
(9 replies, posted in Events)

The Toaster is now full up. Jack signed up for the last seat to Saturday's Enduro in Auburn...   --------------Bill


(1 replies, posted in Cars)

Hey Jack, Your post worked fine. The photo in the link is a little small, but I also got the email from you with the PDF file. I'll take a look at the PDF file.  --------------Bill


(5 replies, posted in Cars)

We're working on the photos as we speak.....er, type!!!


(9 replies, posted in Events)

I'll be driving the "Toaster" up to the race. So far I have seats assigned for my son John and Flyin' Bryan. I still have one seat available.    -------------------Bill


(5 replies, posted in Cars)

Thanks John. Monte is doing a great job on this site! I agree about the MSN Group. It will be much better having it all here on one site! It's just going to take awhile to get everything together! --------Bill