1 (edited by Dorothy the Hammer April 28, 2013 9:35 am)

Topic: NASTE Race #14

WOW! I am the one starting this topic? How unusual! smile

Thanks for a great night of racing Rico! It was a lot of fun. The food was fabulous as always. Kelly is a wonderful cook and super hostess.

Here are the pictures and video I took. Not many. Pictures are up and can be viewed, but the video is still uploading so give it a while longer.

Thanks again Rico!

NASTE Rico 4-27-13


http://s737.photobucket.com/user/SlotCa … 027%202013

Edited: Sorry for the edit. The first time I tried to upload the video, it didn't go so I had to come in and change the link. It's still not uploaded, but maybe it will be this time around. The link above is the new link.

Re: NASTE Race #14

Thanks Rico for hosting back to back races!!!   and  a  big thanks to Kelly for the great dinner!!!!    always a great time with the naste bunch.

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE Race #14

Sorry All. Apparently the video decided to NOT upload, so I'm trying again. Hopefully it will go this time around. I'll go edit my above post to reflect the new video url. It hasn't loaded completely yet. Hopefully my luck is changing today and this time it will go up. Sorry.

New Video Link:

4 (edited by reek455 April 28, 2013 11:04 am)

Re: NASTE Race #14

Thanks to all who were able to make it out last night, I had a blast and Kelly's food was exceptional as usual. It's always nice to visit and race with ya all.  Thanks to Dorothy for the candy, pics and videos.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.