One of many McFarland Memorial Events will be held at Spare Time Raceway on 3/7/22. The Event will feature both OSCAR and True Scale Sports Cars running together in a mixed race. The event will be an informal and lighthearted affair celebrating the life of Slot Car builder and racing legend, Bob McFarland.

If you are not local and are thinking about attending, please contact Bob Hanna at 541-580-7268 or via email at

Race information is as follows:
 Either OSCAR Sports Cars or True Scale Sports Cars are eligible to compete (No True Scale GT1s are eligible)
 Doors open at 4 P.M. on race day for practice
 Bring your own food and/or snacks. A refrigerator will be available for storage.
 Racing will begin promptly at 7 P.M.
 No qualifying or tech inspection.
 Race Director will seed participants.
 Race Format will be 2 times through with 2 minute heats (may be adjusted based upon number of attendees).
 Race will be stopped to allow a competitor to address a mechanical or other problem without penalty.
 Race Director will allow competitors ample time between heats

One of many McFarland Memorial Events will be held at Electron Raceway on 6/6/22. The Event will feature both OSCAR and True Scale Trans-Am cars running together in a mixed race. The event will be an informal and lighthearted affair celebrating the life of Slot Car builder and racing legend, Bob McFarland. If you are not local and are thinking about attending, please contact Rich via email (
Race information is as follows:
• Either OSCAR Trans-Am or True Scale Trans-Am cars are eligible to compete
• Doors open at 3 P.M. on race day for practice
• Snacks and Iced Tea will be provided
• Bring your own food and/or snacks. A refrigerator will be available for storage
• Racing will begin promptly at 7 P.M.
• No qualifying or tech inspection.
• Race Director will seed participants.
• Race Format will be 2 times through with 2 minute heats (may be adjusted based upon number of attendees).
• Race will be stopped to allow a competitor to address a mechanical or other problem without penalty.
• Race Director will allow competitors ample time between heats

The 4.5 inch Flexi NASCAR race was run immediately following the Classic NASCAR race. The consisted of one round of five minute heats. John came back to take the win just two laps ahead of Bob and Howie, who were tied for second. Bob took second place by way of better lap average.

Here are the results:

On Saturday January 29th 2022, Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway hosted a Northwest True Scale point race for the Classic NASCAR Class, and as the support race the 4.5 inch NASCAR Flexi Class. We had nine racers in attendance for the Classic NASCAR race, which is for hardbody (model car bodies) on Bob Hanna style Econo Car chassis. This is a very popular class with all the cars being pretty evenly matched, resulting in very close competition!

We raced through two rounds of four minute heats. After the first round Zack was in the lead just three laps ahead of Bob, with John in third another six laps down. Results from Round 1:

In the second round Zack stretched his lead by another three laps. Bob again finished right behind Zack. John dropped back with mechanical difficulties, and Al continued his great run finishing third in the second round. Results from Round 2:

The final results gave Zack the win, followed by Bob in second, and Al finished on the podium in third!

1st Zack 366 laps
2nd Bob 359 laps
3rd Al 343 laps
4th Terry 327 laps
5th Bart 327 laps
6th Howie 293 laps
7th Rico 288 laps
8th John 202 laps
9th Bill 162 laps

NASTE 2022 Point Series Championship Race No.5 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway January 27, 2022

Race Results - Classic Sports Car Div.I Class:

1 Daniel 67.8 Laps - 6 points.
2 Al 66.1 - 5 pts.
3 Jeff 65.7 - 4 pts.
4 Mitch 65.2 - 3 pts.
5 Rico 60.8 - 2 pts.
6 Stan 56.8 - 1 pt.

Current Standings for the 2022 NASTE Point Series Championship After 5 Races:

1st Daniel - 30 points.
2nd Al - 29 pts.
3rd Rico - 19 pts.
4th Mitch - 15 pts.
5th - tie Stan 8 pts.
5th - tie Jeff - 8 pts.
7th - tie Zack - 7 pts.
7th - tie Greg - 7 pts.
9th David - 5 pts.

Results from the January 27th race:

In February of 2020 the Northwest slot car community lost Bob McFarland. Since that time, due primarily to the COVID pandemic, we have been unable to properly show our respects and say goodbye to our friend and mentor. The track owners in the I-5 corridor, OSCAR members, and others have banded together to pay tribute to Bob with a series of races dedicated to his memory.

All American Raceway, Electron Raceway, Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway, Pelican Park Speedway, Rapid Raceway, Spare Time Raceway, Springwater Raceway, and Tom's World Raceway will all be hosting races. As of this date four of the races have been scheduled and are listed below:

February 12, 2022 - Springwater Raceway in Gresham - OSCAR Super Stock Class race.
March 7, 2022 - Spare Time Raceway in Roseburg - Sports Car Class race.
April 16, 2022 - Rapid Raceway in Portland - Porsche 962 Class race.
May 14, 2022 - Tom's World in Bend - OSCAR NASCAR Class race.
June 6, 2022 - Electron Raceway in Roseburg - Trans Am Class race.

Stay tuned for updates!


