I assume that we will be finishing out this years series with the rules that we started it with.
I think that would be the best idea Mitch, unless everyone agrees to integrate any changes to a class well before they are raced as a point race.
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The NASTE Forum → Posts by wb0s
I assume that we will be finishing out this years series with the rules that we started it with.
I think that would be the best idea Mitch, unless everyone agrees to integrate any changes to a class well before they are raced as a point race.
So from what Mitch stated it looks like Ninco cars that originally came with NC-5 or similar motor can be set up for a Classic Sports car class with a 14k motor limit by using a Ninco NC-2 motor, or an adapter to install the H&R Jackrabbit FC-130 motor into the Fk-180 motor mount.
I know the Jag XK120 had a motor pod, but I guess I was thinking for a solution to the NC-5 mounting in the AC Cobras and '56/'57 Corvette...
A good point was brought to my attention regarding my proposal for the Classic Sports Car Div I Class. Many of the Ninco classics were powered by the NC-5 Speeder motors. Can anybody tell me what lower RPM motor choices there might be for replacement of the NC-5s in Ninco cars? I do not want to exclude any of the Ninco classic cars in the class rules. Since I don't have access to any of my slot cars or parts right now I am unable to do any parts swapping or testing for fit.
The majority of the comments seem to be in regards to the Policar F1s, NSRs, and Thunderslots being superior cars. I think it is great idea to have some basically "stock" lower performance classes to pick from in our list of classes. As is currently the practice the classes will probably be raced on a rotating schedule, so not all of the classes have to be raced. The less popular classes can be skipped but they will still be listed in case there is a resurgence in popularity. With that said I think the Scalextric GT3 Class and the Carrera DTM Class fill that niche pretty well. Both brands can be purchased at reasonable cost.
Other comments are in reference to the Classic Sports Car Class, both Divisions I & II. I've felt these classes needed some restructuring for quite sometime now. From input I've received I would propose these changes to redefine the two divisions; Division one - sports cars manufactured through 1963 with 14K limit which would include the H&R Jackrabbit motor. NC1 and the BWA motors would also fall into this category. Division II - sports cars manufactured from 1964 through 1975 with a motor limit of 18k. All other rules pertaining to each class would remain the same.
I propose an F1 class based on the years or era that the current Policar F1 cars are modelled after. I'm not familiar enough on the years those cars were raced, so some help is needed here. With the class spec'd for cars of that era the Policars would probably be the logical choice but, if another brand of car fit the era it could also be raced even though it might not be the best choice (driver's choice as well as builders and tuners challenge).
That brings us to Thunderslots and NSRs. I propose to exempt these brands from all the other classes and form either one or two new classes for them. I don't know how well they compete against each other but if divided maybe another era designation could be used to separate them? From my experience on my old track the NSRs would pretty well keep up or beat anything, even the scratchbuilt cars so maybe these two classes could be somewhat of an unlimited class with nothing more than a max motor spec?
Even Thursday nights at Howie's????????????????
In regards to the Slot.it GT and Policar F1 classes, do you or anyone have an idea for era or years raced?
What about a spec motor instead of the NC-1 or equivalent for the "classics"? I was thinking any brand name, plastic, one piece solid flat chassis (no articulating or floating components) would be similar in performance as long as the motor and rear tire width were spec'd out?
Looks like we have one new class at this point! Thanks Monte! I will update the NASTE Class list with the Carrera DTM Class.
So we have another proposal to establish separate classes for the Policars, NSRs, and Thunderslots.
UPDATE - with 6 cents in this is what I've got:
- Separate class for NSR, Thunderslot cars, and Policar F1 cars.
- In the GT & F1 classes the cars should be grouped and raced by body type/car configuration era. (I like this idea, but how do you address the differences in manufacturers chassis & motor performance?)
- Trans Am Class left as is.
- Classic Sports Car Division I & II left as is.
- NEW Class: Carrera DTM
Stock with the following allowances:
1. Rear Tires - BOSA (!) - glued/trued ok
2. Traction magnets removed
3. Braid can be changed/restrung
4. Digital models can remove the light boards and digital chip *
5. Weight can be added but you may not need to
Class Sponsor: Monte Saager
At this point in regards to the first two groups of car types, I would suggest new classes starting from a clean sheet.
