Topic: 2018 Portland Adult Soapbox Derby
Yes, it's time to start thinking about this again... The pre-registration email has been sent out and it's time we start getting organized. We have a championship to defend!
As always, the true struggle is to find volunteers for each team for race day. Right now, that is the help we truly need. We need at least two people (one per team) who are willing and able to spend the day away from the team (probably appeals to some of you!?) and supporting the event (free labor!).
Last year Bill and Jeff (Burns) were two of the volunteers. Bill towed cars back up the hill and Jeff had a flagging station on the course. There are many potential assignments, so it's a lottery for what you'll end up with on the day.
The date for the event is the third Sat in August, which makes it 8/18/18 this year.
If you're available and interested in this extremely glamorous assignment, please let Bill or me know as we would like to get the application done up ASAP. Come on out and be a part of this motley crew!