Since we have no scheduled racing this Thursday, I can have our track open for a run what you brung/ test and tune sort of evening.
Since I'm not retired I can have it open by 5:00.
426 October 14, 2019 7:01 am
Topic: Odd Thursday (27 replies, posted in Track)
427 October 5, 2019 4:57 pm
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,128 replies, posted in NASTE)
Good reason
428 October 5, 2019 9:38 am
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,128 replies, posted in NASTE)
It was twitchy without a doubt. Very comfortable driver now.
429 October 5, 2019 9:25 am
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,128 replies, posted in NASTE)
As a Foot note to the Spirit Car:
Zack's looked so good going around the track that I pulled mine down off the shelf and started fooling with it. The first thing I did was pull out the motor and hit it with the tach. 26K at 12 volts.
That was about what I was guessing.
I added some weight and found an old Scalextric/Fly motor that tested at 18.3K and put it back together and sanded the tires.
where my rattlely old 908 and Fly 917 were in the 7.3-7.4 range this now runs about 7.1 but it is smooth lap after lap.
It's not nearly as fast as the podium cars but it is pleasant to drive and looks great doing it but it also tells me my other LeMans cars need some more attention.
430 October 5, 2019 9:14 am
Re: OSCAR Sportscar race (21 replies, posted in Springwater Raceway)
Thanks Bill
431 October 5, 2019 6:44 am
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,128 replies, posted in NASTE)
I have a feeling the 7th just hasn't been scheduled yet. If Al is unavailable we can probably arrange to do it here in Tigard if you Eastern folks can find your way across the river on a Thursday afternoon.
As for Spirit, The Spirit motor is a ways out of spec for this class, I know mine is awfully hot. Other than that it looks just like a Fly car, just a very pretty Fly car. Zack has already replaced his with a Black Stripe. That should be noted in the rules.
432 October 5, 2019 6:32 am
Re: OSCAR Sportscar race (21 replies, posted in Springwater Raceway)
What exactly are the Oscar rules/specs? I can't seem to find them on this site.
Would this be something that we race at Howies?
Maybe I might need to build something new.
What tire compound do you recommend for this track?
433 October 2, 2019 8:58 pm
Re: The new "Classic Sportscar 2" (12 replies, posted in Cars)
That sounds about right
i'm still liking my XK120 for classic one
and I have a Mark lV for classic two.
I also have a Trams am car and a Lemans car to bring Thursday. They are mediocre cars but I'm bringing them anyway.
434 October 2, 2019 7:19 pm
Re: The new "Classic Sportscar 2" (12 replies, posted in Cars)
That should be legal for classic two
I built one like that with a Shapeways universal chassis a couple of years ago. The car was a rocket and drove like a slot it. Goose hated it because it would lap him about every fifth lap, but it also had a black stripe motor that was turning at over 21K.
Legal? Yes, but I took it apart because it wasn't really fair. Also one of the reasons we switched to the H&R motor for that class.
435 October 2, 2019 7:10 pm
Re: The new "Classic Sportscar 2" (12 replies, posted in Cars)
Maybe Bill hasn't updated the rules in the website. Everything I see above is in regards to classic one.
in Classic two I think functioning pods were still allowed but they were going to move the year cut off up to exclude the GT40 and add a max track width.
now I have missed several races, perhaps I've also missed more discussion.
436 October 2, 2019 10:39 am
Re: The new "Classic Sportscar 2" (12 replies, posted in Cars)
I'm not sure which spur you're using but if it's a 19mm you can switch to an 18mm and use a larger pinion.
437 September 28, 2019 9:36 am
Topic: Carrera Scramble Round 9 (3 replies, posted in Allenbrook Speedway)
Tomorrow (Sunday) we are running this proxy at 2ish.
You're welcome to come early if you want, bring some cars and run them around the track around the track.
If you forget cars I have some of several flavors here already.
438 September 24, 2019 7:18 pm
Re: Revell Slot Car Track - FREE! - GONE! (8 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)
Wow, a Revell Hoarder.
This comes from a guy with three boxes of Strombecker track stored under his routed track.
439 September 18, 2019 9:16 pm
Re: 2019 NASTE IROC Series - Race No. 11 - Oct. 12 (4 replies, posted in NASTE)
That is semi gloss paint. I haven't had any more problem since I added some glue to the problem areas.
In the above post I was referring that if I didn't work so many hours I'd be downstairs wearing out the track all day.
440 September 17, 2019 8:06 pm
Re: Something I saw....seems neat. (4 replies, posted in Track)
Wow, I have no memory of the above post.
Growing old is not for the...… Oh Shit, I forgot.
441 September 17, 2019 7:52 pm
Re: 2019 NASTE IROC Series - Race No. 11 - Oct. 12 (4 replies, posted in NASTE)
I would have loved to host the 21st, but alas I'll probably be working all day and if the weather holds well into the evening.
Someday I'll retire and have to re-route the track for braid because we keep wearing the copper off.
Looking forward to Stan's if I can find it again.
442 September 11, 2019 10:08 pm
Re: Competition ready cars for sale! (20 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)
When it comes to Scaly Camaros you probably have as many flavors as Baskin Robbins.
443 September 10, 2019 9:20 pm
Re: Competition ready cars for sale! (20 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)
Ready and waiting
444 September 10, 2019 5:33 pm
Re: Competition ready cars for sale! (20 replies, posted in For Sale or Trade)
Alfa Romeo. Nice! Very nice.
Not my color. Hey Mitch!
I already have that one Monte. It does 6.2 at house. All three of them do. We may IROC them next time.
445 September 8, 2019 9:00 pm
Re: 2019 Tacoma 24 (38 replies, posted in NASTE)
I may come up to watch for a bit, but I don't have the stamina to race like that. There are too many other pretty cars to look at.
446 September 7, 2019 7:19 am
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,128 replies, posted in NASTE)
I won't be at the next one either due to work schedule. I think I'll have to start over as a rookie when I do come, Hummm maybe I can put the magnets back in...
448 August 27, 2019 7:00 pm
Topic: Front Motored Cars (1 replies, posted in Cars)
This is a front motored Fly. Everything is stock except the rear tires. I removed the magnet and added about 10 grams of lead under the cockpit. This runs very smooth and runs around the track in the mid 7s
This particular motor feels soft, but it's smooth enough to handle a much stronger motor perhaps getting it into the 6s.
449 August 11, 2019 2:48 pm
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,128 replies, posted in NASTE)
Great choices, should be a very competitive year for all.
450 August 5, 2019 4:20 am
Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread (2,128 replies, posted in NASTE)
Stan and his partner won over all.