1 (edited by kidvolt January 21, 2018 10:19 am)

Topic: 2018 NASTE IROC Series

Here's what we're proposing for the 2018 IROC series. Please review and comment. If you have a track and would be willing to host one of these races, please let me know.


2018 NASTE IROC Driver’s Championship

The NASTE IROC race series welcomes newcomers and encourages new slot car enthusiasts to get involved. These entry level races help beginners learn about slot car racing, with minimal investment.

It is also a forum for those who just enjoy driving slot cars and hanging out with friends around a common hobby. NASTE IROC races are family friendly. Kids who can race, get to race.

The NASTE IROC Driver’s Championship also provides an opportunity for experienced slot car drivers to demonstrate their driving expertise on a level playing field. Drivers compete using host-provided cars and controllers. The winning Division 1 driver receives the NASTE Driver’s Cup at the annual Halloween race.

Those interested in owning, building, tuning, racing and competing with their own cars will also enjoy the NASTE Odd Thursday Night Race Series which includes the NASTE Open Championship Series.

Second Saturday
December through October
Doors open at 5 p.m., racing starts at 6 p.m.
Entry fee - $3 ($2 host, $1 series awards)

Proposed Dates (pending hosts)
December 9 - Penguin Point - Monte and Victoria
January 13 - Rippin' Ridin' Raceway - Al Christensen
February 10 - Jacquelin Park (DIGITAL) - Monte and Victoria
March 10 - Rippin' Ridin' Raceway - Al Christensen
April 14 - HammeTime Speedway - Terry and Dorothy
May 12 - The Gorge Raceway - Bob Nak
June 9 - Rapid Raceway - Howie
July 14
August 11 - The Gorge Raceway - Bob Nak
September 8
October 13

IROC – two races, host-provided cars and controllers
All racers, random order (no qualifying)

Two divisions – Division 1 and Division 2 (self-declared)
Race points by division – 10 points for 1st, 9 for 2nd, 8 for 3rd, etc., 1 point minimum
Total points – total of all races
Awards at Halloween race – 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each division
1st in Division 1 receives NASTE Driver’s Cup

Online Presence
Website - http://www.naste.org/ (official calendar and race results)
Forum - http://naste.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=18 (discussion)
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/northwestslotcarracing/
Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/NASTESLOTCARS/

•    Increase number of regular attendees (20 per event)
•    Increase number of host tracks (10 tracks)
•    Publish series schedule on website
•    Publish timely results and race stories
•    Promote upcoming races with weekly emails and Facebook posts
•    Post flyer at local hobby stores
•    Encourage regular attendees to “invite a friend”
•    First-timers get free first race
•    ?

"Big Smooth"

Re: 2018 NASTE IROC Series

Great stuff Monte!

Re: 2018 NASTE IROC Series

Well written, Monte. For less than the price of one car for one class in the Thursday night races, you could attend every race in this series AND eat well. Don't know why more people don't come to these races.

Re: 2018 NASTE IROC Series

From what I've learned over the years, slot car enthusiasts have varying interests in the hobby. Anything from collecting and building to racing. Their interests may be in one or more specific scales, or in a certain type of racing such as road course, oval, or drag racing. I would include IROC format racing in those types. IROC racing definitely levels the playing field but it is not for everyone. Some racers enjoy racing the cars they build from scratch while others prefer racing well tuned RTR type cars. There are also racers that enjoy a more serious type of competition as well as those that enjoy a more relaxed and casual type of racing. There are differences in racing formats and styles from one club to another as well as from one track to another. Fortunately NASTE supports and promotes ALL types of slot car racing. The main thing is it is ALL FUN!