
(11 replies, posted in BSCC)

No problem there, Rico.  Those are good points.  In fact, I actually have a painted track.  Soon it will be taped.  The tape is sitting in the garage on the bench.

The goal of the poll is to determine how much down force and speed we want for starters.  Sounds like your preference would be the RTR choice for now.  We can always determine later what the parameters of a given class might be.  I was just hoping for a ballpark approach.  I sort of see it as 4 base levels:

1.  Really fast cars with lots of magnets
These are the cars we are currently running in the unlimited slot.it class.  Cars are really fast and modified within a set of rules.  Cars can get pretty costly.

2.  Ready-To-Run (RTR) cars with magnets
These cars would basically be stock and so limited to the magnets that come in the car.  Some modifications could be allowed to get around the person that gets the 10/10ths car.  Cars are reasonably inexpensive.

3.  Fast non-mag cars
These are probably the over-achievers of the non-mag world.  Cars like Slot.it, NSR, and even the newer SCX Pro would be good choices.  Probably beyond our skill level for starters.  Cars can once again become rather costly but at least you don't have to buy any magnets!  smile

4.  Slower non-mag cars
Cars with motors of less than 20k.  Most any car could be used since there is a variety of good motors that could be used available.  Since most any car could be used, this would also be one of the more inexpensive classes.  And it could also allow for quite a bit of ingenuity on the part of the car builder.

As always, the actual rules need to be pretty well spelled out.

As far as transitions, I am guessing the easiest way to get out of the first group is by going to group 2 followed by group 4 before ever attempting group 3.  But what the heack do I know?  That's why I ask...

You tell me.  Please.


(39 replies, posted in Track)

Actually it's pretty darned close - I've even gone around PIR a number of times on rally regularities and no, that is not at a high speed.  Here's the actual PIR in red laid over AJ's track.  A few tweaks and it's just about there.



(39 replies, posted in Track)

Nice, I like that.  How big is the layout?


(39 replies, posted in Track)

Yes, the contest is over and the winners were announced.  And they were generously awarded prizes by Bill in the following categories:

1st place popular vote = Monte

Track I'd most likely build = Jack

Most linear feet of track = George

Most equal lane length = Glenn

Thanks to all the entrants.  The people have spoken.  smile


(18 replies, posted in BSCC)

The mighty Bostic Bullet barely made it out of the box last night, it wasn't quite fast enough and the re-adjusted Ferrari 312PB had TOO MUCH down  force.  But I am having more fun trying to create an HRS-based car that will keep up with those darned Ferrari's.  Now what smart-mouth let that cat out of the bag?  smile 

Since the Jaguar not only showed promise but also has NO breakable external parts it will get further development.  The low nose also seemed to shed cars just like a cow catcher.

I thought it might be fun to show what we are doing with our cars.  So if you aren't giving away any trade secrets, post a picture(s) of your car(s) that you are running and tell a little about what upgrades you have made to get them race-ready.  Maybe we'll all learn something.

I know Flyin' Bryan can show us a thing or two about weight reduction.  smile

I'll post the details of the Jag upgrade once it's finished.  Victoria says it needs a re-paint.  You animals!


(0 replies, posted in BSCC)

Howdy all.  I added a poll to the front page to see if we had a consensus on what sort of car we'd like to run for the upcoming Winter season.  Maybe you care, maybe you don't but at least make your voice heard.  And if you have anything further to add, do so here.  Thanks and good racing!


(20 replies, posted in BSCC)

Well, I don't entirely disagree with you, I know it has caused me a few frustrating moments.  But I thought they did a much better job last night of at least informing drivers when it was time to pit.  That's been missing on some of the other nights and drivers just drove around losing laps on empty.  I agree it's too much for the driver to be worrying about fuel while trying to drive around a track at an average of about 4 seconds a lap.  At those speeds there's not much time to not pay attention.

I just added a new poll to see what we might be interested in racing for the next Beaverton season.  Perhaps we can do fuel management with the next poll.  I know we'll be using it on the digital system when we race on it.


(39 replies, posted in Track)

There's no reason not to vote for yourself.  I did.  Well, for me.  smile


(39 replies, posted in Track)

Ok, we've got all the entries.  You can vote for your favorite on the home page.  Here they are one more time:









Thanks to those that entered and good luck.  Let the judging begin!


(23 replies, posted in Cars)

I'm on board with that concept, clearly...


(2 replies, posted in BSCC)

Ok, those of you that weren't there, you missed a good time courtesy of the Beaverton Slot Car Club.  The racing was pretty close, especially after Gearloose adjusted his controller.  The food was great and plentiful.  And although some of the teams seemed a little more "balanced" than others it was a great race.  I think the difference in each team from the next was about 20 laps.  Now if Charlie and I just could have figured out that fuel management thing...  We must have lost at least 20 laps.  Excuses gladly furnished upon request.