I have been away from the Odd Thursday racing for awhile so I am not up to speed as far as what's currently going on. The last I saw the Policar F1 cars seemed to be the cream of the class so I guess they are one example I thought was starting to dominate. Maybe that is no longer true. I am really looking to YOU guys to tell me what changes need to be made to car classes based on YOUR observations and feelings. I thought this might be a good time for me to get what you guys have been discussing for sometime now down on paper. As soon as the construction on my shop gets underway and the weather clears up I know I am going to be booked up!
UPDATE - with 4 cents in this is what I've got:
- Separate class for NSR & Thunderslot cars.
- In the GT & F1 classes the cars should be grouped and raced by body type/car configuration era. (I like this idea, but how do you address the differences in manufacturers chassis & motor performance?)
- Trans Am Class left as is.
- Classic Sports Car Division I & II left as is.
At this point in regards to the first two groups of car types, I would suggest new classes starting from a clean sheet.
Al, I've never thought there could be too many classes. Just because we have a lot of classes designated and detailed out with specific rules, it doesn't mean we have to actively race them. If you look at the NASTE rules you can find classes we have not actively raced for years, such as the NASTE Modifieds and the early Flexi type classes. The nice thing is the rules are detailed for those classes so they could be raced whenever the desire is there.
So would it be a better option to just create new classes to cover the newer modifications and better cars presently being raced?
I apologize for my absence at the NASTE races but my current status post move and pre shop construction have my priorities located elsewhere.
With that said I have heard conversations and received emails regarding class revisions and or changes to class rules. It would appear that although there have been discussions there have been no decisions made as far as what changes should take place. I am in agreement that some changes are due in some of our current classes. Classes that I am aware of that have been involved in discussions are; GT Class, Trans Am Class, Can Am Class, Classic Sports Car Class, and F1 Class. With this post I would like to start dialog to get the class changes/revisions moving forward. Although I do not currently have an area available for "hobby work" in the way of car construction/work, I do have some time available to work on the rules when I am unable to be outside working on my shop project.
To get things rolling, please start your post with what particular class your comments and suggestions pertain to. This will help me keep everything organized (i.e. Classic Sports Car Class - ...comments/suggestions.......F1 Class - ....comments/suggestions....). Let's get this long needed work done!!!
Looks like 2nd and 5th to me?
Official Results - NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.3 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway
- No Championship Points Awarded for this Race
GT Class
1 Chris 77.9 Laps
2 Monte 74.8
3 Fernando 73.9
4 Rico 72.8
5 Al 72.4
6 Daniel 70.8
7 Mitch 69.5
8 Gary 68.6
9 Jeff 62.9
10 Chris Hammett 59.2
11 Victoria 58.8
12 Amy 57.3
Standings After 3 Races
1st Daniel 17 Points
2nd Al 14 pts.
3rd Rico 13 pts.
4th tie Jeff Fields 9 pts.
4th tie Gary 9 pts.
6th Mitch 8 pts.
7th tie Greg 7 pts.
7th tie Chris Kouba 7 pts.
9th Monte 5 pts.
10th Jeff Burns 4 pts.
11th Stan 3 pts.
12th tie Fernando 2 pts.
12th tie Amy 2 pts.
14th tie Chris Hammett 1 pt.
14th tie Victoria 1 pt.
Race Results from December 21st Race at RRR
1 Jeff 75.0 Laps
2 Rico 72.3
3 Daniel 69.1
4 Gary 69.1
5 Monte 67.8
6 Al 67.0
7 Chris 66.6
8 Mitch 66.5
9 Amy 65.4
10 Fernando 64.8
11 Elliot 57.1
12 Victoria 54.8
13 Terry Redeau 53.7
14 Chris Hammett 52.5
GT - Official NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.3
1 Chris 77.9 Laps - 12 points
2 Monte 74.8 - 11 pts.
3 Fernando 73.9 - 10 pts.
4 Rico 72.8 - 9 pts.
5 Al 72.4 - 8pts.
6 Daniel 70.8 - 7 pts.
7 Mitch 69.5 - 6 pts.
8 Gary 68.6 - 5 pts.
9 Jeff 62.9 - 4 pts.
10 Chris Hammett 59.2 - 3 pts.
11 Victoria 58.8 - 2 pts.
12 Amy 57.3 - 1 pt.
BRM Group C
1 Chris 73.5 Laps
2 Mitch 73.3
3 Al 73.0
4 George 61.9
I see Fernando scored a third place finish in the GT Class race. Nice job Fernando!
