(2 replies, posted in Cars)

Interesting...  Bringing out 2 Euro models and then 2 domestic models at the same time.  Very nice!  Not terribly inclined to pick one up (well, not yet anyway) but they do look cool.

I am very much looking forward to finding out what our enduro cars are!


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

For $26, I put a new brake on.  This served 2 functions- 1) I could put the hydraulic brake back on the mountain bike and 2) I can eliminate brake drag by backing out the adjustment.  Score on both fronts!

All this for $26:


New brake lever location:

Then I hired some new development drivers (neighbor kids) to shake it down:



It was good to see it moving again, and very cool to watch go by even if I wasn't in it.  It looks great on the road.

I did try starting the bodywork but I clearly have a lot to learn in that arena, so no pictures yet.


What a fun night of hard fought, close racing again...  Thanks Bill.

Thankfully I somehow did manage to avoid most of the carnage with the BRM's and over 50.  Some of those heats in the TA class were PHENOMENALLY close!  Good competition and great people, and I was happy to come in 2nd.  Looking forward to the next Odd Thurs, but unfortunately I'll miss it.  I will be around for the next one after that though...  So looking forward to that!


Last names please, for the entry list.  I know I probably should them already but...


(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

The plan is for a hand-formed alu body riveted to steel supports beneath.  But talk is cheap and I have very little idea of what I am doing with that.  Fiberglass and foam would be much easier, but I want to learn alu and the resin stuff is stinky and messy.



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

Scuderia Kouba chassis #001 made excellent progress over my weekend:


The astute observer may notice the extensive triangulation added to the chassis sides and bottom, the re-enforced roll structure, rear bumper attached (along with rear tow point, which isn't actually visible), rear fender/bodywork support fabbed, and the 6 point harness installed- color-coordinated of course!

Not visible in the photo is the skeleton of the nose cone which has been constructed.  It was another productive weekend.

I think the chassis is only one or two pieces of steel away from being ready for paint and then getting the bodywork re-installed.  I have real wheels with pneumatic tires on order which may necessitate some modifications or re-construction on the front end.  With the exception of that, it's in pretty good shape and once structurally finished, will need for me to learn how to make the bodywork.  Should be a good time!

Word is that these will be furnished painted, like the first 24h. No need to worry about the Scuderia Kouba livery on the Oregon Donor entry. I'm pretty sure Alan said they'll all be yellow anyway.

The Oregon Donors officially now have a seat at the 24 hour table, and the good news is that we have effectively qualified on pole!  We are the first paid up entry this year, and as such, we have first choice of starting lane and marshaling corner.  This is a mighty step up from last year where I was able to qualify us dead last!

So...  Mark your calendars!  I have Stan, Monte, Bill, and me on the roster.  Who else is in?  Mr. Fisher?  Either of the Fields'?  Mitch?  Al?  .....Goose??

If you can only  make part of the 24 for that weekend and are interested in doing some of the real racing, let me know and we can seek a creative solution for your inclusion. Even if you can't make the big show and you want to come up and at least get some track time and run some of the support events, let's get your name on the roster and get you in the house.

It's a fun time with some great people so come race with your fellow NASTE Oregon Donor Brothers (or Sisters)!



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

More pics from testing on Thurs.  The first is from 2:30AM, having just completed enough of my entry to actually sit and roll down the road in it.  Yes, I am supposed to wake up in 4 more hours to head to Bill's:


Upon arrival at Casa Bostic a couple of hours later, snugly in the back of the Kouba-mobile:

Bill, Beau, and Dennis loading the Flyer:

Strapping it in:

After one of the runs:

Back home in one piece, surrounded in the mess of an all-nighter thrash:
(the mess is still there, BTW)

The car ran fantastically with no evil traits.  I just held it down the middle for the first of my runs, waiting til the end to wiggle it back and forth.  It was very responsive to my input while tracking straight and true to where it was pointed.  With the solid tires, the ride was, uh... shall we say, rough?  I had to hold my head off the headrest to be able to see anything beyond general shapes and colors- but once I did, everything was a blur going by!

We only really had one side-by-side start, for which Bill jumped the start.  The Flyer has got great acceleration!  It just shot out ahead of me.  Eventually I was able to hold the gap, but by that time we were so far down our run, there was little I could do to close it.  I did try drafting him, but he scooted too far ahead for me to pull any advantage from it.

As Bill said, a HUGE thanks goes out to Beau and Dennis for showing up and enabling us to partake in this madness.  I also owe a thanks to Bill who is organizing this whole mess and basically crew chiefing on my car as well as running his own.  Thanks to ALL for making my madness happen!

If you're looking for more pics of the cars in action, you should come out with us next time.  Four is the bare minimum to effectively do this- a driver for each flyer and a driver for each shuttle vehicle.  We'd like to incorporate timing into the next rounds of trials, but that takes more people as well.  Anyone interested would be appreciated!


Updated with schedule and link to SCI thread.  Who's in?


