Topic: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

The Portland Adult Soap Box Derby will happen again this year on August 15th on Mt. Tabor.

I think that this might make a great club event and perhaps stimulate interest in building an entry. I see a tie in to what we all seem to enjoy doing and if nothing else, it would make a great social event. The races themselves are kind of free wheeling and wacky, but the course is challenging, fast and over a mile in length. We could get sponsors and share driving rights according to guts, effort and resources expended in the creation of an entry. A NASTE entry would be VERY cool and a hell of a lot of fun to design, build and race, not to mention put our clubs name out there in a really BIG way once a year. Thousands attend. We HAVE experts in automotive design, mechanics and racing skills. Its a natural and we could use the same car year after year
.The entry deadline for this year was in April, but I would like to organize a club "field trip" to this years event and see what, if anything, develops. If nothing else, it is a fun outing on a topic that is dear to our members hearts - racing and having fun. I would be happy to drive my 7 passenger van.

If everyone that actively participated and wanted to race got a chance to, I guarantee it would be the thrill of a lifetime !!

Their website is Portland Adult Soap Box Derby

Dennis Hart

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

This sounds like a LOT of fun to me! I am planning to go check it out with Dennis. I agree that this would be a great project for NASTE!

Here's some resourses I know our club has! We have resident race car experts; Dave Smith, John Morse, Monte Saager, Rico Locati, Greg Petrolati, Chris Kouba, Jeff Fields, and Goose Gossett. Some of these members filled the full role of one man teams as they were drivers, engineers, builders, and owners. Some of these members are still active in those roles!


Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

It sounds like fun.  Painful fun...  We'll be out of town that day but will look forward to the report.  Perhaps next year.

"Big Smooth"

4 (edited by reek455 July 27, 2015 10:56 am)

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

A former co-worker used to attend this race and always tried to get me to go but we were never able to make it work.  He always told me it was a blast but be advised poorly executed efforts (build quality and race craft) resulted in injury to racers and spectators alike.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Probably a good idea to not position yourself anywhere past the start line.

"Big Smooth"

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Sounds like RALLY to me!!!!

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Just got this email message from Beau Frazier:

I'M "ALL IN" on the soap box derby idea! I've always wanted to do this since I saw the event probably 10 yrs. or more ago. Gathering with you guys to build a car would be great fun!! Running it would be totally cool. Another idea along this line , which I ran by the PASER guys years ago, with no results, was to build an electric drag car. This ties in perfectly with slot car racing. No big money cars of course. Just something to get down the 1/8th mile as a bracket racer. Anyway, I love the Derby car thing. Count me in...Beau

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Here's the link to the site:

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Thanks for the link Rico!!!

10 (edited by reek455 August 4, 2015 8:57 am)

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Here's a video link for the PDX event:

Another link:

And one from Germany:

One more:


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Fun stuff Rico, thanks!!!

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

OK, so who's going to the adult soap box derby this Saturday?

Dennis and I have initiated a plan to meet at my daughter's house on 93rd & Taylor at 10:00 am.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

I will try to be there unless plans change.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

I won't be rolling back into town until the afternoon.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Here's some photos from the Portland Adult Soap Box Derby:

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Thank you for sharing the pictures bill, hope you guys had fun.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Cool stuff.

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Info I received from Beau:

"Don't know if it was already suggested, but what about wheel chair wheels? Kinda spendy new but if we can chase down an old lady that may "accidentally " tip over, we might have a used set. Guess we'd have to do that twice."

"Do a search for Images of Adult Soapbox Derby Cars. Some cool stuff.... "

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Here's a design sketch Howie sent:

Re: Upcoming Event & Opportunity!

Very cool.  What are you going to whittle the body out of?

"Big Smooth"