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

That's a good idea Doc! Awhile back Stuart offered to help us with a class. Next time I see him I'll talk to him about it.


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

The 2NASTE chassis Zack made up with Team Bluegroove bodies would be a good choice, however the PASER club's roots are embedded in actual scratchbuilt chassis, which in my view are chassis built from wire and brass strip soldered together. There is already a venue for the 2NASTE chassis and that is Northwest True Scale, with races taking place at Howie's Rapid Raceway, Springwater Raceway, and here at Inslot's Checkered Flag. I'm not saying "no", I'm just saying that doesn't meet the current criteria.

Also to note, I am NOT doing a true IROC format where I supply four cars for IROC racing. I did that for years and have NO desire to start doing it again! If we run any kind of IROC style races, the racers will be also contributing cars to race.

As far as the Scaleauto chassis, they're ok for motors softer than S16Ds in my opinion.


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

PASER has always promoted the racing of "Hardbody" cars, model car bodies mounted on scratchbuilt brass chassis. The topic of adding these classes of cars to the Monday racing came up again. The one issue with this class of racing has been how to get new racers up to speed. Many times the newer members have never built anything like the hardbody cars raced in this region. Suggestions that came up in some of the recent discussions included starting off the racing with very simple design chassis. Something similar to the Hanna Econo-Car chassis design. A specification could also be implemented which limits the chassis brass pans to .062" material. The .062" material is much easier to solder than the typical .090" used on the more advanced chassis. Another suggestion was to develop a spec type chassis and motor combination and use Team Bluegroove bodies, which are .030" thick (closer to model car bodies than the typical Lexan bodies). There was also an idea to start the racing as s variation of the IROC style races. For example, the racers that have or build some cars would put there cars out on the track. Four cars could be chosen by random or some other method, to be used in the race. All of the racers participating would race those four cars in an IROC style format.

So, more input would be helpful in getting started down this road. Especially from you newer guys! If you have any ideas or comments, let's here them!


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

The final race of the evening was the PM Flexi race. This time John wasn't around to kick our butts, so Doc decided to accept those duties! He spanked us pretty good, winning by eleven laps! The rest of us all finished closely together with only a few laps separating us. Her are the PM Flexi results:

And of course here's Doc, with yet another fence post!


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

As it turned out we had a good crowd for the evening races as well! The PM Womp race had six cars on the grid. The track had tightened up some as the temperature and humidity had dropped from the earlier races. Half the field was posting lap times in the 5.5 second range, and the others were hitting 5.6 seconds. Doc has been a force to deal with in the Womp races so far this year, and he was on the wheel for this race winning all three rounds of 20 lap heat races! Here are the PM Womp race results:

1st Doc 40 points
2nd Bill 35 pts.
3rd Dave 32 pts.
4th Lee 30 pts.
5th Bart 26 pts.
6th Brian 17 pts.

Here's Doc sporting yet another fence post and some questionable ears!


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

The Flexi race followed the Womp race and proved to be just as exciting! In this race John dominated all through the round of four minute heats. He took the win with an impressive nine lap lead! Here are the results from the midday Flexi race:

John got away before we could capture him on film. He has a another fence post coming to him at the next race!


(65 replies, posted in PASER)

The racing at Inslot's Checkered Flag Raceway on Mondays is heating up! The high noon Womp race had 9 entries. We raced the now standard format of three rounds of 20 lap heat races to determine a winner. With points being scored for finish positions in each individual heat race, each 20 lap heat race is important. At only 20 laps they go quick and there's no time to hold back!

This race was to be another extremely close one, with each of the top six racers posting at least one heat race win! After the three rounds of racing Doc and Dave ended up in a tie for first place overall. Using the fastest lap posted to break the tie gave Doc the overall win by just .147 second. Here are the High Noon Womp Race results:

1st Doc 41 points with a fast lap of 5.574
2nd Dave 41 pts. 5.721 fast lap
3rd Rob 37 pts.
4th Bob 36 pts.
5th Bill 35 pts.
6th Brian 24 pts.
7th Gerry 20 pts.
8th John 19 pts.
9th Ryan 17 pts.

Congrats to Doc and yet another Womp win! He's adding a lot of fence posts to that PASER WEENER CUP!

MrM_Bell wrote:
Mitch58 wrote:

I should be there next time, we are back in the world as of today.

I am curious and would like a bit of insight as to how I go about being out of this world. I could use a good vacation.

Open Track Mondays ARE a "different" world! Bygone days in every sense!


(3 replies, posted in Wanted)

OH Dude.....I busted up and threw at least 50 in the garbage a few months ago!

I WILL have more!!!!

Here's the beauty of this class:

It provides an opportunity to use some of those old NASCAR bodies we have laying around. !/24 or 1/25 it doesn't matter. Old and used or new ones that were less than desirable. Again it doesn't matter. So much is cut off the bodies, pretty much ANY will work!

