Topic: Something I saw....seems neat.

I saw this thing be used for prepping the track surface for a proxy race. Looks like a great way to get some rubber down on the track in a short manner, without wearing your cars out.

They use a really similar thing at the drag strip to lay rubber.....

Pretty inventive! They call it the "Tire Draggin"

Re: Something I saw....seems neat.

Interesting.......looks like you can use it to saw 1/32 scale lumber also!

Re: Something I saw....seems neat.

If we had three of them I bet we could race them. Oh, did I mention the I was a Junkie?

Re: Something I saw....seems neat.

was surfing mdf tracks and came across these..
cool but a not cheap to do plus freight....

The secondnidator

5 (edited by Mitch58 September 17, 2019 8:07 pm)

Re: Something I saw....seems neat.

Wow, I have no memory of the above post.

Growing old is not for the...… Oh Shit, I forgot.