Topic: Something in Pink?

Two of our grand daughters were over recently racing and trash talking with each other. And like kids they swapped cars often.

When I asked Rose who was three, almost four what she kind of car she wanted to drive next she said "a pink one".

Well I didn't have a pink car but I did have a Ninco Mercedes with a broken wing.

So the next day after installing a suitable motor for an almost four year old into the paint booth it went. 

I was able to find what to my eyes seemed like a little girl pink. she was thrilled.

Re: Something in Pink?

That's awesome! If I was three and my grand father made a car just for me I would be thrilled too! We have to see the video of her racing it next time!

Re: Something in Pink?

Carrera makes this one, but the one grandpa made is probably much better.

Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.

Re: Something in Pink?

Looks great Mitch! Children are really lucky when they have grandparents who spend that sort of time and energy on them!