Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I like the "break out" as a designation for classes. The older cars could have a minimum break out lap time for example of say 9.0 seconds, and anything faster could or would be the newer cars? That keeps it pretty simple and opens things up a lot! We could rub both divisions together with anyone running faster than the break out in the upper division?


Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Some of us can make a fast car slow just by our driving.  roll

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I hear ya' !!!!....I have that ability or affliction, whichever way you see it!!!

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

From Goose:

I am thinking in terms of when the cars went from small block cars to the Big block cars in terms higher performance & handling. A small block car class would have a specific years of cars with a max motor spec, a big block class would have it's specific years of cars with a max motor spec. The times and laps would be separate from the two classes regardless of lap times and total laps run. Scoring would be for "each class only" and not in competition with each other. A racer could run just one class, or if allowed run both classes with different cars. That way we do not have to worry about break out times, and bumping people up in class if they do not want change classes.

355 (edited by Mitch58 July 21, 2015 7:15 pm)

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I don't know much about can am, but I do have a Monogram T70 that handles poorly and an MRRC Chaparral that I intend to run the crap out of. I can probably change the motor in either  direction as needed. Lord knows I have enough practice doing that... Slot it McLaren? Hmmmmm.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I think we all probably have something that would fit either class or division of a vintage Can Am class!

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

From Goose:

I have been doing some reading in my can/am book. 1966 was the first year for "can/am" and it appears 66 & 67 were mostly small block cars. In 67 the big blocks started to show up in more cars, chev & ford engines, some 351 ford upped to 377 were used. So it appears the 2c chap never really raced in can/am, just usrrc. Do we disallow the 2c, or do we include some of the 1964/54 usrrc cars to run with the small block can/am cars? (food for thought?). So i am beginning to wonder if we should run all cars together and have racers declare their car as a "small block" per motor spec or "big block" car per motor spec to determine lap times & lap quantities for each of the two classes. This would be like the way we run our f-1 races with different class cars. Would this be a simpler way to run this class and help Bill keep track of scoring two classes? Please feel free to correct me on the above can/am info above if i am in error. We should be able to create a list of which years & car type had which engines used for racers to determine class to race in(?). Getting kind of complicated, or is it just me!


Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

From Greenman:

In reality it wasn't that difficult. The car specs followed the FIA Group 7 rules (more or less). As CAN AM progressed what was allowed and what wasn't sort of grew like mold. As we know Porsche just threw money at the "Bruce and Denny" problem until it went away the Porsche pulled out. By then Can Am was on its last legs.

I still think letting lap times determine who runs in what group seems to be a really equitable system. As for Carrera cars running in the group, theyre not that over large... I think it would be a great idea to enlarge the field. The old out of production MG Vanquish CAN AM cars were vastly out of scale... closer to 1/27th and shouldn't be spec.

Greg Petrolati   Lafayette, Oregon

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

This is very interesting stuff guys. I like hearing about the history of the Can Am. Guess some day I should read a book! Heaven forbid!

It looks like from what I've been reading you guys have come to a mutual agreement on two major things regarding the class. 1) There should be two divisions within the class for the older type cars and the newer cars. 2) Pretty much anything goes as to the car specifics. The only problem I see in using lap times as a break out, or to designate the two class divisions would be in the case of "sandbagging". Personally I don't think that would be a problem but who knows. However with that said, if there were enough dispariety between the legal motors for the class (i.e. 18k motors for the earlier cars -vs- say 25k motors for the later cars) the lap times issue would resolve itself, and probably be a moot point. The breakout lap time could be set at a point where a perfect lap would be needed for an early car to break out, and it would be a high enough lap time that it would be easily obtainable by the later cars. Another point in regards to using lap times as a measurement, with the new lap counter/timing system we are using we have median laps times for the entire race. That might be a useful tool should you guys decide to use lap times as some sort of gauge.

I agree the Vanquish cars should be inelligible. I'm good with the Carrera cars in the mix.


Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Thanks for the racing last night Bill. Dominic and I had a great time and he can't wait to do it again.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

We had a great time too.  Always fun to get our and run the little cars.  Thanks Bill.

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Bill: Thank you for the snacks & "slam-bam" night of great racing. Lots of fun with a great group of people. Rico; please tell dominic i said thanks for the great job of getting my brm car back on the track when i landed in "no-mans land", he did a great job of jumping in there and grabbing the picker and getting me back on track in the right lane and in the right direction-well done!
Kid volt; great job of driving with you're group c car, you really have that car flying.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

You're welcome guys! I really enjoy the Odd Thursday races! We have some great racing and an excellent group of people!

We've been busy with the garage sale, but I'll get the results posted from the race as soon as I can.


Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

The racing on Odd Thursday Nights seems to be getting closer with each race! Attendance has been very good even through the hot summer nights. Here's the results from the July 23rd race:

Trans Am Results:

DQ Glenn Heath 54.9 laps (Glenn broke both his elligible cars - raced his NAK-Spec Car)
1st Greg Petrolati 52.0 laps - Fastest Lap of the Race 9.938
2nd Bill Bostic 51.7
3rd  Goose Gossett 50.8
4th Bryan Dickerson 50.5
5th  Monte Saager 48.4
6th  Rico Locati 48.0
7th  Mitch Brooks 47.7
8th  Dennis Hart 47.2
9th  Al Christensen 47.0
10th Victoria Saager 42.7
11th Jim Jones 39.6
12th Dominic Locati 39.1
13th Cash Shepski 33.4

GT Class Results:

DQ Bill Bostic 58.2 laps (motor>21.5k)
DQ Greg Petrolati 58.2 (motor>21.5k)
1st Monte Saager 58.1 - 8.760 Fastest Lap of the Race
2nd Goose Gossett 55.9
3rd Dennis Hart 54.9
4th Bryan Dickerson 54.1
5th Rico Locati 53.6
6th Glenn Heath 51.5
7th Mitch Brooks 49.6
8th Victoria Saager 48.7
9th Jimmy Jones 46.2
10th Al Christensen 44.7
11th Cash Shepski 35.6
12th Dominic Locati 32.8

Over 50 Class Results:

1st Rico Locati 53.6 laps
2nd Goose Gossett 51.8 - Fastest Lap of the Race 9.551
3rd Al Christensen 50.3
4th Bill Bostic 46.6
5th Mitch Brooks 43.7
6th Bryan Dickerson 41.8
7th Dominic Locati 31.5

BRM Porshe 962 Results:

1st Rico Locati 58.0 -  8.415 fastest lap
2nd Bill Bostic 57.7 - 8.419
3rd Goose Gossett 56.2 - 8.661
4th Al Christensen 54.0 - 8.889
5th Mitch Brooks 49.5 - 9.461
6th Dominic Locati 46.8 - 9.047

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Hey Bill: Thank you for hosting another great Thursday night of ruckus slam-in fighting race bouts @ Too-Bad raceway! You are to be applauded for sharing you're track and home for all of us racers, enough cannot be said for you're efforts!! Had a great time being shoved around the track last night. I have to really thank Chet' here for his letting me use his brm car last night, that beast really hauls, and i feel really privileged he shared it with me! For me that is one of the acts that make Naste special for me. I am already anxious for the next Thursday night race. Now i need to find a "legal" vintage car.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Thanks Goose for the nice words, and thanks to everyone that came out to race!

Amy volunteered to help me post the race results and keep track of the stats. She is developing a spread sheet we can use, so look for the results to soon be posted along with more stats you can use for tuning your cars. Thanks Amy!


Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Goose, your welcome and I'd say anytime but I might be lying. Seriously, I'd lend you a car again in the future, just not a good one. Thanks Bill for another fun filled night of racing, crashing, eating and bench racing.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I will go ahead and post race results until Amy is able to get our spread sheet up and running.

Results from the August 13th race:

Classic Sports Car Class:
1st Rico Locati 51.1 laps
2nd Goose Gossett 50.2
3rd  tie Greg Petrolati 49.3
3rd tie Bryan Dickerson 49.3
5th  Glenn Heath 48.3
6th  Chris Kouba 48.0
7th  Al Christensen 47.7
8th  Jeff Fields 46.7
9th  Amy Fields 39.7
10th Bill Bostic 37.7

F1 Class Results:
1st Goose Gossett 54.5
2nd Amy Fields 51.5
3rd Rico Locati 49.5
4th tie Greg Petrolati 48.5
4th tie Jeff Fields 48.5
6th Bill Bostic 47.2
7th Chris Kouba 45.4
8th Bryan Dickerson 35.4
9th Glenn Heath 30.7
10th Al Christensen 29.8

BRM Porsche 962 Class Results:
1st Goose Gossett 61.5 laps
2nd Rico Locati 57.4
3rd Chris Kouba 57.1
4th Al Christensen 55.4
5th Bryan Dickerson 53.5
6th Bill Bostic 47.1

Over 50 Class Results:
1st Goose Gossett 52.7
2nd Rico Locati 51.2
3rd Al Christensen 50.0
4th Chris Kouba 49.9
5th Bill Bostic 44.5

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I've been promoting and holding slot car races for over 35 years now. In that time I've learned that rules are an important part of a successful racing program, and that for the most part, the simpler the rules the better. Here at TooBad Motorplex the written rules ar simple, and even those are loosely enforced. That has resulted in some great racing on odd Thursday nights. However as we develope and refine our cars, and improve our driving skills on the race course, the racing becomes closer. As the racing tightens up the rules become more important as a car's performance becomes more of a factor as skill levels equalize.

At the last race I stated for a car/driver to claim an official win, the car must be compliant to all the rules. What bothers me the most about out of spec car wins is that it skews the race statistics. A lap record is of no value if it cannot possibly be met or broken by a legally prepared car. So that brings us to rule enforcement, and I just totally HATE that! It seems lately the biggest issue with the rules seems to be motors that are above spec, producing more RPM than allowed by the rules.

