Topic: PASER Womps Alert!

I know this is going to be hard to believe (it's hard for ME to believe)!

I am totally out of steel Parma Womp chassis (new or used) to sell!

I have only my one car I race and one new in the package vintage chassis (which I will not sell) left. If anyone has a line on used Womps for sale please let me know. I would be interested in buying a lot if the price were right. It appears they have become very popular and a complete car is currently going for around $50 on Ebay. If you have casr you would like to sell yourself I can hook you up with buyers!

We are going to need more cars and chassis to keep this class afloat for furture racing!

Re: PASER Womps Alert!

Update: I found NOS Parma Womp steel chassis available at Mid America for $12.99.

They are the newer style with two front axle locations. … 39370.html

3 (edited by ProfessorFate March 12, 2025 11:49 am)

Re: PASER Womps Alert!

Hello Bill,

I have a bunch of front wheels with tires for womps if anyone is interested. They fit 1/8" axles.
They are $ 5.00 per pair.  To see the picture click on the JPG file, you will need to sign in on this slot car site.

Call or text 5 4 one - 5 two 7 - nine 3 one 4

Jim aka Professor Fate

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Re: PASER Womps Alert!

I have 2 brand new in the package steel parma womp chassis if anyone is looking for a couple.

Re: PASER Womps Alert!

I will buy those 2 Womp chassis from you if nobody else does!

Re: PASER Womps Alert!

there yours

Re: PASER Womps Alert!

Thanks Steven!