1 (edited by Dorothy the Hammer January 20, 2013 11:58 am)

Topic: NASTE at Penguin Point 1-19-13

Thanks for hosting such a fine race Monte and Victoria. What a fun and furious night of racing.

Thanks Bryan for the terrific magnet!

I sure hope Dorothy's Ditch doesn't catch on, (even though my car did spend a lot of time in it) and I want to thank my great crew, Bryan, Tracy, Perry and Tyler, for helping my sorry butt get a second place finish! smile

See you all at the next race!

Monte 1-19-12


http://s737.photobucket.com/albums/xx14 … ?start=all

Re: NASTE at Penguin Point 1-19-13

Sorry I missed the race yesterday, but Diane and I were preparing for the arrival of our new grandson. He eventually arrived at 4:49 Sunday morning. From the look of concentration on his face, by 9:00am he appeared to be wanting to do some slot racing..............................well, it looked that way to me anyway..................................


Re: NASTE at Penguin Point 1-19-13

Dorothy the Hammer wrote:

I sure hope Dorothy's Ditch doesn't catch on

I don't know, it does have a certain truth to it much like Dorothy the Hammer.

Thank you Monte and Victoria for a great digital enduro, I had a great time even though our team got skunked again.  All the work on the track paid off as I don't remember any track related problems.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: NASTE at Penguin Point 1-19-13

CONGRATS  on the new grandson Bill!!! How wonderful! Best wishes to Mom and Dad too! Hope they are all doing well. We missed you at the race, but what you were doing was way more important! smile

Well Rico, I guess I did kind of own that ditch Saturday night since I spent so much time in it. tongue

Other than that ditch, the track was pretty nice! Thanks for putting so much hard work into it Monte and Victoria.