Here's a picture of George and Jack and one of those Slot.It Porsches.


More racing action!


and more racing action!


dueling corner marshal's...


Racer's discussing the correct misspelling of "Spedbal"...


Here's the info from the flyer:


Round 3 of the Enduro Series will feature 4 equally prepared Carrera Porsche 935/78


(0 replies, posted in Track)

I've switched over to a new timing program - Ultimate Racer 3.0.

I replaced Lap Timer 2000 more for the features it didn't address rather than the way it timed cars.  That part always worked just fine.  UR3 seems to have those features that I was missing.  It also contains fuel management and a bunch of other features with some nice configuration options.  If you've been using LT2K, then you might want to give this one a try.  It just took me a few minutes to get it up and running using the same hardware I was using for the other.  It's also free and as we all know, free is a very good price. 

So someone give it a try and let's get some comparisons going.

Or, what are you using now and why?


(5 replies, posted in Track)

Here's pictures of the track - looks like a lot of fun!




(5 replies, posted in Track)

Hey there Rick.  Welcome to our site.  If you click on the [img]tag link below it will show you how to add an image.  If you do not have external web space somewhere to post the pictures, contact me directly and we'll get you all fixed up.  What sort of cars will you be running on the 20th?


(39 replies, posted in Track)

At least, maybe more.  Get's a little tricky with a 4 ft. width unless you like NASCAR.  In fact, there is quite a variety of curve pieces used on some of those turns.


(2 replies, posted in Cars)

8.  Slot Car RACERS keep trying to go faster despite the results.  They call it experience.


(11 replies, posted in Cars)

8.  Slot Car RACERS keep trying to go faster despite the results.  They call it experience.


(23 replies, posted in Cars)

I agree.  I think wings are an integral part of the look.  I've gotten replacements to fix mine when it broke off on one end even though it was still usable.  However, what should you do with a wing that actually does break off during the race?  Should they be allowed to continue without it for the remainder of the event if it can't be fixed?  That wouldn't be out of line with real racing.  I'd like to think that by the next race they could have a replacement which would also be in line with real racing.  I recommend the TEAR-PROOF parts.  Or those cars with a less likely to be removed wing.  The Alfa, Ferrari and Porsches are excellent examples.  The McLaren, Audi and Nissan are examples that increase the risk of removing a wing.  Especially at these speeds.


(23 replies, posted in Cars)

Yes!  At tech...  They particularly seem to notice when they aren't spec.


(39 replies, posted in Track)

Ok, let's get this party started.  Here's my entry for the contest.  It's an 80-foot two lane track with a 20 foot long straight in the back against the wall where it's hard to reach the cars, a couple of short straights so Bill can make sure those cars are quick out of a tight turn and a wide variety of turn styles out front where the cars will be a little easier to reach.  Turns range from gentle sweepers to tight 90's.  The car that masters this track will be a mean machine.



(23 replies, posted in Cars)

I think modern times show us that with the advent of the extremely low-profile tire, they don't look all that much different from an o-ring.  Different strokes...  Besides if I ever determine that I am losing only because of not running o-rings, I know what to do.  And it's not change the rules to eliminate 'em.  smile


(23 replies, posted in Cars)

I agree with Bill's comment - there should at least be a hard and fast spec for motors since it's the one spot where you can get the greatest gain with the least effort.  And I'm as guilty as anyone since I've used the orange, yellow and red end bell motors so far this season.  Lessee, that's 3 motors in 4 races.  Yes, that seems unreasonable.  But when the rules allow any parts and they come out with new motors, you either join up or trail behind.

Doesn't really matter what wheels and tires but I'm the guy with a whole box full of BWA wheels.  O-rings don't look right to me but that's just a style thing and no reason not to allow them to be used.  I can't see how those can be much different than Zero-Grips.  However, in the hands of master Billy...  smile

And as we see once again in Auburn, it doesn't take speed to make a good race, but it does take even competition to make a race good.


(23 replies, posted in Cars)

I have quite a collection of BWA wheels if you need some.  Have quite a few of the 001's that are great for front tires.


(9 replies, posted in Events)

I couldn't agree more.  They have a fun track to run on and the situation with the lowered voltage and no magnets makes for a driving experience unlike what happens with our heavy magnet cars.  And for Tony to put four of those extremely nice and not inexpensive Racer Ferrari's on the track for our enjoyment was a real plus.  We had a group of 7 of us from the local area.  And as always, Victoria was on the winning team.  She seems to have the touch.  She's undefeated in Enduro's.  It sounds like they will be having the next one in September.  Make your plans to be at the next one.