I won't be able to make it today......
Official Results - NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.2 @ Rippin' Ridin' Raceway
Scalextric GT3 Class
1 Daniel 70.3 - 11 Points
2 Al 69.1 - 10 pts.
3 Jeff 68.3 - 9 pts.
4 Rico 68 - 8 pts.
5 Chris 66.4 - 7 pts.
6 Gary 65.5 - 6 pts.
7 Monte 63 - 5 pts.
8 Burns 62.2 - 4 pts.
9 Stan 61.4 - 3 pts.
10 Amy 58.2 - 2 pts.
11 Victoria 54.4 - 1 pt.
Standings After 2 Races
1st Daniel 17 Points
2nd Al 14 pts.
3rd Rico 13 pts.
4th tie Jeff Fields 9 pts.
4th tie Gary 9 pts.
6th Mitch 8 pts.
7th tie Greg 7 pts.
7th tie Chris Kouba 7 pts.
9th Monte 5 pts.
10th Jeff Burns 4 pts.
11th Stan 3 pts.
12th tie Fernando 2 pts.
12th tie Amy 2 pts.
14th tie Chris Hammett 1 pt.
14th tie Victoria 1 pt.
Totals Corrected 2/4/'18 wb0s
Here they are!
Thanks to Jeff & Amy for loaning me a car and controller to race with!
Race Results from Odd Thursday December 7th, 2017
Can Am
1 Chris 71 Laps
2 Daniel 70.3
3 Al 68.6
4 Monte 68.4
5 Rico 66.2
6 Bill 66.1
7 Stan 65.6
8 Jeff 64.8
9 Gary 63
10 Burns 62.5
11 Amy 59.6
12 Victoria 57.1
GT3 - Official NASTE 2018 Point Series Championship Race No.2
1 Daniel 70.3 - 11 Points
2 Al 69.1 - 10 pts.
3 Jeff 68.3 - 9 pts.
4 Rico 68 - 8 pts.
5 Chris 66.4 - 7 pts.
6 Gary 65.5 - 6 pts.
7 Monte 63 - 5 pts.
8 Burns 62.2 - 4 pts.
9 Stan 61.4 - 3 pts.
10 Amy 58.2 - 2 pts.
11 Victoria 54.4 - 1 pt.
BRM Group C
1 Rico 75.3 Laps
2 Al 73.7
3 Burns 70.9
4 Chris 70.3
5 Stan 69.6
Bill?????????............Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!
Race results will be up later today....hopefully..................I got stuff to do first!!!!
Thanks for the racing tonight Al! It was great to see everybody and get a few laps in!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING Doc, and all you other NASTE types!!
This info is located under Race Rules in this Forum ;
Class 1 - Classic Sports Car
This class is open to classic and vintage sports cars, RTR and scratchbuilt are acceptable. Examples of cars that are legal for this class are: Revell King Cobra and Porsche 904, Ninco Classics (i.e. Porsche 356, Jaguar XK120, Corvette, Jaguar "D" Type), old Revell 1/32 slot cars (i.e. Ferrari GTO & '65 Corvette), Carrera "D" Jag & '67 Corvette, Monogram Ferrari 275P, MRRC King Cobra & Porsche 904. This short list is not inclusive of all the possible cars, there are other brands that would fit this class with slight narrowing of the rear tires. Motors are limited to those developing no more than 18,000 RPM - refer to the Slot Car Motor List link on this site. This class is comprised of two divisions (10/21/2015).
Division I: Elligible car's rear tire contact patch must be 7mm or less. The tire width set is that of Revell Classic cars, specifically the King Cobra and Porsche 904. Tires slightly wider than 7mm can be narrowed to meet the rule. Chassis construction must be rigid with no separate articulating pieces such as hinged side pans, motor pods, or suspension type front axle mounts.
Division II: Elligible cars' rear tire contact patch must be 8mm or less. Chassis construction may be multipiece/articulating.
Races will be run at 10 volts.
I had to look it up too!...........My vocabulary ends just before the five letter words begin..............
Excellent job guys, you represented us well!
The NASTE Forum → Posts by wb0s
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