The copper tape made a huge difference on my track

It's like NSR's Baby King, fastest 17K motor I've ever had.

Put your motor back into your car Doc, we're racing them tonight.

Doc's trying to remember to unplug his motor


(91 replies, posted in Race Rules)

IMHO that's just part of tuning. It's something that anybody is capable of doing. I've done similar things sometimes successfully sometimes not so much. I've had similar success putting a new car on the track at 5 or 6 volts and letting it run for a couple of hours.

  There are a hundred different things you can do to tune a car and just because there might be one I don't care to do doesn't mean I can say the next guy can't. That would be like me saying I don't want to glue and sand my tires so nobody else gets to. Or me not having a tire razor and saying that nobody gets to use one.

  For me that's the best part of this hobby, the tinkering, experimenting, and fussing about. The rest is just running around in circles.


(36 replies, posted in NASTE)

I remember, I was driving your Granddaughters "cheater". Very fast and smooth with all of those magnets.


(36 replies, posted in NASTE)

Good choices Doc, you do well in those classes. However many racers aren't particularly fond of Trams Am and they need a LOT of tuning to run well.

The Cam Am and LeMans are run very stock and need very little fiddling with to run well.

Classics l or ll is a good one.

GT is also one that runs out of the box cars only replacing the magnet with lead.

When I started with NASTE I think we only had GT and Classic Sports car, at least that's all I remember. F1, LeMans, Trans Am, Over 50 and Can Am all came later.

It bugs me that I can't remember, I'm sure we didn't run the same cars every two weeks. I think each week we ran one of the classes then Bill ran an IROC race. I'm sure someone else remembers.


(36 replies, posted in NASTE)

Orange end bell the one that came in the car. It feels smooth like driving a Thunderslot, just not quite as fast.


(36 replies, posted in NASTE)

I do like the idea of fewer point classes and just more "fun" classes, but then I've never been a real "competitive" person by nature but I like having a good time. I know the competition is a big part for others, so I'll play along and try to be fast enough to keep the those folks on their toes.

  I'm enjoying the tinkering and tuning. Some brands of cars need some upgrades just to make them drivable before you even try to make them faster, but I now have a Slot It Alfa 33/3, a car I had previously given up on, that now runs in the low sevens lap after lap and can reach 6.8 when pushed using all Slot It parts and rubber tires. So anything is possible.


(36 replies, posted in NASTE)

Good point Bill. We could also revisit the whole motor thing and just turn down the voltage for certain classes.  Some of us did a little experimenting with this last week after hours with the new BRM Trans Am cars. The results were interesting.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

I think of our F1 as an endurance class, at least I have to endure trying to keep it on the track for 9 minutes.

Left to my own devices I would race 50s sports car one week, 60s sports cars the next, 70s sports cars after that, then repeat the cycle. I may be boring, but I'm easy to please.

Are Moslers considered LMP cars?

Would we also continue the GT class? Otherwise our MKl GT40s (1966-67) have no place to play.

Personally, I'm open to anything, I just like to race slot cars. There are others with strong feelings about what we run and how we do it. Let them voice their opinion, I'm just here for the fun. I'll race Strombecker and Eldon if you want to.


(3 replies, posted in Penguin Point Raceway)

Thanks Monte and Victoria for another wonderful First Sunday. I think I finished 4th and 5th which is a bit higher in the middle than usual for me. It seems a good time was had by all.

Yes, thanks Al for hosting, it was a lot of fun.

Classic Sports Car div l & ll is my favorite class.

Been ready Doc, Now I'm just waiting. The next time the  rest of these guys all look away at the same time I'm outta here.


(15 replies, posted in Cars)

Now Monte, he replaced the guide flag. I believe our rules say stock parts, however his car looks like a lot of fun to drive.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

I'm liking my McLaren M8D a lot. It's no Thunderslot, but it's no Fly either.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

I don't care what the group decides to do. I have cars that are capable of winning no matter what we decide.

It's consistent driving skills that I lack, and that's my business.

As for deleting races already run, It won't affect me much. It's really hard to get bumped out of the middle of the pack.

There must be some sleepless nights for the guys at the top.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

We did have a discussion about the Thunderslots prior to the start of the season and it was decided to allow them. From my point of view at that time I didn't own any and had never driven one. I was positive that I could built something to compete against them and was enjoying the challenge.

After spending enough money to buy a Thunderslot on two Fly cars I ended up with the fastest Fly cars I've ever driven, but that was it, they still fell short of what the Thunderslots were running.

Then I drove one. Before I finished the first lap I knew my efforts were futile. So I bought one. It's the fastest, smoothest most pleasant to drive car I own.

It's clear to everyone whether they've driven one or not they belong to a class of their own. Since they are currently producing more models perhaps eventually that will happen, other clubs have already done so.

That being said I think Mid Season changes should be avoided, but they happen whether to balance the field or to make some other needed correction.  Howie's track is having a power issue mid season They've gone from 13 volts to 9.5 volts. The generally faster guys grumbled for the entire 12 minutes they were racing, But Terry and I being used to 10 volts had a great time with Terry getting a podium finish. Al made a mid season change to the track which is taking a while to get used to but in the end it is a major improvement. We should have built it that way to begin with but both of us being the same height we didn't realize  that little blind spot was so much bigger for some of our club members, so a correction was made.

So as much as I enjoy driving my Thunderslot I'm open to whatever the majority wants to do. I'm very confident that my position in the middle of the pack is quite secure.


(258 replies, posted in Rapid Raceway)

Nice Howie. BTW, I plan on being there tomorrow.

Yes you did Doc


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

No, I just listen to the leaglease during the commercials. I even read the fine print on everything, because that might where they hide the interesting stuff.


(127 replies, posted in NASTE)

UT OH Doc, I thought it was four hours.