Re: Projects: Done/Not So Done
by howie » Thu Apr 14, 2016 9:21 am
Currently working on a new Can-Am car. Don't know what brand this chassis is out of my old chassis drawer but it will be used on this new Lexan body from Blue Groove: Google it. They do a lot of bodies for R/C cars also. This body is a .030" Lexan Chaparral. It is almost like working with a hard body! These bodies should last a long time. In case you want to spray paint, the blue coating prevents over spray on the outside of the body. The blue coating easily peals off. The body is rather narrow for this chassis: 2.970" at the bottom. The chassis is 3.190". So if my math is right I will have to narrow the chassis by .220". The body is really nice and detailed, I see no flaws in it. I already roughed out the wheel wells. Once again I will fabricate an adjustable rear axle mount.