I am currently conducting some testing using a hand held mechanically driven electronic tachometer. My goal is to come up with a "spec" number to use as a guide to determine if a particular car's motor is within the rules. Where this becomes difficult is in obtaining a measurement from a car without total disassembly and removal of the motor. I addition to RPM, this particular instrument I have measures in FT/MIN. I have found that the FT/MIN reading may be usefull as the reading can be obtained without disassembly of the car, by measuring rear wheel speed. I understand that there are other variables that affect the rear wheel reading such as tire diameter, friction, and gear ratios. From testing I have seen that these variables do not have a great affect on the FT/MIN readings. The RPM readings on the other hand vary much more according to tire diameter and gearing, and the readings also fluctuate more as the car runs. To date I have test data from more than 60 cars of all makes and configurations.

I will continue with the testing and may even try to validate the test results at the next race. Please keep in mind NOTHING is really changing at TooBad in regards to the current rules. The testing to be done is simply accomplished, and will only be required of the "official" winning car. The Traction Magnet Rule for new and less experienced racers that have not won a race is still in effect. The only difference is in my data collection as cars with traction magnets will not be elligible for establishing records (excluding the BRM Porsche 962 Class). In addition there are other reasons a racer may wish to race a car that is out of compliance with the class rules, such as car developement and testing for another race or track. TooBad's policy of WHAT a racer can race or put on the track is not changing. What is changing is a car's elligibility for an "official win".


Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

My motor testing has yielded a couple surprises so far. In our Trans Am Class some Scalextric cars are equipped with "Sport" motors from the factory. These motors have a chrome metal sticker on them indicating "SPORT". These motors are not listed on our official motor spec sheet, but they are listed at 25,000 RPM at 12 volts by the factory (I have two new in the boxes). I have also had one stock Scalextric motor in a Trans Am Camaro test out with statistics well above most other cars. In addition I have had one Fly black stripe motor test out well above average also.

More testing to follow.   ==========Bill

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I installed H&R 18K Hawk motors in both Scalextric Trans Am cars and in my Slot It GT40 for classic sports car. It will be interesting to see how much variation there is amongst the three. Bill, are you testing at 12 volt per some factory specs or at 10 volts that we run on? I also noticed that the Ninco motors are rated at 14.4 volts, it will be interesting to see what they turn at 10 or 12 volts.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

I am conducting all my testing at the 10 volt setting we race at. Because I am taking readings off the rear tire the actual motor RPM is not relevant. I am looking for a reading or value that represents the upper limit of a cars performance based on Ft/Min (feet traveled per minute). Our rules specify what motors are legal by the official chart's RPM readings of motors at 12 volts. It does not attempt to specify what actual RPM the motors produce at our race voltage of 10 volts. One can assume the actual motor RPM is less than what is specified on our official chart. For a motor to be considered legal it's stated RPM rating at 12 volts must meet the specifications for the intended class. What RPM it actually makes at 10 volts is irrelevant.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Hi Bill: Thank you for hosting another fun night of hard racing. It sure is neat to see so many "core" club racers show up to battle it out against each other. I also really enjoy seeing their new cars they bring to race. I am enjoying the various classes you have established for us too.

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Thanks to Mitch and Monte we were able to complete more motor testing yesterday before the race. To date 166 cars have been tested and the data has been recorded. Monte is in the process of compiling all the collected data into a spread sheet. At the end of the days testing, Al MEAT Christensen's KTM powered Over 50 Class Cheetah stood head and shoulders above all other comers! Al's Cheetah destroyed everything earning Al the "KING MEAT" title!!!

Stand by for more.......

Re: NASTE Odd Thursday Night Racing Rules & Current Thread

Aug.27th - The racing in last night's Odd Thursday race was extremely close! Highlights of the night included a Birthdday Boy celebration for Mitch, and my successful completion of adding a late racer to our computerized racer line up (finally)! In the Trans Am race the difference between first and eleventh was less than 5.5 laps! The same was true for the GT Class race with a spread of less than 3.5 laps between second and tenth! The Goose swept the night scoring two more wins and proving once again, Geese truely do fly! New racer Cash Shepski showed great improvement in his car control skills, increasing his previous race average by 10 laps! We only raced two classes so the racing was over early and the bench racing started around 9:00pm. All in all it was a fun night and I had a great time! Thank you to all that made it out!


Trans Am:
1st Goose Gossett 53.5 laps
2nd Bill Bostic 52.5
3rd  Greg Petrolati 52.4
4th Rico Locati 51.2
5th  Dennis Hart 51.1
6th  Jeff Fields 50.9
7th  Monte Saager 50.6
8th  Glenn Heath 50.5
9th  Amy Fields 50.3
10th Al Christensen 48.2
11th Mitch Brooks 48.1
12th Bryan Dickerson 46.3
13th Victoria Saager 46.2
14th Cash Shepski 44.2

GT Class:
1st Goose Gossett 58.5
2nd Jeff Fields 56.1
3rd Glenn Heath 55.7
4th Rico Locati 55.3
5th tie Monte Saager 55.0
5th tie Bryan Dickerson 55.0
7th Bill Bostic 53.9
8th Greg Petrolati 53.0
9th Dennis Hart 52.8
10th Amy Fields 52.7
11th Al Christensen 50.5
12th Mitch Brooks 48.4
13th Victoria Saager 44.2
14th Cash Shepski 41.2