Howie, no speed bumps, but that's an interesting idea.  Mitch, bring those Revo's on by, we'll have a run.

That's right.  We're planning an interesting upgrade to the Digital track.

Care to take a guess?

More on that soon...


(3 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Thanks to a new server group, we are back.

And yes, it was a struggle.

But, we ARE back!

Nah, he's talking about 8 and 16-bit slots for video cards and such.  XT/AT...

News from Al's yesterday was great.  New PC is in place and up and running.

A single tech call between Mitch and I and it was running fine!

I dropped a working unit to Mitch yesterday and it should do the job.

We wait to hear more as I didn't have a monitor to connect to it.

HOWEVER, I think Bill is also ready for a new unit and I have exhausted my supply.

I'll stop by Al's in the next day or so with an extra box that should work.


(5 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

On my list, thanks, and a nice collection is shown here as well.


(9 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Yup, same as it ever was...


(9 replies, posted in Slot Talk)

Hillsboro sounds like a war zone.  Celebrate but stay safe.


(2 replies, posted in Track)

That was a fun track, I enjoyed running on it.

I'm sure they'll have a good time with it.  Are they part of HOPAC?


I'm happy to loan it to anyone that wants to enter it.

Dude, 917, not 910.  Geez...

And, not gonna happen.  Tony already tried to put the pressure on.

Hope you get better soon, take care and stay safe.


(7 replies, posted in Gallery Photos)

Doc, I'll just be happy to turn a few laps.  I leave the fast stuff to you hot shots.

Howie, I'm here for you.  Always happy to help.

Conversation with my wife:

Me: "Ya know, you've been correcting me for 35 years!"
Her: "36, dear."


(7 replies, posted in Gallery Photos)

As time goes by it becomes more likely that one of these evenings I might be there.


(7 replies, posted in Gallery Photos)

After Adobe decided to drop Flash from their product line and with no easy alternative, the Gallery ceased to function.

The good news, the gallery is on the way back.  We have moved to a different gallery product that won't be going away any time soon.

And that's the news.

Zack.........19+17=36+19=53...  well, 55 but who's counting.

Gearloose..15+14=29+18=47+10=57+18=79...  75

Might be time for another update.  ;-)

Nice looking car there Chris.

There are enough types of Revo's there could be multiple classes.

Less prep time for beginners is always a plus.  The emphasis should be on track time.


(17 replies, posted in NASTE)

Well done, Donors!


(9 replies, posted in Events)

I can talk to him but I doubt his position will allow for a discount. He pretty much needs every dollar.

As for me, already have one.


(2 replies, posted in NASTE)

I believe we saw Stan in his last "gig" and it was well worth the experience.

I recommend you all go see this new production.  And McMinnville's a nice drive too.

Good luck General, break a leg.