1 (edited by OL Mike November 29, 2016 5:00 pm)

Topic: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

]https://youtu.be/P9VeAlwiKvk  this is just a littleA little warning    here the times      n***u
  End time 0847 AM PST       NOV27-16 08:47:09
      m***u ( 837Feedback score is 500 to 999)       US $16.33   
Nov-27-16 08:47:10 PST

      n***u ( 4688  )          US $15.50   
Nov-27-16 08:47:09 PST

      m s cook 1953 ( 53Feedback score is 50 to 99)       US $15.00   
Nov-27-16 07:52:25 PST

      m s cook 1953 ( 53  )          US $13.50   
Nov-27-16 07:52:25 PST[/

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

Mike, are you complaining that a winning bid came in 1 second after the auction ended?

"Big Smooth"

3 (edited by OL Mike December 1, 2016 12:42 pm)

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

1   NOV27-16 08:47   09 PST     
                                                    2    Nov-27-16 08:47 :10 PST       
                                                    3    Nov-27-16 08:47  :09 PST                                                                                                   
Nov-27-                                         4   Nov-27- 16 END 8:47  PST                                               
                                                     5   Nov-27-16 07:52:25 PST                                                                                                   m s cook                                         6  Nov-27-16 07:52:25 PST[/       9 0R 10 OR IO second after the auction ended?  9 0R 10 OR IO second after the auction ended?  The bid page said I was the highest bidder right very end  called eBay and asked them why no mention of sniping back in 24 hours never Did ***simple math soI posted it yesterday here and another post to see if I can get answers one guy give me a good answers it's called call  sniping just before the times running a Person can puts a bid one second or two before the time end s  And wins the bid..   So I put it out to see if somebody else has had this happen them        OL MIKE     if you don't ask you don't learn

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

Yes, that's what they do.  It's always a problem.  The lesson is to never bid early more than once.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

There are bidding programs you can download and use that will submit bids quicker than you can manually, within the last 5 seconds of the auction. I have sold popular items and watched this happen. I have had items sell with the winning bid increasing by hundreds of dollars in the last 2 or 3 seconds!

I have also won items in the last few seconds. I once saw an item I was interested in at a very low price with less than a minute to go. I put in a bid and won the item by less than a dollar over the previous bidder. I received an email from that bidder stating he was "pissed off and going to turn me in to Ebay". Evidently he didn't realize I didn't do anything wrong. Bottom line, I was willing to pay more for the item than he was. My advice is to always bid the maximum you are willing to pay for an item. If it sells for more than that have no fear, there will ALWAYS be another one listed and another opportunity! If you are just looking to get something as cheap as possible, you can sometimes get it by sniping.

By the way, what kind of controller are you looking for Mike?

6 (edited by OL Mike December 1, 2016 5:43 pm)

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

PARMA CONTROLLER GREEN  I find that these controllers Work the best . I have a 16 foot artin made into an eight set up I'm working on an oval 16 footer set up 1/32 1969 revell i used artin  I built the inside lane to make it a three lane my I got my carrera go track   is just about hundred feet around[. used PARMA  hey Run by cars great

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

I'll take a look and see what I have Mike. What ohm resistor do you need in the controller? Would any other color than green work OK for you?

8 (edited by OL Mike December 2, 2016 6:30 am)

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

]Parma Analog Controllers – Economy – 45 OHM, color don'  matter

Re: Here's a little warning about eBay this happen to me Sunday

Mike, I have some Parma Economy controllers but none with a good 45 or 60 ohm resistor. I'll let you have one of the controllers for free but you'll need to buy a new resistor and probably rewire it. Let me know.
