Topic: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

From Chris Kouba:

I will start this email by directly addressing Bill and then bring everyone else into the conversation.

Bill- Mitch indicated you were thinking of changing the Classic's category to slow it down a little.  I understand the idea behind this but my plea is to let the class continue unaltered.  Goose, Mitch, Al and I talked about a new "Fly and Scaley Le Mans" class with stock motors, wheels, chassis, gears, and bodies.  Follow along below and be brought up to speed...

After our discussion last night, I went home and couldn't sleep.  I snuck down into the basement and dug through a box of Fly's to play with.  I found a little lead and a box with some rubber tires in it and decided to go to town.

Surprisingly, I found a GT40 (who'd a thunk??) and a pair of rubber tires which fit it well.  I ran that one a bit and found another GT40, fitted the same tires and added some weight (had to grind the chassis a little).  That one was much more consistent and about as quick.  In both cases, the car met the objectives we were talking about Thurs night- it looked great, handled well enough, and was speed-appropriate for something we're calling "classics".  I think it'd make a great alternative to any changes in the current classics category.  Maybe call this the "Le Mans Classics" category.

Based on my initial tinkering, what I am thinking for rules is this:
Except for the following allowances, car should be box stock.  Specifically this means-
Stock motor
Stock wheels
Stock gears

The allowances-
Traction magnet must be removed
Any rubber/urethane tires may be used
Guide and braid free to replace
Guide may be shimmed to appropriate depth for track
Grinding only to fit weight in is acceptable

If it's not mentioned, you can't do it. 

As we discussed, break the category into two classes- front vs rear motored and classify the results as such.  If the intent is to run the 250GTO's, 250LM's, 512's, P330's, GT40's, T70's, 906/908/910's and 917's together, I think an appropriate cut off year would be any Le Mans competitors modeled by Scalextric or Fly which ran in the 1971 event or prior

The less we regulate, the better off we are.  One thing I was thinking about was adding this rule:
Stub axles may be replaced with a single, solid axle at the front


Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

From Mitch Brooks:

I did the same last night. I had a Fly 250LM that I had changed the wheels and lowered the body. So I found the stock axles, wheels etc. And lengthened the body post to clear the stock wheels/tires. It actually runs pretty good. If we pursue this I'll probably replace it with a Porsche 906. We have several Ferraris and GT40s. You can never have to many Porsches.

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

I'm fine with this class and rules as Chris has them written. I would list Chris as the class sponsor and assign all class rule issues and questions to him.


Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

From Goose:

Chris: Nice job on laying out the rules, i agree with what you stated as we discussed at Al's. Also i am for adding the solid front axle modification. The other thing i feel we need to discuss is; we "add" this new class, not replace any existing class. And do we just run this class on "Al's" track only and rotate with one of the existing classes?

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

From Goose:

Chris: Do you feel it would be necessary to add (modification?) to the rules the use of super glue on the rear stock bushing/axle to true them up like we allow on scaly t/a & F-1 cars? Also i feel it might be helpful to allow cars run smoother by allowing the "filing" of the chassis edges to just clear any body contact areas. Comments(?).


Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

I'm mostly fine with the proposed rules except the stock gearing. The stock Fly gears leave a lot to be desired and many are bad right out of the box and I see no reason to trade bad for bad if one has to be replaced.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

That's a good point Rico. I've had Fly cars with split pinion gears right out of the box (wheels wouldn't even turn).

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

So if I'm hearing this correctly, add the following to the rules outlined initially:

Solid front axle mod - OK
Gear swap for identical ratio - OK
Glue bearings into chassis - OK
Glue inside bearings to eliminate slop - OK
Chassis filing for float (1/16" max?)- OK

Does that capture all the intents?  I will write up something more scholarly later for the rules thread.

As for replacing vs adding the class and how to schedule its running, my personal opinion is to ADD it as its own stand alone category and I would definitely like to see it run at Bill's and Al's.  Until we build a critical mass, it may be easiest to run it as part of the current classics category- or we may have enough entries to start it off on its own immediately.



Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

Also- it's been a LONG time since I put effort into a Fly car but can the axle be harvested once the gear is off?  Are the axles knurled for the gear?

It may make sense to also allow a new axle to be used as well, but stock plastic wheels need to go back on it...

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

I wouldn't mind using this class as a replacement for the GT Class. The GT Class was implemented as a "beginner's" class where just about anything could be raced. We have enough well defined classes now to cover most all types of cars. In addition it is an accepted practice here at TooBad to allow racers to use other cars that don't technically fit the class being raced, if they do not have anything compliant with the class. And it is not uncommon for racers without legal cars to race borrowed cars. The only stipulation is racers cannot score an official win with a non-compliant car.

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

Slot.It makes a kit for just this purpose.  Bushings, wheels, axles, gears.  highly recommended.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

This is starting to look a lot like our Trans Am Class.............

