Topic: NASTE Race #4 - 2011 Season

Thanks to the Courtney boys for a fun and frantic night of racing.  Those jalopies are both treacherous and fun.  As slippery as they were to me I was unable to enter race-driver mode and had to resort to lap-getter mode. 

And that was one great crowd with 19 racers in attendance.  What a season!

We'll look forward to pictures from the Hammer and perhaps some video.

"Big Smooth"

Re: NASTE Race #4 - 2011 Season

Thanks to Jeff, Jake and Cathy for another fun filled Naste race with the jaunting jalopies.  The hot dogs were top notch and the Hammer's goodies are always welcome.  I'm pretty sure that was my best finish at Hemi Heights and you all are slipping or I'm getting used to the difficult, er challenging Naste Flyers.


Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.