Topic: Wheels & Tires

Here's a copy of the current BASCC Rules regarding wheels and tires:
Wheels and Tires
8. Only manufacturer wheel parts are allowed. You cannot alter the wheels by turning them down in size.

9. Any type of tire can be used but it has to fit properly on a wheel. You cannot cut the tires in any way.

10. You cannot add anything to the tires. These include but are not limited to gluing compounds, nail polish, super glue, etc.

11. All wheels need to fit inside the body.

12. All four wheels will need to be riding/touching on the track and rotate as the car moves on the track.

13. You can fix the front wheels, that come from the manufacturer tight, by removing the post caps or sanding the post caps or post to allow the wheels to rotate freely.

14. You can add front independent wheel rotation but have to use manufacturer parts for the axle and wheels.
I feel these rules are overly restrictive when it comes to wheel and tire choices. The rules clearly state you can use ANY type of tire, but it has to fit properly on a Slot.It wheel, without any modification to the wheel. There are some choices for rear tires with this rule, but depending on the body style (especially in the case of building an HRS chassis) you are handicapped by the available Slot.It wheels. Even the wheels Slot.It calls "hubless" have a slight hub on the inside which limits how narrow you can set your rear track. So in some cases you cannot get the rear track narrow enough, granted this is mostly a problem when building a narrow car based on an HRS chassis. As far as the front you are even more limited. The "ANY tire" rule does not even apply here. In reality there are NO other tires you can adapt to use on the front Slot.It wheels. In the case of the Ferrari 312s you are stuck with the wheels and tires specifically made for that car, although you can buy Slot.It replacement aluminum wheels for the front. Making fronts fit the HRS cars can be a real pain! I used a Fly Porsche 917 body on an HRS chassis. The narrowest Slot.It front wheel/tire combination would not fit under the body in the front. As narrow as I could get it, it was still a little too wide. So here's my point; what's wrong with allowing the use of other manufacturer's wheels and or tires? I found true hubless 17 X 10 rear wheels for the same price as the Slot.It wheels, $8.99 a pair. BWA has wheels available that are narrower and hubless which can eliminate the problems for front wheels and tires. And speaking of front wheels and tires. Here we are with a class that's supposed to be this super fast class and you can't even use "O" ring fronts. Why not? You could actually use "O" rings on the stock wheels, and with the "O" rings that are available at your local hardware store, you would have some ride height adustability on the front. There are different sizes of "O" rings available at any local hardware store, and "O" rings can be sanded down easily to adjust the ride height.  1/24 scale front wheels WITH "O" ring tires can be purchased for $3.98 a pair ($4.98 for the trick drilled ones). It seems to me the rules for this class need to be opened up a little bit, or everybody is going to be running RED Ferrari 312s! Of course that would make the rules simpler; Rule #1 You must use a Slot.It Ferrari 312 equipped with only Slot.It parts. Rule #2 Exception to rule #1. You can change the rear tires to any available silicon rear tire.  -------------Bill

Re: Wheels & Tires

Bill- I agree the choices are limited and I don't see a real competitive advantage going to a slightly smaller/narrower wheel/tire combo from BWA or others.  I still think O ring tires/wheels is too much of change of direction from the current rules.  I recently purchased a Fly Ferrari 365/GTB and the wheels are not round or true.  I have been looking into BWA replacements and cannot find any wheels that are the same size as the originals that will also fit the BWA Ferrari wheel inserts. Further complicating matter is that everyone is out of the wheel inserts.  It seems that Fantasyworld has quit carrying BWA all together and other vendors seem to have a hard time stocking as well.  I'm guessing it is a cottage maufacturer and is having a hard time keeping up with demand.  Getting back to your original post, I'm kind of gathering there are other issues besides tires involved as I have not seen you at the track.  You could always run (Yah, I know, no points) what you brung for the fun of it.... Anyway hope to see you and some of your projects soon. One other solution might be to try a HRS2 chassis as they are slightly narrower than the original HRS chassis.  I had to put spacers on the front axle to fit the front wheels on the Spirit/HRS2 car and I was forced to use 17 X 8 wheels to comply with the rules and for aesthetic reasons.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Wheels & Tires

