Topic: NASTE Race #3

Race day here at Penguin Point. The pizzas are poised for baking. See you soon!

Zen Racer

Re: NASTE Race #3

YAY! I've been rolling and dipping rum balls today! Bringing some of them and other chocolate goodies to snack on! See you in a few hours!

Re: NASTE Race #3

Thanks Monte for another fun night of racing!

Thank you Victoria for feeding us all!

And thank you Dorothy for the delicious treats!   


Re: NASTE Race #3

Thank you Dorothy for the sweets, especially the Rum Balls! Thank you Dave for the pecan cinnamon rolls, yummy!

I posted some photos on Facebook: … amp;type=3

Fun time was had by all.


Zen Racer

Re: NASTE Race #3

Thanks for hosting Victoria and Monte and glad you like the rum balls. I sent some with Terry for his mom and taking some tomorrow for Ruben. Fun night of racing!! Good food and great friends. Can't ask for better than that! I'll head over and look at the pictures as soon as I'm done here Victoria. I just posted mine on Facebook too, but always try to get them here since I'm not friends with too many racers over there.
Have a great rest of the weekend and see you all in a couple of weeks!

NASTE Monte 11-10-12

Pictures … 011-10-12/

Re: NASTE Race #3

Okay. Just tried to go look at the pictures Victoria, but when I clicked on the link, I got this message.

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I'll see if I can find them on your wall or in my notifications!

Re: NASTE Race #3

Thanks Dorothy for the pictures and videos. The are most excellent as usual!

Re: NASTE Race #3

You're welcome Bill. Glad I can get some good shots. Called you earlier and left a message. Perry and June would like to come to the race tomorrow, but looking in my address book, I didn't have an addy for you. smile