1 (edited by wb0s June 27, 2010 7:15 am)

Topic: NASTE for 2011

Edited June 27, 2010

I'm trying to get a jump on planning and scheduling for NASTE's 2011 season. For one thing, I'm looking at a more consistant and firm racing schedule for next year. I am considering the first Saturday of each month as a race date.

   Based on the first Saturday race schedule these would be the proposed dates for the 2011 schedule:

Sept. 4, 2010
Oct. 2, 2010 - conflict with Rapid Raceway - suggest move one week to Sept. 25th or Oct. 9th.
Nov. 6, 2010
Dec. 4, 2010
Jan. 1, 2011 - New Years Day (could move to the 8th?)
Feb. 5, 2011
Mar. 5, 2011
Apr. 2, 2011
May 7, 2011

  This would be a total of 9 point series races. Race totals would still be based on your best 8 finishes. Racers would be able to would throw out one race.

  NASTE races will include the Board Game Series that was introduced in the 2010 season.

  The annual NASTE Halloween Race will be scheduled appropriately at Jeff Courtney's Hemi Heights Raceway Park pending Jeff's approval.

  I would also like to form a NASTE Committee. The committe would consist of a small group of dedicated volunteers to coordinate NASTE functions and provide oversite.

  One function I would like to suggest would be an award or trophy building day before the season begins.

  If you have any suggestions for next season please start listing now!

Thanks!   ----------------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

I think it would be a good idea to also schedule a NASTE Thursday at each track the week prior to the scheduled race so that gives us 10 days prior to the race to know everything is solid.  Also some time to fix anything that might need attention prior. 

And of course an extra night of practice for Flyin' Bryan.

So that would put NASTE Thursday on the first Thursday of those months.

Oh, and we'll take two dates if possible.

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE for 2011

I like it!!!!!  ---------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

I'm good with it all.  Let me know what you need me to do and put me down for a race.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE for 2011

OK, we have conflicts....Most of the OSCAR races have been scheduled for the third Saturdays.

We have options..............the FIRST Saturday of each month will work except for New Years Day 2011.

OR........we could move to Sunday races..........


Re: NASTE for 2011

I would like to set a date for the NASTE pre-season meeting to talk about the 2011 racing season. Jack has volunteered to host a BBQ and track day.  So if you would, please let me know what day/date would be good for you. I'm looking at sometime in August 2010.  Thanks!  ------------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

No issues at this point.  I think we should contact the other groups and see about having them get a representative there.  That would include:

Rick Brannum

And anyone else we can think of so we can try and resolve the date conflicts before they happen.  We'll see if we can't get some input from those folks up north too.

"Big Smooth"

8 (edited by reek455 May 28, 2010 7:29 pm)

Re: NASTE for 2011

You might add Rapid Raceway aka Howie to the list.  Sundays might not work real well for me plus they might conflict with Monte and Victorias First Sunday Series.  If you settle on the 1st Saturday, you could always shove the New Years race back one weekend.  There's also the 2nd and 4th Saturday still not discussed.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE for 2011

I kinda like like the first Saturday just because it's easy to remember and keep track of.

I think it is a good idea to contact the other groups to see if they are interested in coordinating race schedules.

Re: NASTE for 2011

I just wanted to say that OSCAR has set their races for the second saturday of each month and i think us....naste had set our races for the second saturday also.   So i think the third or first saturday would work just fine.

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE for 2011

You're right Bryan. After you emailed me I checked the OSCAR website to verify their race dates. That's why I posted the conflict message and suggested we move to the first Saturdays. I really would like to avoid conflicting race days! It benefits everyone!   ------------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

Thanks Bill, I would like to attend as many races that i can.

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE for 2011

Where are you putting all the trophy's????

Planning an addition??????

Re: NASTE for 2011

I have useless boxes of them in the attic.  I once burned trophies and kept the house warm for a week in the dead of winter.  We've re-used them for other events.  A lot of them deserve to just be left in a box in the attic.

I think the worst one was from a Valentines Day rally where they took one of those sugar candy cars and glued it to the trophy.  About a year later I found it laying on the floor.  It had rotted off...

And did I hear you say you want to make trophies?

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE for 2011

Yes, I had thought about making trophys for next season. Although I was thinking of trying to be somewhat creative.............

Re: NASTE for 2011

I had several boxes of trophies from my RC days and it took me a long time to get rid of them....no one wanted them...not even trophy shops....for free!!   let me know what you have in mind Bill....i would like to help out in the trophy building...sort of like what we did about three years ago...

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE for 2011

I was thinking we could put together some "special" type trophys for the entire season....

Made out of wood, metal, parts, old trophys......................whatever........

Re: NASTE for 2011

A BIG thanks to Jeff for  hosting the last naste race of the season, and like always he hosts a great race...Thanks for the  food and great time!

"Due to economic cutbacks,the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off"

Re: NASTE for 2011

YES!!! Thank you Jeff. We really appreciate all the effort you put into your races!!! My personal favorite are the HOTDOGS!!!!

And hey Bryan, thanks for kickin' our asses AGAIN!!!!   ---------------------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

YES, Thanks Jeff for hosting a very entertaining race, loved the Falcon 7's.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE for 2011

I have edited the proposed race dates for the 2011 season. We will have a meeting in August to firm up the dates and other details.

I have also been collecting "STUFF" to build trophy's out of for next season. I would like to schedule a workshop to build trophy's, maybe next month?   ------------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

I'd go with Oct 9 and Jan 8. Looks to be the best date spacing to me.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE for 2011

Hey Jack, Got a date in mind for the NASTE Meeting & get together? August sometime? Pot luck eats?   ------------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

NASTE Racers - The date for the NASTE Meeting & BBQ is Sunday August 22nd.

It will be a pot luck BBQ event at Jack's in Milwaukie.

Plan on discussing the 2011 season, eating, and racing on Jack's 1/32 Revell track!!!   ---------------Bill

Re: NASTE for 2011

Two topics came up at the NASTE BBQ on Sunday Aug. 22 that are open for discussion.

1). Ideas for trophies for next season. One idea is to have a perpetual trophy listing the names, dates, and tracks for each race winner. After each race the winner would take the trophy home, add something to the trophy, and return with the trophy to the next race. The winner of the next race would then take the trophy home, add something to it, and again return it to the next race. At the end of the season the point series champion would get to keep that trophy, in addition to having the NASTE Point Series Championship Trophy with his or her name added to the nameplate.
     A trophy building session was also scheduled for Sunday Oct. 3rd to build some trophies for the individual races.

2). The topic of what cars and classes to race also came up. For the past few years the NASTE Point Series Races have all been IROC style races, which has proved to be a successful format when new racers are considered. Racing individual racer owned cars versus IROC style cars, or some combination of the two was briefly discussed, but warrants more discussion.

Thoughts or comments????    ------------------------Bill