I have quite a collection of BWA wheels if you need some.  Have quite a few of the 001's that are great for front tires.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Wheels & Tires

Rico, Thanks for the advise on the HRS2 chassis. I have one, I just haven't done anything with it yet. I didn't even look at it close enough to realize it is narrower. Been kinda windin' down from slot car season. The nice weather has taken me onto other "summer" type projects. Between summer and babysitting, I haven't put much time towards racing or car building. I'm not sure exactly what the opposition is towards using "O" ring front wheels and tires. It can't be cost, because they cost less than half what Slot.It wheels and tires cost. Is the issue cosmetic from a modelling aspect, or does it have to do with the details of building and engineering? I guess from my point of view if you are going to allow Slot.It HRS chassis, which require a higher level of assembly and modification (especially when you allow ANY body), why would you handicap those that chose to go that route by limiting the basic parts they can use for construction? My feeling is a choice of wheels and tires for the front of a car is hardly a race winning advantage. A bigger issue to me is that there are no rules limiting motors. Case in point, you show up to a race with the latest "hot" motor you just purchased last week for $18 and guess what, a new one came out yesterday for $22 that just put yours out of the game! I like to build a car and have it competetive for at least a season without replacing major components, like motors! So far this season I have seen three motors that were the death of their predecessors. I can play that game and keep up ok, but I'd much rather be able to make small refinements to my cars handling versus leaps and bounds in speed from this months fastest motor. I like the 1/32 cars, but maybe Randy put it best, I need to find a builder's club to race with.  ------------------------Bill

Re: Wheels & Tires

I agree with Bill's comment - there should at least be a hard and fast spec for motors since it's the one spot where you can get the greatest gain with the least effort.  And I'm as guilty as anyone since I've used the orange, yellow and red end bell motors so far this season.  Lessee, that's 3 motors in 4 races.  Yes, that seems unreasonable.  But when the rules allow any parts and they come out with new motors, you either join up or trail behind.

Doesn't really matter what wheels and tires but I'm the guy with a whole box full of BWA wheels.  O-rings don't look right to me but that's just a style thing and no reason not to allow them to be used.  I can't see how those can be much different than Zero-Grips.  However, in the hands of master Billy...  smile

And as we see once again in Auburn, it doesn't take speed to make a good race, but it does take even competition to make a race good.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Wheels & Tires

All hail Master Monte!!!, Smoothy..............oh hell, what the FAST GUY said!!!!

Re: Wheels & Tires

Yes it seems like i have spent some money....(money that I really dont have) to keep up with the jonse's....tomorrow they could come out with a purple endbell with 35000 rpm......
I also dont see with all that magnet down force we have how any type of front wheel is going to make a big deal in speed....only looks.

maybe next class put a cap on the type of motor we are using....

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: Wheels & Tires

Bill- Check out the HRS2, the other feature I liked is the front axle runs in the same type of spherical bushings the rear axle does.  In addition, I saw on Slot Car News or Slot Car Illustrated that Slot it is coming out with a independent front wheel set up that looked similiar to the set up you had.  As far as the motors, the people with the yellow motors were as fast or faster than my car with the red motor down the straights, but I might not be getting my magnet setup correct.  Cost escalation has been plagueing all forms of racing forever, as you well know, and it appears it is no different in slot car racing.  I guess that's why most clubs run some sort of spec motor which eliminates this problem.  I do understand how you feel, the orange endbell had been slot it's best for quite a while, but it became quickly apparent that it was not up to the task against the yellow motors.  So, when I saw the red motors were available in the UK, I bought some of those instead of upgrading to the yellow endbell saving a step.
    I guess my opposition to the o ring tires is that I'm kind of a purist and since this is scale racing I just like my cars to appear more realistic than the o ring tires look.  Anyway, just one persons point of view. I guess we will catch you on the flip side.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Wheels & Tires

Oh, one more thing, with the Alfa due out on July 15, you could run a red Alfa just to be a little different........

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Wheels & Tires

I have heard the Alfas should perform on par with the Ferrari 312s. Oh boy, more RED cars!!! As far as the front tires adding to the realistic look of the cars I understand that, it just seemed to me that when the decission was made to go all out ballistic in speed and performance the "modelling" and "realism" aspect of the racing at BASCC went out the window or was at least a secondary concern. Guess I misunderstood the intent. Goes back to "unlimited" not REALLY meaning unlimited. Again, my mistake.