13 (edited by ckouba March 7, 2016 5:17 pm)

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

kidvolt wrote:

Slot.It makes a kit for just this purpose.  Bushings, wheels, axles, gears.  highly recommended.

Stock wheels though....

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

wb0s wrote:

This is starting to look a lot like our Trans Am Class.............

Except it will actually be slower.

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

wb0s wrote:

I wouldn't mind using this class as a replacement for the GT Class.

I would cry...  The Classics and GT classes are my favorites (aside from the BRM's) and I would hate to see GT disappear.  I am very glad to see more interest in the classic era stuff, even if it is slower and only minimal mods are allowed.

16 (edited by ckouba March 8, 2016 12:24 am)

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

I took a quick break and wrote something up.  What do you think?:

Draft rules package for the new "Le Mans Classics" category:

Except for the following allowances, car should be box stock.  Specifically this means-

  • Stock motor

  • Stock wheels

  • Stock wheel wells (may not be altered)

The allowances-

  • Traction magnet must be removed

  • Any rubber/urethane tires may be used

  • Tires may be glued and trued on the wheels

  • Guide and braid are free to replace/modify

  • Guide may be shimmed to appropriate depth for track

  • Grinding to fit (lead, brass, etc...) weight in is acceptable.  Grinding to remove weight is not.

  • Front stub axles may be replaced with a single, solid axle holding the stock front wheels

  • Swapping gears is allowed provided it is for the identical stock ratio

  • It is permitted to glue bearings into the chassis

  • It is permitted to apply glue inside bearings to eliminate slop of oversize bearings

  • Chassis may be filed along its perimeter for float, but do not remove more than 1/16" of material.

If it's not mentioned, you can't do it.

The class would be broken into two categories- front vs rear motored (inline counts as REAR motored; front motor has a driveshaft between the motor output and the pinion).  Any Le Mans competitors modeled by Scalextric or Fly which ran in the 1971 event or prior are eligible for competition.

Additional proposals for your consideration:

  • Valances and other bodywork may be separated from the chassis and attached to the body provided it maintains the original profiles, features, proportions, and contours of the model.

  • Weight affixed to the outside of the chassis is permitted only if it does not risk contact with the track power

  • BNOVA and similar guide repair components are acceptable for repairing existing cars but not as a tuning option


Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

Has anyone experienced a gear issue with the Fly cars other than a bad pinion?

If not maybe we could limit gear changes to only the replacement of the pinion gear? That would make things easier.

The only other question I have would be the addition of weight to the outside of the chassis. We don't allow that in the other classes do we?

I'm OK with adding this class to the other existing classes, and leaving GT in place.

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

Probably no choice.  I don't think the Fly wheels will fit a axle.

As long as we are including both Scaley and Fly can we include the Sloter cars, they fit the era perfectly.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

wb0s wrote:

Has anyone experienced a gear issue with the Fly cars other than a bad pinion?

If not maybe we could limit gear changes to only the replacement of the pinion gear? That would make things easier.

I have heard that the stock Scalextric plastic pinions work well and have better mesh than the stock Fly pinion.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

That would be an easy fix for Fly's pinion gear problems.

If a crown or spur gear were bad, wouldn't it be easier to swap out the whole rear axle assembly if we are limited to using the original plastic wheels?

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

If you can find them.  May be a problem with many of the cars beyond recently new.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

It has been a long time since I seriously tried to tune a Fly but I think the axle dia's are the same and the wheels should slip on just as well as they do to a Fly axle.  I will see if I have one to monkey around with this weekend.

I agree a full axle assembly may be problematic to locate for replacement- may be more cost effective to just find another car and swap in/out the parts needed.

For the weight, I am fine specifying it needs to go inside, but I do remember that some of these cars were stuffed with interior detail that it was tough to find space to stick it.

Any discussion about the valence allowance?  I think it's a valid option for those scaley cars.

Regarding the Sloters, I did think about them too as I thought they were related in some manner.  The only one I have has a motor which is SERIOUSLY peppy and doesn't fit the intent of the class.  If they are appropriately motored and don't have a significant competitive advantage (not podded, etc...), I am ok to write them in if the general consensus agrees.


Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

The Slotter I have is significantly faster than Scaley's and Flys I have.

24 (edited by Mitch58 March 8, 2016 5:31 pm)

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

RE: The Fly gear issue, until Electric dreams updated their website the other day, every Fly sidewinder car had a note about replacing the pinion with a Scalextric pinion to run quieter. It is an 11 tooth pinion. Mine happens to have a brass pinion on what I think is actually a Scaley black stripe motor (built out of the parts box of course) and it runs very quiet. Scalextric offers their 11 tooth pinion gears in a package of 4 for $3.99.
  I have since found the original Fly motor. It seems to be much quicker.

Re: Odd Thursday Night - New Class Discussion March 2016

I think the Sloters are lighter as well.  Ok, I'll leave them in the box.

"Big Smooth"