Topic: My "lockdown" projects.

While I am still working at this time, I am pretty much doing my days and heading straight home. So I have even more slot car time on my hands. This has pushed me to finish up some cars that I have had laying around for a while.

The first one was this Protoslot car I got out of the Goose collection. I bought it some time ago, but didn't feel I could build a chassis at that time to do it justice. Finally I decided without the pressures of time now would be as good a time as any.

I was lucky, and the kit was complete with the windshield and decals. Although these kits have not been available for some time, so I couldn't save all of the decals.

In the end I put a Flat 6 motor in it, because the interior clearance is poor. I will be building a new one, that is hopefully more appealing once my Immense Miniature figures show up.

The wheel inserts are Policar 330. I mixed up some darker gold, using testors gold, brown, and a touch of black to get this color.

The kit did not have the roll bar, so I made one of those out of .055" piano wire.

I enjoyed the build, it is by far the "nicest" car I own at this point. Save for maybe my Racer 250gto. I kept thinking throughout that "I need to make Goose proud of this one".

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

The second project I finished up was my U2 Can Am car for the HRW proxy. I had already done the chassis for this car, so it was mostly paint and details.

I tried soaking the body in alcohol, then purple power. Nothing worked. Come to find out none of these techniques usually work on Fly cars after talking with many folks.

So I spent about an hour and sanded everything down using 600g. Then did a nice coat of primer. Sanded to 800g.

The paint is Duplicolor Royal Red acrylic, and I used Testors "wet look" clear. I did wetsand 1500g inbetween the coat and the clear, and I could have done more. But knowing it is a proxy car I called it good.

The clear was a little "hot" for the decals in one spot, but its hardly noticeable. I will do another light coat next time first.

I had to go with a lexan interior to stand a chance in this event, but I did take some time to try and make it more scale. Wood dash, red helmet etc.

The inserts are Alfa 33/3 rear inserts, pained with the same custom Gold as the ferrari since I had some left.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

"I kept thinking throughout that "I need to make Goose proud of this one"."

Mission accomplished Zack!

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

wb0s wrote:

"I kept thinking throughout that "I need to make Goose proud of this one"."

Mission accomplished Zack!

Thanks Bill!

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Another project "completed" last night. Probably going to put a little hotter motor in it or maybe gear it up. But it handles well for not spending a lot of time finished the tires.

The car is a Sloter Lola t160.

.063" Thick side pans
.032" thick front and rear pans
Samson classics guide tube and WRP guide tongue.
Pod is mounted using 2-56 screws and nylocks (pods is reamed) and it sits on 3mm thick rubber washers.

Nice and smooth.

I didn't spend a lot of time on the body other than making a light interior, which for paper turned out pretty good. I handpainted the driver figure and the mirrors etc because they looked like cheap chrome.


Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Another beautiful and well constructed car Zack!

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

wb0s wrote:

Another beautiful and well constructed car Zack!


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Zack - rod rather than tube?  Bend issue?

"Big Smooth"

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

I have the worst possible situation. My track is all buttoned up because we had prepared for the renovation of the shop into a game room/Airbnb 2nd unit, so I can't run anything, and I have no workshop space in the house. So NO SLOT ACTION AT ALL! For the foreseeable future; at least a couple of months.

Watching all you guys having fun working on stuff is really depressing!

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

stumbley wrote:

My track is all buttoned up because we had prepared for the renovation of the shop into a game room/Airbnb 2nd unit, so I can't run anything, and I have no workshop space in the house.

At least you still have your track... I gave mine away! 

Truly missing it now.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Sorry to hear that...I feel your pain!

12 (edited by Mitch58 April 5, 2020 6:29 am)

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

time to build?

Just when I was ready to start landscaping, I'm hesitant to go get supplies, or at least discouraged by my wife from leaving the house.  I actually have enough Masonite in the garage to finish the hard scapes, that must be a motivational issue. My wife did get bored and make me some cardboard pattern of the bridge entrance which is nice.

Speaking of my wife she keeps talking about digging in the garden, never about planting anything, just digging. A large hole? I'm unsure of her motives so I keep putting it off.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Mitch58 wrote:

Speaking of my wife she keeps talking about digging in the garden, never about planting anything, just digging. A large hole? I'm unsure of her motives so I keep putting it off.

I have just two words for you Mitch:


Re: My "lockdown" projects.

When I was digging our pond I did threaten to bury my accountant there. We've not worked with him since. 

And not because he's under my pond.

"Big Smooth"

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

The unintended consequences of "sheltering in place."

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

kidvolt wrote:

Zack - rod rather than tube?  Bend issue?

What are we talking about here?


Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Mitch58 wrote:

time to build?

It has been for a while, even before I gave the old one away.  It's on the "list of things to do" but has a hard time getting to the top.  If this continues a while longer, it may get there though.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Wanabgts wrote:
kidvolt wrote:

Zack - rod rather than tube?  Bend issue?

What are we talking about here?


I'm not sure what Monte is referring to but a lot of scratchbuilders particularly in the drag racing world use stainless steel tubing rather than brass rod or piano wire.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

ckouba wrote:
Mitch58 wrote:

time to build?

It has been for a while, even before I gave the old one away.  It's on the "list of things to do" but has a hard time getting to the top.  If this continues a while longer, it may get there though.

If we ever get free to congregate, let me know, I'd be glad to help.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Mitch58 wrote:

If we ever get free to congregate, let me know, I'd be glad to help.

You're on(!), but full disclosure- your pay will suck and your boss will be a dork.

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

Yes, it looks like you are using a solid rod rather than tubes.  Did you decide one over the other or that's just what you used?

"Big Smooth"

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

I'm makin' "empty" boxes..............

23 (edited by Wanabgts April 6, 2020 3:56 pm)

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

kidvolt wrote:

Yes, it looks like you are using a solid rod rather than tubes.  Did you decide one over the other or that's just what you used?

Monte, I feel the piano wire for the main rails is far superior. Usually have some "flex" is advantageous. The wire, while it can be bent, has great recoil. So unless you really slam it you should be fine.

The tubing will provide almost no flex, and has no recoil. So if it bends, its going to stay bent!

If you looks at Samson and Chris Walker cars almost all of them employ .047" or .055" wire for the "main" rails!


Re: My "lockdown" projects.

A couple projects finished up this weekend.

This Fly Viper was one of the first three slot cars I purchased. Not knowing that it would be utter crap. So this weekend I set out to fix it!

The motor is only an 18k, and it could handle more. But it runs very nicely now with some aluminum wheels, and a pod coversion.

Not a cheap or easy car to build. But I have hung on to the first three cars that got me into the hobby, so at least now I can enjoy this one!

Re: My "lockdown" projects.

The next car I started working on was my "World Championship" proxy car. A race which you have qualify into with a 5th place or higher finish in a national proxy.

This is my v2 car. To compare against my first and start going down an upgrade path.

I have had a lot of success recent running C-cans in angle winder pods, so I wanted to give that a shot. Again, not the strongest motor for starting out. But I can easily upgrade that once the handling is there!