Re: Wheels & Tires

I think modern times show us that with the advent of the extremely low-profile tire, they don't look all that much different from an o-ring.  Different strokes...  Besides if I ever determine that I am losing only because of not running o-rings, I know what to do.  And it's not change the rules to eliminate 'em.  smile

"Big Smooth"

Re: Wheels & Tires

These cars are going so fast now.......does anyone even notice the tires and wheels on them??

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: Wheels & Tires

Yes!  At tech...  They particularly seem to notice when they aren't spec.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Wheels & Tires

One of my last comments on this subject has to do with the asthetics issue. I understand the value of keeping the modelling and realistic aspect of the cars, but with that in mind, and the fact it seems to be of high priority, why would the rules allow the removal of the wings on cars that are so equipped? The wings represent a big percentage of the cars look! I understand removing the mirrors, but hey some of the car's wings represent 20 percent of the body. So if you're going to outlaw "O" ring fronts based on modelling accuracy, I don't see how you can allow the removal of rear wings! In addition, the reasoning of "they're going to break off anyway" is invalid.  First off I have not seen a large percentage of cars with the wings in place actually break off.  With these Slot.It class cars running as fast as they are, and the heavy magnetic downforce, there IS going to be breakage! I've seen body panels front, rear and side broken already. So what rule revision will be next, you can remove the bodies?  So which is it exactly, go as fast as possible, or realistic racing?   -----------------------Bill

Re: Wheels & Tires

I agree.  I think wings are an integral part of the look.  I've gotten replacements to fix mine when it broke off on one end even though it was still usable.  However, what should you do with a wing that actually does break off during the race?  Should they be allowed to continue without it for the remainder of the event if it can't be fixed?  That wouldn't be out of line with real racing.  I'd like to think that by the next race they could have a replacement which would also be in line with real racing.  I recommend the TEAR-PROOF parts.  Or those cars with a less likely to be removed wing.  The Alfa, Ferrari and Porsches are excellent examples.  The McLaren, Audi and Nissan are examples that increase the risk of removing a wing.  Especially at these speeds.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Wheels & Tires

I Monte, I agree with you 100%. The cars should have to have all the body parts in place at the beginning of the race (excluding mirrors would be ok with me). If a body part breaks off during the race it should be allowed to continue, but the broken part should be replaced or repaired by the start of the next race. If something breaks on the mechanical portion of the chassis (i.e. a wheel breaks off, or you lose a tire) the car should be removed from the track and the repair should be made before the car is allowed to continue racing. This would be a mechanical breakdown versus cosmetic damage. Although most slot cars run fine without one or both front wheels, it should be viewed as a mechanical breakdown in my opinion. The rules do state both front wheels must touch and roll.   ------------------Bill

Re: Wheels & Tires

Bill- I might be out of line, but you seem to be taking my comment on aesthetics as speaking for the entire club, I do not speak for the club, just myself and I stated so in the post.  If you haven't noticed, my cars always have the wings and for that matter, even the mirrors, in place when I show up to race. I sometimes even polish the paint so they look nicer.  At the last race the wing on the McLaren was damaged during practice and I repaired it for the race and then it got broken further during the race.  I now have a broken wing I cannot replace except with an ugly black tear proof one.  After the race was over the rear wing on my Thetford Lola was destroyed beyond repair and once again it is not replaceable.  The way I interpreted the rule on wings is that the club was trying to protect people from having irreplaceable parts from being broken on their cars.  I guess I should have raced with a tear proof wing and changed back to the correct wing when not racing.  I am not a fan ot the fuel and tire management systems and I let my feelings get the better of me and I left a race because of it.  After cooling off, I came to the conclusion that I am not hurting anyone but myself by not racing.  If you truly want to find fault with something then you probably will.  When you state that a boken part must be repaired for the next race do you mean the next event or the next heat race?  90 seconds between heats is not much time to effect a repair, it is barely enough time to switch lanes, stickers and driving stations.  I agree with Monte that cosmetic damage has little effect on the outcome of a race and should be left alone. I also agree with you that mechanical failures should be fixed before continuing thus necessitating the need for a back up car or a loss of laps just like in real racing.
Once again just my opinions....


