Wolfe is chasing a radioactive rat.

Thanks for sharing the pictures and writeup Bill!


(5 replies, posted in Cars)

Those look like a lot of fun!

Well, you guys all know how my cars turn out. I'm just trying to be cheap and not by new tires that'll only get run one night; while still being able to climb the hill and not slide off the banked corner. roll

Ok, guess I'll bring a couple bags of chips unless there's something else needed. big_smile

I'm just trying to avoid buying new foam tires and thought I'd give it a try. Would it do better than semi-dry foam then?

Should I bring chips and soda?
If so, any requests?

Looks like it'll just be Todd and I this year. Russ and Thomas have a school dance to go to. roll

Also, will homemade silicon tires work on Howie's track?


(25 replies, posted in Events)

Thanks for the fun and the food everyone, it was certainly worth the drive! big_smile


(25 replies, posted in Events)

Anyone headed North to the race tomorrow will want to check this out:

http://wsdotblog.blogspot.com/2014/09/t … l.html?m=1



(12 replies, posted in Events)

ckouba wrote:


I emailed Tracy as well requesting his thoughts but haven't heard from him (the "biglog" address?).  If you stumble across him, please point him my way.


Eeeyup! That's me!

The other lads laid it out so eloquently there's nothing left for me to say! wink

Any gripes I could add are purely due to the difference between our local program and a typical commercial one, so not really valid. Overall, I had a good time and look forward to doing it again!

Thanks Bill!

I'm thinkin' I'll be needing a blindfold and earplugs for that job. roll

We had a great time! Thanks everyone for the food, fun and help! big_smile

By example of my mad thrashing skills, I'm not even qualified to supervise the production line work.  hmm