(17 replies, posted in Events)

Some pics are here:


My camera was dead so I didn't take it and then my cell phone died and I didn't have a charger until Monte showed up, so yes, all these pics were with my cell phone camera.  If you'd like to see what things look like up there a little more clearly, I would recommend attending an event... like the 24h in Nov!

I am still in shock that Bill hasn't posted pics here yet.


(17 replies, posted in Events)

The 24h heats are 52 minutes or so (14 lanes done twice- 28 heats- over 24 hours), but don't let a few extra minutes discourage you. 



(17 replies, posted in Events)

We weren't last in the first race (5th) and 4th in the second.  He only went three deep in the overall classification (which we didn't make).

Very good times indeed.  Monte lived up to his Mr Smooooooth call sign- signing off his first 40 minute heat WITHOUT ANY OFFs!!!

Not to be outdone... Bill booked an "off free" 40 minute heat in the second race as well.

Unfortunately, their teammate (me) made up in spades for both of them.  We had some pretty sweet handling cars but one wasn't geared optimally and the other was just a bit too slow (needs more punch- so probably gears as well).  They ran well with only a pit stop or two for some braid love, with our pink motored car breaking in and getting quicker as the event proceeded.

I know Bill took some pics and I did too.  I'll post them up here once I have them online.

It was a reasonably well organized event, with things getting off to a behind-schedule start on both days- but only to ensure that everyone's car was well enough prepped.  There was TONS of practice time on Fri and even more on Sat morning.  And as Bill said, it was good times with great people.  Glad to have made the effort and I had a great time.

We will be fielding an Oregon Team for the 24, so mark your calendars (Nov 10-13)!



(17 replies, posted in Events)

Currently the Oregon Donors are Monte, Bill and me.  Is anyone else thinking they will make it?


And I'd also like to echo the thanks to Al for hosting another fine night of racing.  The bar has been raised in many classes and it was great to go fender to fender with everyone.  It was very exciting with the heats of everyone finishing on the same lap and not really knowing what the results would be until they were tallied up at the end.  Things are good in NASTE-land!


My CanAm GT40 had NSR 8.5mm tires trimmed down to 8mm (it's actually my Classics Div2 car) and the Le Mans car had Slot.It F1 shore 15 tires.  All my tires were glued with clear nail polish and trued with the file (the way we do BRM's). 



(17 replies, posted in Events)

Also, for those interested, the dates for the 24h are Nov 10-13th.  It's on my calendar and I will be invoking the Oregon Donors name for our team again.

Who's interested in joining up for that too??


(17 replies, posted in Events)

In preparation for the upcoming 24h race, Alan is hosting twin 4 hour enduros for BRM Group C and GT.

  • Group C is 962, Merc C9, Toyota 88C

  • GT is the McLaren and 911 GT1

Each event will be scored separately, and combined as well, so there are actually 3 races in total: Group C, GT, and overall.

Friday night practice and sprint races (classes/schedule not yet announced).

Saturday 10.00 am start, and both categories will be on track together.  You can run either class first.

Entry fee $62.00

After race party right after finish- Alan's 62nd Birthday Bash.

I am looking to put at least one team together- need another body or three- and I can supply the cars as well.  Anyone interested?  I would plan to head up Fri AM and come back Sat night.


It's on!  This year's Tacoma 24:

http://www.slotcarillustrated.com/porta … hp?t=95219

The Oregon Donors shall ride again.  I am in, as is Monte, Bill, and Stan.  Who else?

3rd Annual BRM 24 Hours of Tacoma.

Racing twice around the clock on all 14 lanes (two tracks) with a brand new pair of BRM's, plus sprint races on Thu and Fri for BRM Classics, GT's, Gp C + Lights, and the Megane


1000-1400 - Open track.  Tuning for race entries
1430-1600 - Megane IROC race
1630-1800 - Classics race (917/512)
1900-2100 - Open track time
2130-2300 - GT1 race (911 Evo/F1 GTR)

Friday 10.00 am open for 24 Hours practice, Teams who have not received their Car and spares will receive them now.
1000-1400 - Open track.  Tuning for race entries
1500-1700 - Group C race (Gp C open/Gp C inline 962 run together)
1830-2030 - Last tuning session.
2100-2200 - Qualifying

1000 - Tacoma 24 starts

1000 - Tacoma 24 finishes!


(62 replies, posted in Cars)

I have a meeting at 3:30 which normally lasts til ~4:30 if it's not cancelled.  I can be there by 5:30 (6 if traffic is crappy) if that's cool with you?  I will bring my truer and whatever spares I can round up.


(62 replies, posted in Cars)

Bill said he'd host but hasn't committed to a time.  Bill???



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

Mitch58 wrote:

Looks like Dennis had a three wheeled car on the tow back up...

Yeah, I noticed that too.  Is there a story there?


(62 replies, posted in Cars)

So is Weds a go then?  If so, are we at Bill's or Al's?  What time?



(306 replies, posted in NASTE)

Glad to hear all went well!  I presume fun and amusement was had by all?


(62 replies, posted in Cars)

kidvolt wrote:

I'm a maybe on the 24th.  Can I send my cars if I can't make it? 


Absolutely!  I'll be sure to use my best hammer when I tune them for you!