And the bolt together chassis makes it even easier! The 2NASTE chassis is perfect! I mounted this Snap Kit body on the chassis I use for my TA2 car. The body fit right on without modification to the chassis. All I had to change was the front wheels and tires. It's easy to make the Slammer body fit a chassis you already have set up for something else (it's easy to adjust the wheelbase with the creative cutting of the body!).

So there you have it, slot car bodies 2.0.......truly a cut & paste project!

Here's the low down on this class. I was surfing the internet when I saw this car on Home Racing World.

I sent an email message to Howie with a photo. After that things went kind of crazy!

I took an old NASCAR Snap Tite kit (a kit I knew I would never use for anything because the body is too heavy), plugged in my Dremel tool, and started having a blast! Here's what I ended up with:

A new class is being developed for racing under the Northwest Trues Scale banner. Representing a late model modified type class of racing, we like to call them Slammers!

Here are the rules as currently written:

Slammer Class
1/24 and 1/25 NASCAR model car kit bodies from 1980 to 2007.  Bodies can be extensively cut to resemble extreme modified cars.
Body can be trimmed by removing material from the bottom sides (rocker panel area) to a minimum overall height of 1.750 inches at the roof’s highest point. The measurement for tech inspection will be taken with the body mounted on the chassis, and measured from bottom of chassis to roof’s highest point. More material may be removed from the front portion of the body than the rear, to achieve a slight rake when the body is positioned onto the chassis.
The front fascia of the body must remain intact (headlight area and grill opening), however the front air dam may be removed. The front leading edge shall maintain a vertical profile with a minimum height of .225”.
Roof A and C pillars may not be modified (no chopped tops).
Rear wheel openings may be enlarged for tire clearance. 
Front wheel opens may be cut out of fender completely to allow tires to extend above fenders and hood area.  Cuts may be made into hood sides to allow for tire clearance.
Mesh screen will be used to replace the front clear plastic window, and the clear plastic rear window will be eliminated.
The rear of the body may be cut off to shorten the overall length of the body.
A replacement rear panel must be added when the rear of the body is cut off. The panel may include the rear spoiler.
Rear spoiler height must not exceed .400” (measured from the top center portion of the rear deck lid). Rear spoiler may be no wider than the body.
Body must display numbers on both sides and the roof.  Numbers must be a minimum of 1/2" in height.
Body must have full driver's tray/interior with a driver figure.

Must use a Scholer, 2NASTE Chassis, Sloting Plus SP800001, the Scaleauto SC-8001c or SC-8002c chassis.
No soldering on chassis except the bushings for the axles and where noted for strengthening purposes.
Allowed modifications to chassis: you can cut a cooling hole under the motor if the chassis is not equipped with one. *You can strengthen the guide tongue any way you want or built a new one. Must use stock front and rear axle carriers. *You can strengthen the axle carrier using any method you want. You can make your own pans out of any material to be bolted to the "rattle pan" only. You can make a front pan. You can make your own motor mount or stiffen up the stock one if need be. You can stiffen up the "rattle pan",  J-B weld with piano wire along and across the pan works very well. May ream out axle housings to fit American bushings or bearings. May extend the wheelbase if need be with a home made system.
Track clearance will be .055".  Front tires must touch the track.
Front tires to be a minimum of  .950" diameter  X minimum .600" wide. May be coated.
Rear tires to be a minimum of 1.00". All tires must be black.
Parma Sealed S16D, Pro Slot ( PS 2001 or PS2003 ). May re-build motor with stock parts. You may use bearings on both ends of motor.
Front track = 3.300" maximum.
Rear track = 3.400" maximum.

These rules can be changed if needed.


(13 replies, posted in Springwater Raceway)


I was actually quite pleased with my day because in all the adversity (mostly of my own creation) I did finish!


(6 replies, posted in OSCAR)

Updates included:

Under General Rules this language was added: "Note: To prevent damage to track surfaces, when lighter fluid, tire conditioners or cleaners are applied to tires, make sure the excess is removed with a towel or allow tire to dry before putting on track surface."

The removal of motor specifications and part numbers for Parma motors. Language was changed to "Any D can motor up to and including S16D open large arm for any class. Stock falcon style FK motors may also be used."

The rules under Race Procedures were changed to ensure all racers receive the same amount of racing time. "15 or less racers: 4 Times through all at the same time.
16 or more racers: Split field in half.
     “B” main – 3 times though with winner given option to move up (Iron Man) to “A” main. (Number could increase at race director’s discretion.)
     “A” main – 3 times through."

Under the Production Sports Car rules, the chassis width and rear track were clarified and adjusted to allow for the use of the Ferrari Enzo bodies. "Rear tire track not to exceed 3.25 inches.
Chassis width not to exceed 3.25 inches."


(13 replies, posted in Springwater Raceway)

ckouba wrote:
wb0s wrote:

I think this body is beyond repair!

He was talking about the slot car, Bill!

True in BOTH cases!


(6 replies, posted in Wanted)

He is looking for THIS particular car......= collector.....


(6 replies, posted in Wanted)

A friend is looking for this Ninco Porsche 356 Speedster. Anybody got one they are willing to let go of?


(13 replies, posted in Springwater Raceway)

I think this body is beyond repair!