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Wheels & Tires

Rico, I don't think you're out of line at all. I was not directing my comments at anyone in particular. My comments are my opinion of the basis for the rules governing the Slot.It class. In my opinion the rules are inconsistant and subjective. As far as cosmetic damage during a race what I referred to was repairing the damage before the next race, as in next race date, not the next heat. But mechanical damage should be repaired before the racer continues (as in real racing). And speaking of real racing, someone needs to show me where, in any type of real car racing, a racer can switch to a backup car after the race has begun!? In response to your post Rico, I must say your cars always look great!  ----------------------Bill

Re: Wheels & Tires

Actually, in days gone by you could change to another drivers car at Indianapolis, LeMans and maybe other series as well.  However, I believe the practice has long since been discontinued.....
I believe the rules could be tweaked some but they are never going to get changed by the posts here only by voicing concerns to the group at the races or at a special meeting like we had before.  I wonder just how many people really want fuel and tire management?  These races are essentially sprint races where in 1:1 racing if you stop in the middle of a sprint race, you are going to lose. F1 cars can go over 40 laps depending on the track before pitting.  The same applies to Nascar.  Racing slot cars is not just like 1:1 racing and no matter how hard one tries it will never be the same.  1:1 race cars only stop by necessity not because they want to, so why do we feel this is needed, if we do not have too?

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Wheels & Tires

Rico we are definately on the same page when it comes to the fuel/tire management system! Like you said, for the BASCC races it makes no sense, they are sprint races. In an enduro type race it does add another dimension, and actually serves some function facilitating driver changes (as used in the PSSR Enduro in Auburn). As far as voicing my opinion at one of the events, I attended some earlier meetings/get togethers and felt my input must not have been pertinent to the objective of the rules, judging from the outcome. As far as the posts here, well you're right, this is probably just too easy.   ---------------------------Bill

Re: Wheels & Tires

I agree on the endurance racing, it provides a certain element of realism and the opportunity to change drivers etc.  I also agree that a some peoples opinions seem to be valued more than others, but that is always the way lfe seems to work out.  Still, change has to start somewhere...

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Wheels & Tires

So I hear there's a change to the wheel rules at BSCC. BWA wheels are now legal. We can now use hubless wheels. That's going to help me out a lot! So, if we can run BWA wheels, why not open it up to any manufacturer's wheels, (excluding "O" ring fronts of course!)?  -----------------Bill

Re: Wheels & Tires

I'm on board with that concept, clearly...

"Big Smooth"

Re: Wheels & Tires

Wow, I must come to this forum more, didn't know it was so active.  Great stuff here.

I usually don't have a lot of time for forums, but since my club is talked about so much, I should attend more, sorry guys.  But please feel free to call me or talk to me anytime, if I dont' get back here as much as I would like.

Sorry about the rules being an evolution process and not a rock solid process.  Chalk that up to inexperience in running a club.

If you all as participants in the club, see a need for a rule change, please let's get together and do it.  As far as the wheel thing, I remember Monte coming to me and some others and showing us his wheels.  To me and others it didn't look that different than the wheels so we all thought it was ok.  I didn't post it as an official rule change because no one showed the need.  So it was like a case by case situation.  I agreed with the others that "O" ring tires weren't appropiate at the time. 

As far as the wings and things breaking off.  I think it is best to get them glued back on before the race each night but not to worry about it during the night.  Mine got broken off last race finally because someone had their hand on the track in my lane and it hit their hand breaking the wing off.  Didn't make a bit of difference in the way the car ran or handled.  So if you can do, do it, if you can't cause it broke in pieces, so be it.  Won't make much difference anyway from my experience.

It is interesting to read the comments because remember when we started this class, we all wanted to use the company because they had all the spare parts and people all wanted to do what they could to the cars with these parts.  The group desired to be let loose to build whatever they wanted.  It seemed like a good idea at the time to test the limits to the fullest with 1/32 scale commercial cars.  Well, there has been good and maybe not so good about it.  All things come to an end and next season, let's come up with something more in the line of what is being discussed here. 
Racin' Randy