Topic: August First Sunday

A fine afternoon for racing with 15 racers in attendance.  It was great to see George V. and his sons again after some time as well as meeting his friends Chris, Piper and Cricket.  Hopefully they will get a chance to come back.

Slot.It C Class

1.  Tracy Flood - 45.6 laps
2.  Monte Saager - 44.6
3.  Terry abbott - 44.0
4.  Jeff Fields - 42.7
5.  Mitch Brooks - 42..2
6.  Dorothy Abbott - 41.5
7.  George Vriese - 40.9
8.  Victoria Saager - 40.5
9.  Perry Petrequin - 38.8
10. June Petrequin - 36.5
11. Sean Vriese - 34.6
12. Alex Vriese - 34.4

IROC - Ninco GT's

1.  Monte Saager - 45.8
2.  Terry Abbott - 45.6
3.  Tracy Flood - 43.8
4.  Mitch Brooks - 43.5
5.  Dorothy Abbott - 43.2
6.  George Vriese - 42.5
7.  Victoria Saager - 42.3
8.  Perry Petrequin - 41.1
9.  Sean Vriese - 40.1
10. June Petrequin - 39.8
11. Alex Vriese - 38.1

"Big Smooth"

Re: August First Sunday

Fun time and good food. Thanks for hosting!